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Started by Constance, April 08, 2014, 10:49:49 PM

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This video sums up much of what I've felt recently. There's so much bad news, it hurts my soul sometimes...


doubleinvert | This World I Know


This may seem crass and uncaring at first, but I can only own the part of the world given to me.  If I become so overwhelmed by the world and all its' heart aches that I neglect the space I need for life and health, and more-so if I think of abandoning my piece by killing myself then I can do nothing for others. It is no shortcoming or target missing to make my own life secure and that I take time to accept care I need. When I have taken care of my physical and spiritual real estate then I can see others and realize what little I can do, and still be content.  St. Francis Of Assisi said it best in his Prayer that begins "Make me a vessel of Peace" and goes on to sow hope for despair, light for darkness, and the rest.
I refuse to have a war of wits with a half armed opponent!!

Wiser now about Post Op reality!!


I really feel you on this.  To be honest, I've been having suicidal thoughts as of late.  Not something I'm proud of but I can't help feeling hopeless at times and just want to quit rather than pretend everything will be okay.  Still, despite all the bad in the world, there is a lot of good too.  You just got to try to look at things in different perspectives.  See the light as well as the dark.  It makes for a more nuanced view that allows for some hope and positive vibes to take form.  And for what it's worth, even if there is a lot of the bad in this world, I like to think maybe I can do something to make it brighter.  Even if that's something simple like taking care of my new puppy and making sure he has a loving home, then maybe I can be some positive force in the universe.  Insignficant, yes, but I can have some meaning that takes form as good if I try.

Are you okay Constance?  I'm just checking in.


Thanks, folks.

Quote from: learningtolive on May 07, 2014, 06:16:52 PM
Are you okay Constance?  I'm just checking in.
I'm F.I.N.E.: F__ked up, Insecure, Neurotic, and Emotional.

I'm nowhere near the brink of hurting myself, and if I was I'd call a crisis line immediately. I've worked too hard, and way too many people have worked too hard for me, for me to give up now. It's just that I get so hopeless sometimes.

But then I have to remember that I'm only one person. As I said in that blog post, "I can't save this world I know. But, I can try to make a positive difference in the lives of those I encounter directly."

One day at a time, right?

Adam (birkin)

I have felt this a lot lately too. In the sense that I struggle to comprehend some of the horrors that happen in this world, and in the broader sense that I have to wonder what it all means when nothing can stay good. When people can even think about hurting another person or not caring about another person.

I think what helps is remembering that there *is* a lot of good, it's just harder to see. There are people out there who would never want to hurt anyone, and who suffer over the state of the world just as much as I do, or just as much as you do. There are good people, and there are people who do selfless and amazing things every day. You know how when we're kids, most of us think the world isn't so bad because our parents shelter us from some of the horrors out there. The news does the same thing our parents did, except in reverse - shows us all the horrors and evils to the point where it almost shelters us from the good.


Yeah. I probably wasn't really paying attention to the news before high school. What a wake up call that was.


Quote from: Constance on May 07, 2014, 08:57:47 PM
Thanks, folks.
I'm F.I.N.E.: F__ked up, Insecure, Neurotic, and Emotional.

I'm nowhere near the brink of hurting myself, and if I was I'd call a crisis line immediately. I've worked too hard, and way too many people have worked too hard for me, for me to give up now. It's just that I get so hopeless sometimes.

But then I have to remember that I'm only one person. As I said in that blog post, "I can't save this world I know. But, I can try to make a positive difference in the lives of those I encounter directly."

One day at a time, right?

Hey, if that's what fine is, then I can definitely claim to be that, lol.  I'm glad that things aren't looking bleak for you despite the current hardships.  Hang in there and try to not let the world get you down.