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I love music because....

Started by togetherwecan, May 27, 2007, 01:41:22 PM

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Music crosses all borders and reaches in where sometimes people cannot.

Pica Pica

Music seems to be the container of memory...a song puts me in a place, and there are many places i don't mind returning to.


Music is food to my ears.  It usually transports me to my past but sometimes to that imaginary place we would like to be.

Cindi Jones

I can share my soul without words.  The instrument and I become a conduit of expression and passion.

Author of Squirrel Cage


All of these reasons and more.

Songs written by others can speak to me more than what someone I know might can say. Instruments speak sounds no human could utter. The sheer amount of relation between a song/piece of music and my heart and soul can sometimes be phenomenal.

I don't play an instrument, but one day if I decide to learn, I know I will put my heart into playing it, because it will be able to express things that I could never express with words, and it's something that most everyone can understand deep down within themselves.

We are human, after all. -Daft Punk, Human After All

The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all. -Mulan

Judge Yourself

Because it's gotten me through the hardest times of my life... and still continues to...


It is the most spiritual, most emotion-filled thing in the world.  There is nothing more relaxing and enlightening then listening/playing music, and the raw emotion it portrays is beautiful.  It can portray the greatest of sadness and the most wonderful happiness at the same time, depending on who is listening to it.  There is nothing in my life that makes me happier than playing my music and becoming one with the soul and emotion I am portraying, for I am the music, and it is me.

an example for you:

On mothers day, I went to my parents house to visit and hang out with my family (especially my mother).  Well my father was cooking some food on the grill, and while we were waiting on that to cook, I was in his office with him and he pulled out his guitar and started playing a slow melodic riff.  Well I pulled out my violin and started playing along with him, just random notes, whatever came to mind at the time, it didn't matter.  I became one with the music and lost into it, giving time and my problems no meaning, for I was the music and it was me.  He and I played like that for about 15 minutes i think (don't quote me on that one for I'm not even sure), and when I turned around my mother was standing there listening and I didn't even realize.  She loved it too, and I can say that was one of the few times like that that I could say I was "truly" lost in the music, because nothing else mattered to me at the time.

That is the most wonderful thing about music to me, for it takes you to another world where only the soul of what is being played matters.  The funniest thing about when I played with my father is that I suck at violin, I'm fairly new at the instrument, but it was a slow song and my ability didn't matter, that is what music is all about.  I wish some would realize that, because many people are too focused on being good at their instrument, or making lots of money with it, and not focused on the music.  If you lose that love of the music itself, what you play no longer carries any soul, the music is dead in you at that point.  So I'm just going to worry about the music, for I never really want to use it to make money, because that is not the important thing about the music to me.  I play because it brings me great happiness and serenity, and I love everything about it.


i love [classical] music except anything by mozart in a [major] key as i feel his music, while exquisitely crafted, lacks emotional range.  :P
i think classical music is the best music as it has withstood the trials of time and come out on top, whereas most modern music has yet to do so, and some artistes have already faded into oblivion.


Music stimulates aural harmony...or discord. I love music because when we listen to a melody, we feel good or something different. (Some people "enjoy" pain because it breaks a monotony.) When we hear music, our personal frequencies (our energy eminations) are to one degree or another cancelled or enhanced... giving us a mental feeling of euphoria or discord either of which can be "enjoyed" depending on personal reaction. In other words, when we respond to "good" music, (picking up good vibrations), our bodies resonate impelling us to express joy by swaying or singing...both of which stem from the added "good" energy.


The arts are the only things that i believe show true soul, showing the true essence of emotion and soul of the person creating it.  Music i believe is especially like this, it shows one's true soul


It makes me all emotional! I can relax to music! I can dance and jump around! I can get angry and bang my head to it! And most of all I can love through music. Music is special to me. Well I am a musician after all anyway!

The Middle Way
