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Sex change via quantum physics

Started by TiffanyJ, June 17, 2014, 10:17:59 AM

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Hi I'm mtf and am new to this site. The reason this topic has been called sex change via quantum physics is because I'm studying this field and came across something really interesting, there's a very high possibility scientifically that by using positive thought and feeling you can change the world you live in and there's proof for this but I'm not sure if you can post links here so I will give you the scientists name, Gregg Bradon. He's a physicist. Anyway the possibility is that you could transition without actually taking hormones or getting surgery which I personally think would be amazing! When I say thought and feeling what I mean is they done this on a cancer patient by treating the cancer as if it was already gone and and used their emotions too, it worked so maybe there's a good change transsexual people can do this too. Thoughts? I really hope you're able to understand what I mean because I may have no explained it well enough.

Jessica Merriman

A big warm welcome to the family Tiffany! I think if you wait to will yourself into transition though you will never get there at all. I was a Paramedic for 28 years and I have seen some incredible stories of survival and overcoming odds, but nobody spontaneously changed gender or was miraculously healed of a terminal illness.. You are going to have to spend a lot of time, energy and money just like the rest of us. Here you will find proven ways to transition and merge with society successfully and have continual support. Here is a BIG HUG  :icon_hug: to welcome you and make you feel right at home!  :)

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Well thank you Jessica  :icon_mrhappy: and yeah I know lol, it's definitely something I would consider though, although I know I'm transsexual I've always wondered if I'm actually intersex and it would be awesome if I had a uterus. Thanks for the reply :).

Jessica Merriman

The first place most of us start out with is a good Therapist with gender experience. Have you sought one out yet? They are a great source of information on the whole process IF you get a good one. They can also issue letters for HRT. We all need information, guidance and support which you now have access to so use us.  :) I was confused enough by Quantum Mechanics! ::) Quantum Physics, no way!  ;D


Quantum Physics - studied that many years ago. QP is great on sub atomic scale. Schrödinger's cat and string theory. You would need to spontaneously change an awful lot of particles to change physical gender. Mitochondrial DNA and all the fascial interconnections - it would be great. But take an awful lot of energy... And to ensure the consistency of mind body and soul...

I should add I'm a reiki master so do have a belief in the esoteric - just grounded somewhat.


Monkeymel surprisingly some of the stuff you just spoke of I've never heard of but yeah I guess it probably would take a lot to do such a thing but I would to give it a try. I wanted to be a mother when I was 7, always imagined, me, husband, baby. Sounds so stereotypical lol but it's something I thought would happen :).


Well, I just got one thing to say, it hasn't worked for me yet so I seriously doubt just by the will of the mind it will ever work. Interesting theory though and could be possible with different energies, other than just thinking and wishing it, may be able to effect the gender developement in the womb. Or eventually be able to harness certain energies to manipulate the whole genetic structure outside the womb, but I really don't think we will ever see it in our lifetimes. But really, you can convince yourself of anything so if you wish hard enough and have enough mind power, you may actually change genders in your mind and that mind can see that gender in the mirror. But that would be considered an hallucination or a dellusion.

Cancer and other illnesses are totally different than changing genders just by positive thoughts and so on. Positive thoughts and the mind over matter type deal is very possible in that it may strengthen the immune system enough to attack and destroy the cancer cells. Yes there are stories of the body mysteriously curing itself from cancer and other serious illnesses. But I have yet to hear of someone wishing to be the opposite gender and one morning wake up thier preferred gender.

So if this theory is correct about changing genders in the same way as ridding the body of cancer, what if the immune system attacks evey cell of the body because of the YX or XX chromosomes contained in the genetic structure of those cells?


Candice it's kind of a different thing from what you're talking about though ;). You wished for a uterus, the scientist that's studying what I'm talking about feels it as if it's already there, if that makes sense :). Anyway I don't think I've lost any of my sanity for having hope lol.

Thanks for all your responses :) I make smiley's a lot lol but it just means I'm grateful.