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my anger toward person andChristianity

Started by Annaiyah, April 27, 2014, 10:24:23 PM

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Quote from: Ev on May 08, 2014, 08:50:26 AM
I was thinking he had too much Kool-Aid, but...

I'm staying out of this now.   :angel:

Nah, the Kool Aide will kill you Jim Jones' style. But mezcal mixed with koolaide minus the cyanide, I'm in. I don't eat worms anyway. ;)


Quote from: Jess42 on May 08, 2014, 08:15:33 AM
I have just one qestion: How does he know what heaven is like? It really sounds to me like somone downed a bottle of Mezcal and ate the worm and then stared at the sun too long.

He claimed not to have all the answers but he bases what he knows about Heaven and all things Christianity from what is written in the Bible.
They say identity theft is a crime. Well, needless to say, a crime has been committed. My identity has been stolen. No, no one knows my social security number or has my credit card. I'm walking around in the wrong body. I'm wearing a costume which I cannot remove... and the only way I can remove that costume, is through surgery


Quote from: AnnaiyahStarr on May 15, 2014, 06:13:05 PM
He claimed not to have all the answers but he bases what he knows about Heaven and all things Christianity from what is written in the Bible.

Now that is something that is extremely vague. It is all parables or perceptions though the eyes of early society and beliefs. I have never read anything that says if you want to be a woman or a man in heaven you can be. Let alone bearing children and so on. You are what God created you which is that very same image Spirit wise not human wise. Everyone calls God He. Why? Some call God She. Why? Personally I believe our Creator is niether She or He but actually both existing in perfect harmony and a complete equal oneness of both genders and therefore able to Create other entities in that same image and we are no exception, Spiritually. I can't prove it. Or disprove it because that would mean that I could understand and comprehend God and I probably wouldn't be here. I can say that I believe our physical world does mimic the higher worlds and that procreation in this world takes parts of a male and female in order to create another physical being. So there you go. It takes two genders to create.

Disclaimer: Now marriage and the conception of the tradition. It is a completeness of male and female and love making one entitiy, the family unit. And mimics the whole complete oneness and being able to procreate.

Now tackling the gay marriage issue. It truly is a good thing and more of an expansion of consciousness in a love between two seperate Spirits. A strong bond in which one may be spiritually female and one spiritually male or variations of the two. The whole gay marriage debate to me is not one of right or wrong morals but one of being able to rise above the physical bonds and being spiritually connected to one another by Love. Technology will eventually be able to allow procreation between two males or two females. Me personally, I believe we are already there but so called percieved "moral" convictions of society will not allow it yet.

Annaiyah, when someone claims to know something Spiritual as concrete facts, be leary and wary. I can go on and on about what I believe but I don't know without a doubt. It is Faith that allows me to believe the things that I have written here but I can not and will not say that it is how it really is. It is how I percieve God and Creation and two Spirits and how Love can make two Spirits into a whole. Others see thes things diffently according to thier own Spirits, experiences and uniqueness.

The only thing that I can say is don't let people like this or anyone affect your Spirit in a negative way. Anger is a negative emotion and that is not good for your Spirit. So don't let the negative emotions taint your Spirit. But rather forgive that person for making you feel angry. Then forgive yourself for allowing yourself to feel that anger. I have said this before, I truly believe that we are all connected in ways that we can't even begin to comprehend and our inner feelings and how we handle them is our true lessons and is unique to our Spirits only. This person that has no idea who you are has effected you in a negative way and you can either be angry and negative or forgive and be positive.


Quite frankly, i don't give half a rat's rump about what's written in the Bible; i don't care if God made me male for my own good. I don't care about God's will at all, especially if it was it's will that i be male. To Hell with Christianity! God is no father/mother of mine, especially if it is enough of an unfaithful God to send me to Hell for transitioning. I've lived with the fear of going to Hell long enough!

Quote from: girlinside123You're obviously angry at God for not making you a girl, because you can't see why. But do you have to see the reason? Why can't you just trust that God in His infinite wisdom knows what He's doing? He will tell you why after you die, if you don't know by then.

I don't care about why God gave me a male body. I don't care if it's a good or bad. All that matters is my desire to be female. I don't care if that's not God's will! I DON'T CARE! I've said nothing to him about not knowing why God had to make me male! Because i don't care!

They say identity theft is a crime. Well, needless to say, a crime has been committed. My identity has been stolen. No, no one knows my social security number or has my credit card. I'm walking around in the wrong body. I'm wearing a costume which I cannot remove... and the only way I can remove that costume, is through surgery


Quote from: AnnaiyahStarr on May 16, 2014, 03:44:26 PM
especially if it is enough of an unfaithful God to send me to Hell for transitioning. I've lived with the fear of going to Hell long enough!

Sounds like a different God from mine dear.  I'm transitioned, and I am not going to Hell and I don't fear it either.

That is because the experience of Christ in my life is undeniable.

If you change your mind, He will be there, He is patient and kind and knows how we feel.  He wont even send you to hell for getting mad at Him, that's all over the psalms, it happens to all of us.  But He is waiting for us and will help, all you need do is just let Him in.

Don't let another persons head trip separate you from the One who could be your very best friend and advocate, pre and post transition.

Don't take my word for it.   Experience it, when you are ready, when it isn't forced, when you feel that tug in your heart that you want to feel it.

I have, and its been quite amazing.

Finding His heart is the key.  Your quote does not describe His heart for me, not in what I have been through and experienced.  I have had a much different experience than that. 

God Bless.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


As the only member of my religion I will speak here, of fairness.

Sometimes people do not understand fairness or what it means.

They speak of love, and are anti gay
They talk of what makes then happy, and fail to accept what makes others happy.

Things such as this are aparant in many people that preach the teachings of specific religiouse books. Exspecialy when speaking of the path to heaven. They talk about fairness when they do this, but do not show fairness in their lessons.

The idea of fairness to many is that we should all do the same, but how can this be fair when that means the strong and the week must both life that which is heavy? So do somthing that os easey for them and other do somthing that is hard? This is not fairness. True fairness is in, encompasing diversaty, that way the weight carried is in praportion to one strength.

Happyness? And the right and wrongs of transition? If you are happy in your body then transition is a selfish act? But if you are not happy in your body then it is not selfish, why? Because transition is done to perserve your life. Speacking of unachs, their are unachs that are born unachs, unachs that have been made so by others, and unachs that have made themselve unachs for the perpose of heaven. And all are welcome in heaven. What many do not understand is that transition for us, means somthing different to us then they. Transition is done in persuit of happyness, and we persue happyness in order to atain a life worth living. Without happyness life has no worth and god knows this, this is why god wants us to be happy.

People happy in their boidies have no need to transition and it is wrong for then to do this, and they know it is wrong, however that misconception of fairness leads then to belive that since it is wrong for them, that it is wrong for everybody els also. This is true blindness of faith.

Oh how many times I was young and did silly things, and when cuagth by my parents would I say, person did it too. And my farther would say, if they jumped of a cliff would you do that aswell? In heaven person did this too is nothing, what is somthing is that we did it.  And organised religions fail in this regard, because they teach you must do it because person did and so am I.

Back to the path into heaven, its is described as a streight and narrow line and tuaght as it means I hold onto this and so must you. I walk this path and so must you. But this is not true. Yes it is streight, but it is not streight in terms of what one does, but why one does.

For twenty five years I lived a misserable life, for the beinifit of my farther and freinds and family, I became their hopes their desires and their dreams. This hurt because I wasn't happy and felt selfish at the though that my happyness would come at the loss of theirs. Life for me was not fair, and became so unbearable that going on like that would ultimatelly cause missery to everybody I loved. I knew this and asked of god, how can it be that either me or everybody I love be misserable. How can I and my family be happy?

I received and answer, its can only be if we all choose to be happy. I was misserable because I was choosing to be misserable. And I can choose to be happy.
I asked how can my family be happy with this choice of mine, if they choose to by happy again was my answer.
I choose to be happy. And my farther choose to be happy his child was brave anought to choose happyness. When he could of been missarable his child didn't choose his.

Before comming out I struggled with the teaching of the line, And I asked god how can this line be right if I'm not alowed to do this. And he told me that two men can choose a differant fork in the road without diverging from that line. I asked god how this could be true if the line is streight. He told me both men belive they are making the right choice, and it is not the choice that is the line, but why we choose.

This is true fairness. People only see the choice, and jundge by thiers wether it is right or wrong, but they do this being completely unable to see the reasoning, if they could they would see the reasoning is the same.

God does want us to be happy, and god know we need different things to be happy. Man on the other hand only know what make them happy. They forget we are unique and act as though we are identicle.

I let god into my heart, and god is their when I need god. God stands behind me if the face of the misguided. They speak of things they can not know, so they speak to me as though I am they.

What is right for one is not what is right for another,  Do not to another what you would not them to you. But this is the sprite not the body.


I thought that was very well said.  And we dealt with the selfishness question on another thread in here, and determined that it mostly is not, or is not at all,  so long as we are true to who we are and don't just run over others who may need to adjust to that if it is a late transition.

My God has no issue with me being trans.

And I really like the presentation on choosing to be happy, and their choices too, to be happy, miserable, or frankly non feeling idiots like the guy I work with accross the hall when he gets going on gay-hate, it is a truth that will help me with living in today.

Wonder how he will react to my nails today, I am out as GQ.

Thanks for that.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


Quote from: Satinjoy on May 19, 2014, 06:03:34 AM
I thought that was very well said.  And we dealt with the selfishness question on another thread in here, and determined that it mostly is not, or is not at all,  so long as we are true to who we are and don't just run over others who may need to adjust to that if it is a late transition.

My God has no issue with me being trans.
And I really like the presentation on choosing to be happy, and their choices too, to be happy, miserable, or frankly non feeling idiots like the guy I work with accross the hall when he gets going on gay-hate, it is a truth that will help me with living in today.

Wonder how he will react to my nails today, I am out as GQ.

Thanks for that.

I don't think God has any issues with anything. If so we wouldn't have Freewill. I think it is people that have the issues in the name of God. or you could call it rationalized discrimination and hate, 'cause don't the good book say  'Love Thy Neighbor' not love thy neighbor unless they are gay, trans, lesbian, bi, druggies, alcoholics, and so on and on.


Unconditional love is part of the Christian mandate.  Unfortunately, those who are the most legalistic lose sight of that.  They are the ones that the Lord often rebuked during His ministry on earth.  Compassion is a very wonderful thing.  I share that same outrage concerning hate, discrimination et al, yet we as Christians are commanded to reach out to them too.  We as trans need to set an example of goodness and compassion that will shame them into questioning themselves, and ultimately, into what it is that they fear in us that triggers their discomfort and need to lash out.

Sad, really.

I am also bi, though I do not act on it out of respect to my wife and the marriage vows, but the attractions remain.   So there is plenty to go after for me.  And with a genderqueer presentation, nails out and long hair et al, most insecure men are going to be very uncomfortable.

But scripturally, hate, anger, oppression - of the dark side, not of the forgiving and gracious Christ.

I will always make the case that I was born like this because that is how He wanted me to be born.  Late in life now, I see where it has led to compassion once the acceptance storms have passed.

I once thought the same way as you.  I even yelled at a preist on the way to a bar, I was a bit drunk already.  Sometimes time can change that, but bitterness will poison all that is good, and if possible it needs to be removed.  That has to be done through forgiveness, and sometimes we can't do it, Christ has to do it within us.  The last thing I wanted to do was to forgive those who viciously abused me early on.  It's an ongoing process of vigilance, and by the way, their lives went down the tubes,  the fruit of their hatred.

Christian part of the forum, so of course you will get a fully Christian perspective from me.  I came out of a condemned apt building in NYC to get sober and had the shakes for 2 years.  The only reason I am alive is through Christ, and AA.  So I have strong feelings about this stuff.

God Bless.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.