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Discrimination surprised bar patron {AZ, bathroom}

Started by LostInTime, July 20, 2007, 09:28:44 AM

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Discrimination surprised bar patron
Arizona Republic
Richard Ruelas

Michele de LaFreniere, the transgender woman who filed a complaint against a Scottsdale nightclub that refused her admittance, said she is used to being stared at but is not used to discrimination.

"Growing up as a White male, I never knew discrimination," de LaFreniere said Thursday at a news conference.

Posted on: July 20, 2007, 09:28:29

See also:,16334.0.html


Quote"Growing up as a White male, I never knew discrimination," de LaFreniere said Thursday at a news conference.

Very telling comment!  Very honest! And it is a major reason why some people have a problem with people that transition. The people in a given social role have earned their stripes, so to speak. Than someone comes along and transitions, and expects everyone to extend to them the same respect and acceptance as is given to everyone else, even though it may be perceived that they did not earn their place.

Like it or not, we live in a hierarchy called the patriarchy, and women earn their place and status in that hierarchy during the course of their life. People that transition, especially m2f's like the person quoted, never have to go thru a lot of the things most women do to find their place in the women's world. It has been my experience, that people are not cognizant of the discrimination this person speaks of, because they have not lived the life. And some people perceive them to thoughtless, instead of clueless. It's a huge difference.

Having said all of that, it's still discrimination just the same. Just a tough learning curve for both sides. Cases like these could help shorten that curve. Out of bad things comes good also.


Quote from: Lori on July 20, 2007, 10:41:35 AM>-bleeped-<-gate/

Well prejudice is alive and well there.

That article is so offensive.

Who the hell interviews a transsexual woman in regards to legal action over being thrown out from a club because of using the womans bathroom, and asks her to prove she doesn't have a penis by taking her clothes off? And then goes on to imply that if she hasn't had surgery, she's really a crossdresser and therefore has to use the mens? That is just ridiculous.

It really gets to me that people can be so juvenile over things like this.



I am not in favor of discrimination against anyone, but one passage here bothers me:

"The friend chose the women's room, but found the toilet too gross.

"So, she stood up," de LaFreniere said, "and there was a complaint." "

If one wishes to be seen as a woman in a women's rest room, since when is standing up an option?  A GG wouldn't have that choice, so of course this person is going to draw unnnecessary attention to herself.   Use some common sense!