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Insurance Problems

Started by Arianna Valentine, January 12, 2017, 03:53:06 PM

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Arianna Valentine

So i'm not sure if its discrimination or not but currently my health insurance is Humana CareSource through medicaid and i talked with them about covering me for HRT and Reassignment surgery and they flat out refused to cover me at all.  So i asked them if i could appeal the decision as this is something that falls in line with my medical needs.  I was told that yes i could try and appeal the decision but the answer will still be no.  Now i am currently trying to change my insurance to one that i found that offers everything from implants if needed to laser hair removal as well.  So im waiting on the letter to come in the mail so i can fax it in to medicaid and get the ball truly rolling for my gender reassignment.  But if you have Humana do yourself a favor and find a better place because they dont seem to care about transgenders what so ever.
If you can't accept yourself,  how can you expect others to accept you?

curious about me:,


I've know a few people have Humana who have had their SRS paid for. For the most part, every insurance company with a national presence has at least one plan in their offerings that is inclusive in terms of trans coverage. It's just a matter of whether or not that plan is available in your marketplace. If they are not required by your state or employer to offer it, they most likely won't. So please don't paint a company with a broad brush while in reality it is likely your state that is the one to blame.
T: 12/5/2014 | Top: 4/21/2015 | Hysto: 2/6/2016 | Meta: 3/21/2017

I don't come here anymore, so if you need to get in touch send an email: maxdoeswork AT


A move to Oregon would change that. Insurance companies are required to cover transgender care in order to business in the state. There are other states as well I'm not sure what means to any potential rationing of the more expensive treatments, but they have to cover them.


Arianna Valentine

Quote from: FTMax on January 12, 2017, 03:59:46 PM
I've know a few people have Humana who have had their SRS paid for. For the most part, every insurance company with a national presence has at least one plan in their offerings that is inclusive in terms of trans coverage. It's just a matter of whether or not that plan is available in your marketplace. If they are not required by your state or employer to offer it, they most likely won't. So please don't paint a company with a broad brush while in reality it is likely your state that is the one to blame.

Thank you i didn't know that they cover in other states but then again i do know my state sucks big time lol just cant afford to move.
If you can't accept yourself,  how can you expect others to accept you?

curious about me:,

Arianna Valentine

Quote from: RobynD on January 12, 2017, 04:25:53 PM
A move to Oregon would change that. Insurance companies are required to cover transgender care in order to business in the state. There are other states as well I'm not sure what means to any potential rationing of the more expensive treatments, but they have to cover them.

I wish i could but i found a way around it it will just take me a bit longer.
If you can't accept yourself,  how can you expect others to accept you?

curious about me:,


As would Washington too. Hugs
Quote from: RobynD on January 12, 2017, 04:25:53 PM
A move to Oregon would change that. Insurance companies are required to cover transgender care in order to business in the state. There are other states as well I'm not sure what means to any potential rationing of the more expensive treatments, but they have to cover them.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me.
I am also spouse of a transgender person.
Retired News Administrator
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Quote from: Arianna Valentine on January 12, 2017, 03:53:06 PM
So i'm not sure if its discrimination or not but currently my health insurance is Humana CareSource through medicaid and i talked with them about covering me for HRT and Reassignment surgery and they flat out refused to cover me at all.  So i asked them if i could appeal the decision as this is something that falls in line with my medical needs.  I was told that yes i could try and appeal the decision but the answer will still be no.  Now i am currently trying to change my insurance to one that i found that offers everything from implants if needed to laser hair removal as well.  So im waiting on the letter to come in the mail so i can fax it in to medicaid and get the ball truly rolling for my gender reassignment.  But if you have Humana do yourself a favor and find a better place because they dont seem to care about transgenders what so ever.

Hi Adrianna,

I too, have been having problems with my health insurance. Before I was insured through my Dad and his job but he lost his job and I lost my insurance as a result. So I switched to Medi-Cal, a government paid insurance in California. I just got my Medi-cal recently and refilled my Spironolactone (Testosterone blockers) without a problem and it was free compared to the 5$ I paid for my old insurance. However, when it came time to refill my Estrogen Patches I was informed that I was denied coverage because of my gender. It's been a stressful day on the phone with my DR. and Pharmacy all day trying to find a temporary work around. Which I was able to get a generic brand which is cheaper but my insurance still denied to cover that. With the app GoodRX I was able to find a coupon for 40$ a week (when you pay out of pocket). As opposed to 100-300$ a week for the Minivelle patches (out of pocket). I was wondering what insurance covers the implants, lasers. etc. ? I am starting the process to officially have my gender changed legally so that they can no long deny me for my "gender". What concerns me is when I do that, will I then be denied coverage for the testosterone blockers? Ugh. SO stressed over all of this. I've been on HRT for 1 Year and 5 Months. Not having access to my patches has been driving me nuts. The generic brand (Estradiol) is a HUGE patch compared to the one I was taking for so long and may even fall off when it gets wet. I would appreciate any advice! xo


   Here in Oregon the laws requires LGBT coverage by health insurers. What things the have to provide I don't know. I've heard the Kaiser Permanente services are pretty good though. Unfortunately it does not apply to the VA. The VA will not cover any surgeries or cosmetic procedures.   I do have medicare so I will have to seek those somewhere else The VA does cover gender therapy, HRT, and medically necessary care. (even pre and post surgery care)



hello OP. I have humana or TRICARE. They agreed to do the surgery if deemed medically necessary. I need to get a referral from my urologist who is performing the surgery and my psychologist. I'm not going for FTM or MTF. I'm a male with an abnormality due to KS and i want it corrected. I don't know how much it will cost really. They said all I would have to pay is the $11/day for the hospital stay. I am going to get the phalloplasty and the penile implant hopefully within the next 2 years.


i also live in oklahoma if that helps.


A Federal Directive went into effect on 01/01/2017 directing ALL health insurance companies nationwide to remove all denials to gender reassignment surgeries. 

I know this because I have my insurance through Cigna.  This is not a directive just to Cigna, it is to every insurance company nationwide that sells on the Federal exchanges (

This directive removed all the final legal loopholes that insurance companies were exploiting in order to refuse authorizing and paying for gender reassignment surgery.

The one problem I have is I can NOT find out what piece of legislation this directive is covered under because the memo makes no reference to the official US Govt legislation that it was addressed in.

I was initially denied at the first of the year, but I was working with a Customer Care Manager through Cigna.  She oversaw everything from that point forward.  On 01/24/2017 I was approved for GRS. 

So my suggestion is to be persistent, and I dont know how Humana does things, but I know they are covering these surgeries as we speak because I've heard of other transwomen locally going through Humana. See if you can get a Customer Care Manager or equivalent appointed to you and have him/her push things through to the appropriate departments and personnel.  Sometimes things just need to be elevated up the chain of command.  The review nurse who got my initial file, was not briefed on the new Federal Directive.  Her manager was brief on it and so my CCM escalated it to her and it got approved.  Sometimes the right people are just not in the know and this is unfortunately one of the many what I call "ignorance tactics" these insurance companies use to weasel out of their responsibilities and obligations.

To corroborate what I'm saying here's the internal memo that my CCM at Cigna sent me.

Now for the bad news...

with the almost certain repeal of the ACA...if you arent scheduled and booked with a surgeon to have GRS by December 31, may be out of luck.

All insurance contracts (Wisconsin excluded as they cancelled all trans-inclusive healthcare policies effective 01/01/2017) are guaranteed through the end of the year.

After 12/31/2017 all bets are off.  Why?  We simply do NOT know what the new AHCA legislation being proposed will have in it.  We dont know if it will include all current protections for transgender people, if it will retain transgender anti-discrimination policies and mandates that insurance companies must provide coverage for GRS.

We are hopeful, but with the actions of Sessions, the DoJ on pending transgender and EEOC cases, it looks very grim that trans protections in healthcare will remain in place. 

I feel very fortunate that I slipped through a tiny window and was able to get my GRS done. I feel for those of you who may not be able to have the same success that I did, I can't even begin to imagine to be so close and then have it taken from you. [emoji20]

If I can be of any assistance, dont hesitate to pm me.


I don't think you will find any legislation to back this up. Obama wrote a bunch of questionable executive orders in his final days and I believe this was one of them. The reason I use the word questionable is because he often bypassed congress when the action he was taking required a bill to be passed by congress. This also means they can be removed with another executive order.
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Transgender care is guaranteed under section 1557 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.  The clause prohibits gender discrimination.  Title VII of the Federal Code, Civil Rights Act of 1964, includes the definition of gender discrimination.  Macy vs Dept of Justice (2012) determined that this definition does in fact include gender identity.

(Thanks go out to my daughter, who specializes in this area and pulled a brief for me!)

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Earth my body, water my blood, air my breath and fire my spirit.

My personal transition path included medical changes.  The path others take may require no medical intervention, or different care.  We each find our own path. I provide these dates for the curious.
Electrolysis - Hours in The Chair: 238 (8.5 were preparing for GCS, five clearings); On estradiol patch June 2016; Full-time Oct 22, 2016; GCS Oct 20, 2017; FFS Aug 28, 2018; Stage 2 labiaplasty revision and BA Feb 26, 2019
Michelle's personal blog and biography


The loopholes still exist if your plan is self-funded, as mine is.  Even in a trans-friendly state, my healthcare needs are not available without leaving my profession.


Quote from: Dena on March 16, 2017, 05:40:33 PM
I don't think you will find any legislation to back this up. Obama wrote a bunch of questionable executive orders in his final days and I believe this was one of them. The reason I use the word questionable is because he often bypassed congress when the action he was taking required a bill to be passed by congress. This also means they can be removed with another executive order.


Quote from: NikkiB51 on March 17, 2017, 10:14:26 PM
The loopholes still exist if your plan is self-funded, as mine is.  Even in a trans-friendly state, my healthcare needs are not available without leaving my profession.
correct. the Cigna memo I posted above states that too. This is why I turned my employers health insurance through Kaiser Permanente. KP offers and covers GRS in Colorado, but if its through a self-funded plan they wont cover it and thats why I bought my own plan on the Connect for Colorado exchange.

Quote from: Michelle_P on March 16, 2017, 11:56:02 PM
Transgender care is guaranteed under section 1557 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.  The clause prohibits gender discrimination.  Title VII of the Federal Code, Civil Rights Act of 1964, includes the definition of gender discrimination.  Macy vs Dept of Justice (2012) determined that this definition does in fact include gender identity.

(Thanks go out to my daughter, who specializes in this area and pulled a brief for me!)

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

correct, but last year (2016) they werent approving these surgeries.  I wasnt able to get mine approved until Jan 2017. Something to do with that Federal mandate made them change their policies.

I wish I knew specifically which one it was as I just want to read the language and learn more about it.

Arianna Valentine

Luckily i found an acceptable insurance that will cover the surgery and such its called Wellcare of Kentucky they will cover surgery but i must get 2 notes saying that i require it but right now i think im putting the cart before the horse as i have to get approved for HRT first which shouldnt be hard once i tell them how i feel and what i go through on a daily basis now i am just waiting for the insurance to change i go through medicaid so i have to do paperwork to change mco.
If you can't accept yourself,  how can you expect others to accept you?

curious about me:,


Quote from: Arianna Valentine on March 25, 2017, 05:32:35 PM
Luckily i found an acceptable insurance that will cover the surgery and such its called Wellcare of Kentucky they will cover surgery but i must get 2 notes saying that i require it but right now i think im putting the cart before the horse as i have to get approved for HRT first which shouldnt be hard once i tell them how i feel and what i go through on a daily basis now i am just waiting for the insurance to change i go through medicaid so i have to do paperwork to change mco.

I believe WPATH standards require

1 year in full time transition living as opposite of your birth gender.
1 year on HRT
1 year with a GID therapist

in order to be recommended for surgery.

and you are correct. You will need two notes. I got one from my therapist and one from my Endo.