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Shocking gifts

Started by Kendall, December 02, 2005, 12:10:05 AM

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My SO has known about me and seen me in girl mode hundreds of times. Two weeks ago we went shopping looking for stuff, she got some underwear, and we went looking at makeup. She recommended me getting some water based makeup and eye makeup remover. I had always used the Ultra length stuff which was waxed based. Removing it made my eyes really red. So I picked some new hypo allergenic water based eyeliner, mascara, and remover that I must say I have been very impressed with since getting. My eyes are much less irritated and soothed, even when removing.

We also bought a hair removing device that we wanted to experiment with. Its the kind with the rotating sand paper like discs. Its quite different from shaving. And cant be used on the full body. I am impressed with the less stubbly regrowth.

Now for what shocked me. I get home tonight. I went kissed and hugged her. After talking a bit, she said go look on your desk. Had no idea what was there. I saw 4 small boxes there. I brought them out and in them was 2 earring sets (one tear shaped and one sparkly gem), 1 matching necklace, and a silver with pink clear beads and silver balls bracelet. My heart was surprised, happy, shocked, confused, hesitant, and bewildered at once. She helped me put them on and I spent the night cuddling with her. My first gifts of jewelry is amazing to me. She said it matched my pink afghan


Somebody obviously loves ya you lucky girl :).



Aaaaaaaaaaah that's so sweet Kendra, yep someboy loves you... A lot... :)



Love is a many splendored thing. You are a lucky girl Kendra.



                 It sounds like there are two lucky girls there.


Jillieann Rose

That's great Kendra. Tears come to my eyes.
It's be said that jewelry is a girls best friend but I think it's the one gives it.
I'm happy for you.


Now I am even more shocked.

Last night she asked if I wanted to go out. I said yes. She took us to a really nice Place called Seasons. We talked about room colors over the meal. We are in the process of rebuilding our house some to fix from the hurricane. Yesterday we had installed new door knobs, multi spray shower head (from single plain one), towel/tolet paper/hand towel rack, and soon curtains. We are also cleaning up the sewing/ doll/ hobby room (since all of her son's stuff got pushed and pilled in there).

She wanted me to go with my makeup on, and my new sparkly jewelry, so I did (surprised me). She asked if I had liked her gifts. I told her I had never ever received a gift for my girl self before. And that it was the most wonderful gifts I could have received. I talked about what gifts she would like, and more about what she would like in the house. She then asked as we were leaving if I wanted to go walking in a store to walk our meal off and look at stuff. I said sure. I mentioned we needed a few things.  I followed her into the store. She took us straight to the jewelry section of the store. She started showing me stuff and asking what I liked. She said she had forgotten a brooch (silver dragon fly with pink wings), and thought I would like a charm bracelet with silver hearts, pink beads, and a matching key chain with charms (my necklace, earrings, bracelet, brooch, and key charms now all are silver hearts and pink accents(pink beads or gems) and look very feminine and girly. I am one happy girl.

We then went over and looked at dolls for her. She found 2 she wanted, and picked out a really nice cute one she said she wanted.

We then looked at fabric.

Then right before we left she said lets go to the shoe area. She asked if I wanted slippers (mine are getting old). She asked if I wanted some pink ones? (my current ones are white). We found some really nice ones I like. They are very cute and nice.

She then said lets go by the bras  :o.

She started saying I needed  one. She couldnt find a good cute one to her satisfactory (lol I would have taken almost anyone that fit). She wanted one that fit me good yet was in a good style. The ones she said would look nice on me were for larger breasts. As we got to the end of the department we saw bra accessories. We saw some really nead strapless ones. Then she saw the silicone inserts. She smiled and looked at me and said how about these? That they would add a cup size or two. Happy, we went back and found one that went with my style, she also grabbed matching bottom that is really cute. She also couldnt find a good bustier to go with them. On our way home she asked if I enjoyed shopping with her, I smiled and kissed her really fully. This was really really good and enjoyable I said. Thank you so much honey. I asked how was it for her. She said she really enjoyed it. And that she knew I was excited to get home and try it on first thing.

She helped me put it on, adjusting straps, feeling the inserts, the nipples on it, very pleased with what she had gotten me. I said know I didnt know what to wear over it lol. She said dont wear anything lol. I wanted something, she then went in closet and pulled out a silk oriental wrap/robe. I then went into the living room all made up and massaged her back and watched her look at and fix her new doll.

I cuddled up with her last night and feel asleep with a smile on my face.

I just dont want to make the mistake I have read about of forgetting her needs and wants. I also dont want her to think she is just there to cloth me. She was very giving this christmas and I very much enjoy it.



QuoteI just dont want to make the mistake I have read about of forgetting her needs and wants. I also dont want her to think she is just there to cloth me. She was very giving this christmas and I very much enjoy it.

         That is such a great idea and attitude Kendra.  Just treat her like any other girl in love with another woman would.  I am so happy for you.



QuoteI just dont want to make the mistake I have read about of forgetting her needs and wants. I also dont want her to think she is just there to cloth me. She was very giving this christmas and I very much enjoy it.

The fact that you reacted the way you did Kendra,

I think is confirmation that you won't do that.


Jillieann Rose

That's great Kendra. Now you got me really crying.
As Shelley said
QuoteThe fact that you reacted the way you did Kendra, I think is confirmation that you won't do that.
Just always be sensitive to her needs.


Melissa is very sensitive to my needs and it makes me want to give to her. She says the same thing to me. We're just sensitive to each other.

It looks like eveything is going really well with you two. Congratulations! ;D

I know how good it feels for both of us so you must be in heaven.

hugs and kisses


I read her all the responses you all have been giving her and me. She is very gratefull for them as well as I am. Maybe if she hears that sort of encouragement she might herself come and post here. As soon as she realizes it could be good and beneficial for her to post messages. I have always left it up to her and what she is comfortable doing though I have invited her a few times to the boards.


Let her know that she is not only encouraged to post but that we would love to hear from her.



Very cool and congrats on the new gifts.  :)


I let her know. I think just letting her know at least makes her feel more a part of something she knows is deep and close to my heart.

She did it again...

I came home yesterday. We had some gifts from her son. She openned hers and got a new digital camera. I got a new watch. Then she disappeared saying we have a few more gifts. I was thinking that she was going to get stuff from her other son. I openned the first one... was a new pair of black pumps (2 inch). Next one had some picture frames and a silver wide belt she said is for my housewife dress I made. Then she smiled and said "you wont believe the last one". Openning it I saw black netting and velvet. In front of me in the box was new sleepwear lingerie. I was trembling yet again. I dont know why my emotions do that. It is something entirely new to me. Knowing someone knows about me is one great thing. But when I get feminine gifts its overwhelming almost, though in boy mode I normally dont feel much

I slept happily feeling and wearring her latest gift of sleepwear.


Quote from: melissa_girl on December 15, 2005, 11:00:35 AM
I think this is just a reaffirmation of what you really feel inside. When somebody else see you as you feel inside, it feels very special.

Yes. For me at first it was a little panic a few seconds. Then I feel hot and ears sort of ring for about 5 secs. Then a confused 5 to 30 or so seconds while I think about what just happened. Then glad/sad realizing she saw into me and my deep buried/suppressed desire. Then I feel overwhelmed at what I am experiencing and what happened is real and true. Then I feel happy and accept it. Times of these feelings varied during each gift she gave me. I think they were more stronger for the things held more valuable and more unexpected (like the lingerie and the pink bra/panties decorative set).

Quote from: melissa_girl on December 15, 2005, 11:00:35 AM
I know because I have the same thing happen to me.

I feel your and my partner (Shari and Elaine) deserve big hugs for being intelligent, kind, loving, compasionate partners/companions/lovers. And expressed love in return and understanding towards them for the times they see through our faults; finding the truth and honesty in ourselves.



She helped me find a more natural look today. She dressed and did me fully, buying me a new suit that you can see on my most recent gallery


Wow, those are great colours on you Kendra.  You look great, and I like your new avatar as well.

Chat later,
