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Hair getting tangled question?

Started by EmilyMI, May 15, 2014, 01:21:25 PM

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My hair lately when I take a shower in the morning is getting VERY tangled and matted. I brush it in the mornings right before my shower, and at night before I go to bed. This seems to not help at all! .....HELP!!! Any suggestions/ideas on what I can try to help with this?  ???


A simplest way is to have your hair cut short.

In my case, the following product has been helpful.

Just do it.


A good conditioner in the shower and or leave in after may help. Try instead of a brush to use your fingers first. Argon oil helps too and it won't nessicarily keep it from getting tangled but will make it a little slicker without looking oily and keep the brushing from damaging it too badly.

Definately though try to untangle it with your fingers first and then maybe a wide tooth comb. Brushing tangled hair to get it untangled I can imagine causes a lot of breakage.


Quote from: Jess42 on May 15, 2014, 01:32:27 PM
A good conditioner in the shower and or leave in after may help. Try instead of a brush to use your fingers first. Argon oil helps too and it won't nessicarily keep it from getting tangled but will make it a little slicker without looking oily and keep the brushing from damaging it too badly.

Definately though try to untangle it with your fingers first and then maybe a wide tooth comb. Brushing tangled hair to get it untangled I can imagine causes a lot of breakage.

I do already use a wide tooth comb, but I will try using my fingers to see if that helps or not?  I tried different conditioners but all seem to do the same.  I have not tried a conditioner is specifically made to leave in though so that might be an option?


Quote from: barbie on May 15, 2014, 01:25:31 PM
A simplest way is to have your hair cut short.

In my case, the following product has been helpful.


I defiantly do not want to cut any major length off of it since it took forever for me to grow out, plus I can't pull off a shorter hair style with my face LOL.   When I had my color colored a few weeks ago the stylist did do some trimming up but nothing really major.  That Biosilk therapy sounds interesting and something I will probably try since it is pretty inexpensive.  Thanks for posting that and I will probably order it here very soon :-)


I love the paul mitchell "the conditioner" leave in conditioner.   Leave in stuff can make ur hair a little heavy though.  Another idea is the aussie 3 min conditioner, I think it's called?   It does a pretty good job of deep-conditioning.

Also you do brush it out after showing right?


Quote from: Jen on May 15, 2014, 01:44:14 PM
I love the paul mitchell "the conditioner" leave in conditioner.   Leave in stuff can make ur hair a little heavy though.  Another idea is the aussie 3 min conditioner, I think it's called?   It does a pretty good job of deep-conditioning.

Also you do brush it out after showing right?

I tried using a brush but since it is so tangled/matted I now mostly use a wide tooth comb honestly.  Brushing because it is so tangled and matted I do not want to damage my hair so I don't brush usually when out of the shower or when wet.


Emily, after your shower what do you do with your hair? Do you towel dry it like going all crazy with the towel? Or do you wrap in a dry towell and let the excess water absorb from it that way? If you do the first you are begging for it to tangle.


Hi there ,

I have the same problem , my hair does tangle a lot .
I use my fingers to detangle it , and because I enjoy feeling my hair I spend a lot of time doing this every day :)
Also I use a hair wide tooth comb too , I don't even hope that a normal comb would pas through my hair without breaking it .
I don't know if it is ok to post it here , I bought a brush called ' tangle teaser ' and it is really good . I heard about it on a forum and the girls there really recommended it so I decided to try it . Although I don't use it directly on the ends , it is very useful after I do some finger detangling first :) . It doesn't have natural hair , it is a plastic brush but it is great and also it has a nice shape so you can take It easily everywhere you go .
I am interested if any of you could recommend a way to arrange your hair for sleeping . I think for me , then is when the tangling appears , because I am moving in the sleep . 
I really love my hair a lot so I get it a lot of attention , care and supplements and I am devastated when I see hair breaking or falling . 



Hair gets tangled when it becomes long and very thin. After having my hair straightened, it became thinner and thinner, prone to tangle.

I had my hair cut short, and grew again without any treatment. Now my hair is a little bit long, but it is not tangled so  much. I do not comb when my hair is wet. I apply a very small  amount of Silk Therapy while my hair is wet, and wait until my hair is completely dried. Then I comb my hair. I also sometimes use the hair iron to straighten my hair. In winter, I sometimes use the hair dryer, but it is minimal. Usually I dry my hair with fan or natural wind.

Of course, I always apply conditioner after shampoo.

Nowadays my hair seldom gets tangled.

Just do it.


Quote from: barbie on May 16, 2014, 03:54:59 AM
Hair gets tangled when it becomes long and very thin. After having my hair straightened, it became thinner and thinner, prone to tangle.

I had my hair cut short, and grew again without any treatment. Now my hair is a little bit long, but it is not tangled so  much. I do not comb when my hair is wet. I apply a very small  amount of Silk Therapy while my hair is wet, and wait until my hair is completely dried. Then I comb my hair. I also sometimes use the hair iron to straighten my hair. In winter, I sometimes use the hair dryer, but it is minimal. Usually I dry my hair with fan or natural wind.

Of course, I always apply conditioner after shampoo.

Nowadays my hair seldom gets tangled.


I have curly hair, think Julia Roberts in some of her movies when her hair is curly. It very rarely tangles and usually all I have to do is run my fingers through it. Think the old saying, "girls with curly hair want straight har and girls with straight hair want curly hair". I love the look of straight sleek shiny hair and have tried to get mine to look like that but talk about work. I wouldn't trade my curls for anything now. all I do is towel dry, add frizz serum and use strong gel and shake my head like a dog and sort of arrange the curls with my hands and let it air dry. When it dries all I do is knock the stiffness from the gell out of it to make it soft. Takes me a total of about 5 minutes to do my hair.


It sounds like you just need a hair cut. It's amazing what a fresh hair cut will do for tangle prevention.

Also, when you're brushing, make sure you start at the bottom and work your way up. It makes it a lot easier.
To dream of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are.



If I am worried about tangles in the morning I put my hair into two loose braids kinda like pigtails. This will make you have like super 80s wavy hair. Otherwise if I can make sure my hair is completely dry before going to bed that helps too.
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You and try to sleep with your hair up .I sleep on a silk pillow case and that helps lots .Tangles happen when the unconditioned hair is not sliding off each other Either get a richer conditioner or a detangling mist johnsons and johnsons has a great one  Moms use it on their daughters to aid combing etc goodluck !


Quote from: CandiceSkirvin on June 04, 2014, 11:36:08 AM
If by 'up'  you mean ponytail then that's not such a good idea.  Sleeping in a ponytail leads to damage and breakage.   ;)  But keeping it up in a sleep cap or something is good.

This is true. Do not sleep wth your hair in a ponytail. That's a long time to keep your hair tugged on.
To dream of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are.


Jenna Marie

I actually use a kids' detangler, the kind that you spray on, brush, and leave in. It works surprisingly well, although I have to work to find a scent that's not too "for kids." :)


Don't use scented stuff in your hair. They're additives that you do not need in your hair.
To dream of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are.


robin s

I have very fine hair and recently got highlights for the first time ever. That left it dry and very difficult to untangle. I had to try several different conditioners for my hair type until I tried one that moisturized. Keep trying different ones.
Life is a team sport. Some of us just started out on the wrong team  :)

Miharu Barbie

I have very long hair (to my butt) that has a tendency to tangle.  When I wash my hair, I'm careful not to rub it roughly against my head.  I tip my head back, face to the ceiling, and shampoo from the scalp, allowing the shampoo to work it's way down the length of my hair.  I use a wide tooth comb to keep the hair organized as I wash it.  Also, when I rinse the shampoo from my hair, I continue to keep my head tipped back.  Basically, I keep my hair slicked back for the entire washing/rinsing process to minimize disorganization and tangling. 

I never rub my hair with a towel; I squeeze the excess water out of my hair, and then wrap it in a towel.  I second the motion on the Tangle Teezer hairbrush; awesome brush!  I also use a brush called The Wet Brush.  Both of these brushes are great for detangling my hair with ease, and they are both inexpensive.  While my hair is wet though, I stick to a wide tooth comb.

I cover my hair at night.  I usually make a loose braid at the nape of my neck, and then cover my hair with a satin sleep cap.

It sounds like a lot of work, but I ADORE my hair.  It is all so worth it to me.
Free your mind and your arse will follow

HRT:                         June 1998
Full Time For Good:     November 1998
Never Looking Back:  Now!


I have really tangly curly hair, but I found a pretty good way to treat it. wash carefully, only comb with fingers, condition with a small amount right after shower and dont rinse (its bouncy enough that doesn't weigh it down too much which is why most only use leave in conditioners like that as they are light) , and air dry, styling a little when its about half dry.  My routine would probably leave most hair flat, but it works pretty well for me.  It takes a bit of trial and error to figure out what works best to prevent tangles, frizz, flatness.  everyones hair is more different than it may seem