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Need New Reading Material

Started by JaneNicole2013, April 17, 2014, 07:55:37 PM

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I'm kind of burned out on what I've been reading lately and am looking for something new that goes along with my transition. Any recommendations for books or series with a strong female character? Sci-fi, fantasy, romance, or other? I picked up a mystery by Elaine Viets. Haven't read it yet but I'm looking forward to it. She actually grew up not too far away from me and I saw her at a writer's conference a few years back.

"The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are." -- Joseph Campbell



I'm always a fan of Anne McCaffrey including a lot of her non Pern related novels.
The crystal singer trilogy is good

And I really enjoyed the Petaybee trilogies.
(Power play, power lines, and powers that be) followed by the (changelings, maelstrom, deluge)

I totally forgot that there were two trilogies back to back until now... I'd been wondering how so much plot fit into just 3 books.

Note that changelings et al have to do with selkies. So that kinda resonates with transitioning.

All three trilogies have good female leads.


Oh if you want a good romance novel, Finding Gaia by Kimberly Chapman. Excellent read. Sci fi fantasy and romance and amazingness.
Gotta plug the indie authors right?
Seriously it is excellent. I read it in two days would have been one but I realized romance novels aren't the best read in the workplace.