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Started by Umiko, May 14, 2014, 04:06:34 PM

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well i went to my endo today and she is super support and is willing to start me on my HRT meds but have to get cleared by a psychiatrist first so to see if my mental instability is caused by my dysphoria after i told her my mental is crumbling , so i just need a full psych eval done to rule out pre existing psychiatric problems, see if my pcp can give me my letter since she is somewhat well informed but would help me reach stability in my life and hoping that her field in internal medicine can play a major role, than go back to my endo and get blood work done, start my meds but i'll still need to be in therapy and begin my transition. so basically, i can start my transition in time for summer!  :laugh:


Aww, that's awesome.  I'm glad things are heading this way for you.  Finding the right endo ( one that's supportive and available) seems to be like the hardest part for most of us, so it's great that it went that way for you.  Now you just have to make sure you get that letter!

By the way, when your endo said she would like you to be cleared mentally first, did she give you the impression that she'd accept a letter from a pcp?  Every endo is different with the letter "requirement", so I just wanted to give you the heads up just in case they will only accept one from a therapist.  I know my endo required me to prove that I was in therapy and had their "approval" prior to starting treatment, but that's not the case with every endo.


Quote from: learningtolive on May 14, 2014, 04:22:36 PM
Aww, that's awesome.  I'm glad things are heading this way for you.  Finding the right endo ( one that's supportive and available) seems to be like the hardest part for most of us, so it's great that it went that way for you.  Now you just have to make sure you get that letter!

By the way, when your endo said she would like you to be cleared mentally first, did she give you the impression that she'd accept a letter from a pcp?  Every endo is different with the letter "requirement", so I just wanted to give you the heads up just in case they will only accept one from a therapist.  I know my endo required me to prove that I was in therapy and had their "approval" prior to starting treatment, but that's not the case with every endo.
that is a good question. she didnt say from who she'd accept the letter from. she just wants me to make sure that this is something i want to do becuz of the risks of HRT but no, she didnt say from who. if i do get a letter from my pcp, she might accept it though i would most likely still need to prove i am at least taking with someone about this regardless if they give me a letter or not. i already see another therapist who has some experience becuz he had a patient who was transgendered so i can always get written constant from him even though he isnt under the transgender therapist umbrella. oh she did say have my pcp call her when i'm ready


Okay, you seem to have a good backup plan, so you should be good.  Again, finding a supportive endo that will accept you as a patient is usually the toughest roadblock, so it sounds like you may well be on your way to getting on hrt. Congrats.  :)


Quote from: learningtolive on May 14, 2014, 04:43:56 PM
Okay, you seem to have a good backup plan, so you should be good.  Again, finding a supportive endo that will accept you as a patient is usually the toughest roadblock, so it sounds like you may well be on your way to getting on hrt. Congrats.  :)
thnx. but all my doctors can tell by looking at me that i'm not crazy when i say its due to being transgendered, they arent surprised and just say they'll help me anyway they can. but i'll get the ball moving once i get my psych eval done, contacting my pcp and see if she can write me my letter, get another letter from my other therapist and wait it out until i get my pills in my hand. oh i was my pcp's mother's patient when i was younger so i have a really good history with her so that makes a letter from her that much stronger


ok, i wanna ask my side therapist for a letter but i dont know how to go about it. i'm a complete basket case and he know's that but i only seen him for a month(same time as my older actually gender therapist) this therapist is a LSCW as well but idk how to ask him for a letter since he has experience from a couple of his former patients. after my psych eval, i wanna get my letters but, i just dont know how to ask him