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Lifestyle changes

Started by Ayden, April 24, 2014, 01:47:47 AM

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This is really more of a general question. (Mods: if this is in the wrong area please move it)

I'm having surgery in about 2.5 months. To get myself in good health I'm making several changes. While I'm overall very healthy I could stand to drop a few bad habits. First, I have lost about 50 pounds (about 22kg) over the last two years. I still have about maybe 20 that I could stand to lose. Im starting a heavily cardio based workout routine. Due to a bad knee I can't run, but I do have a stationary bike I plan to start putting in about an hour of cardio 4-5 times a week. For anyone who did cardio for weight loss, should I focus on low resistance and speed, or high resistance?

Aside from two social obligations, I am cutting out alcohol completely. If I'm honest, at one point I did drink too much. I've cut it back a lot and aside from the two obligations, I plan to avoid alcohol entirely. My husband no longer drinks so that keeps the temptation out of the house. But, I have noticed I drink a lot more coffee. I try to make sure I get plenty of water too, but I am concerned about overhydration. I pee like crazy now. I know this concern is probably silly, but I never really thought about anything until I started poking around and saw a lot of medical warnings against drinking too much water/fluids.

The last major change is a big one. I have to stop smoking. I've smoked for about six years, with a one year break that lasted until my senior thesis year in 2012. I've been finding reasons to hold off on quitting and I know that's just me being a baby about losing all my vices. But, it's also become a writing aid. My goal is start publishing and I have several projects that are in the works. I had a hard time for about four days motivating myself to write when I stopped drinking (I usually had a glass of wine or a beer when I was writing) and now I take smoke breaks. For anyone who quit smoking, how did you get through the first few days. It's not the physical aspect that I'm worried about, it's the habit part. I don't plan on smoking again and I would like to replace that habit with something less destructive.

A lot of this also came up because I've had some superficial aches and pains that I think was due I dehydration (shallow pains in my muscles) and because I noticed several (extremely tiny) dark veins on my ankles. I checked webmd and let me tell you, it works wonders at scaring people straight.


As for weight loss I recommend doing cardio that isn't terribly impact heavy. I've had hip surgery and have bad joints. I use a bike and the elliptical and haven't had any knee/hip pain. If I was you I'd  start out easy and increase resistance over time because you have joint problems. I don't know which is better for weight loss, but injuries can hold you back, so working up in resistance can prevent this. In addition weight lifting helps because muscle even at rest uses more energy than fat. Personally I think the main thing for weight loss is watching what you eat because calories in < calories burnt. If it helps I've lost 10-15lbs this year because I started exercising and eating better.

As for water intake I think the most water one who is biologically female is suppose to drink is around 20oz in 1 hr. I personally try to drink 20oz every 2 hours as a maximum intake and more than that my brain gets fuzzy. I usually drink a half of a gallon to a gallon of liquids (including coffee and other caffeine beverages) every day.


Healthy kidneys can process up to 15 liters of water a day according to the Mayo Clinic website. Personally I aim for 4-5 liters per day of hydrating fluids (does not include caffeine which I stopped drinking anyway) if you go over 5 liters just make sure you ate getting enough electrolytes to replenish your system. I think coconut water is good for that.

As for exercise I've always been told that low resistance is healthier, it just takes longer.


Regarding cardio, it's not really about resistance so much as it is your maximum heartrate.  What you can do to get your heartrate up, do that and don't worry too much about resistance, etc.  Also, be sure to watch your caloric intake.

As for smoking - I haven't smoke for eleven years now.  I had a good excuse in that I had a chest infection which pretty much forced me to stop.  After it cleared up, I was pretty tempted to start up smoking again - but honestly I didn't do the smartest thing which was just replace the oral fixation (habit) with eating peppermint every time I craved a cig. 

Bimmer Guy

Any time you have a caffeinated beverage it cancels out the same amount of water you just drank (or something close to that).  Point is, don't count a caffeinated beverage as one of your "liquids".  It is pretty hard to over-hydrate.

I quite smoking with Chantix.  I smoked 2.5 packs a day.  Get it in your head and just do it.  Do you want to lose a nipple?   :o

Top Surgery: 10/10/13 (Garramone)
Testosterone: 9/9/14
Hysto: 10/1/15
Stage 1 Meta: 3/2/16 (including UL, Vaginectomy, Scrotoplasty), (Crane, CA)
Stage 2 Meta: 11/11/16 Testicular implants, phallus and scrotum repositioning, v-nectomy revision.  Additional: Lipo on sides of chest. (Crane, TX)
Fistula Repair 12/21/17 (UPenn Hospital,unsuccessful)
Fistula Repair 6/7/18 (Nikolavsky, successful)
Revision: 1/11/19 Replacement of eroded testicle,  mons resection, cosmetic work on scrotum (Crane, TX)



Thanks for the replies. I'm starting to log what I eat. Fortunately it's easy to track since everywhere had calories posted on everything. I won't worry so much about my water intake. Like I said it was a silly worry.

Quote from: Kreuzfidel on April 24, 2014, 06:02:32 PM

As for smoking - I haven't smoke for eleven years now.  I had a good excuse in that I had a chest infection which pretty much forced me to stop.  After it cleared up, I was pretty tempted to start up smoking again - but honestly I didn't do the smartest thing which was just replace the oral fixation (habit) with eating peppermint every time I craved a cig.

Actually, my husband basically said the same. So now I'm doing some reps of abs or push-ups whenever I seriously consider getting a pack of smokes. Two days so far. Not much but I'll take my small victories. I haven't had any serious infections, but it's definitely been a worry at a few points.

Quote from: Brett on April 24, 2014, 07:32:20 PM
I quite smoking with Chantix.  I smoked 2.5 packs a day.  Get it in your head and just do it.  Do you want to lose a nipple?   :o

I don't know that I can get chantix here but I have heard a lot of heavy smokers had success with it. When I worked in the pharmacy it was brand new and I saw a lot of co-workers quit with it. I'm a pack a day smoker by any means. I average a pack every three days, but that's still too much. I've been two days so far and I'm managing.

Also, losing a nipple... That's pretty good motivation right there! Yikes!


I eat a healthier diet (which wasn't terrible to begin with). I do more exercise and lift weights. I didn't smoke, so it won't less thing to worry about.


Bimmer Guy

Hey, Ayden.  Two days smoke free, that is nothing to snort at!  Congrats!  That is great.  You are going through the physical withdrawal right now, so it is hard.  Good job! 
Top Surgery: 10/10/13 (Garramone)
Testosterone: 9/9/14
Hysto: 10/1/15
Stage 1 Meta: 3/2/16 (including UL, Vaginectomy, Scrotoplasty), (Crane, CA)
Stage 2 Meta: 11/11/16 Testicular implants, phallus and scrotum repositioning, v-nectomy revision.  Additional: Lipo on sides of chest. (Crane, TX)
Fistula Repair 12/21/17 (UPenn Hospital,unsuccessful)
Fistula Repair 6/7/18 (Nikolavsky, successful)
Revision: 1/11/19 Replacement of eroded testicle,  mons resection, cosmetic work on scrotum (Crane, TX)


Adam (birkin)

Just wanted to say congrats on two days quitting smoking, and also on trying to get your health in top shape before surgery. Both take a lot of willpower, more than I possess.  :laugh: