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What kind of creature are you in the Unicorn Forest? Come play with me - please

Started by Satinjoy, August 12, 2014, 10:41:51 AM

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I am excited about this topic and will be deeply disappointed if we don't get a lot of posts, in an innocent and childlike way

Who are you in our Unicorn Forest?

I am a beautiful fairy, 6 feet tall, gorgeous, innocent, with big eyes and huge wings, a friend of all of the creatures in the forest, and able to fly anywhere anytime to play with anyone.  I have long nails and flowing hair that shines in the light, ready to defend all the forest folk, great in freedom, innocent as a dove, light as a feather, and terrifying when angry

Who are you in our precious forest my dear friends, what creature is your self image in our very special place, unique in all the world?

Blessings and Joy

--SJ Satinjoy

Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.

Jessica Merriman

OK, time for everyone to see the dark inner Jessica.

I am the dark and sensual succubus. I am constantly being pursued by the good creatures with pitch forks and torches. I live to, well, you know what a succubus does!   ;)

There you have it. The darkness inside the goody two shoe Moderator. >:-)



Who grew up among squirrels.  Squirrels who kept trying to get him to be more squirrel-like and sighing over how bad he was at it and how he just wasn't trying.  Who looks at the unicorns when the canter by and tries to figure out how to have some fraction of their magic.

Maybe glittery claw-polish would help.  Or a satin Mummer's jacket.  Oh, to wear a bright costume waddling down the street in time to the band playing "oh, dem golden slippers"!

"...  I think I'm great just the way I am, and so are you." -- Jazz Jennings



That thing that you sometimes see out of the corner of your eye at times, but you can't see it when you look?
That's no illusion or trick of your mind.
I wander those paths that are next to the paths you're on.
I wander the darker paths, as well as the ones that are bright with light.
I see that succubus, I know those dark and sensual paths as well.

luna nyan

<- points to teh poneh avatar.

My name and avatar says it all.  :)

And yes, I'm probably a girly girl at heart.
Drifting down the river of life...
My 4+ years non-transitioning HRT experience
Ask me anything!  I promise you I know absolutely everything about nothing! :D




I think of myself as a flower. I'm delicate and sweet and want to make the world a prettier place, but, like a flower, I find myself sometimes playing a male role and sometime a female role and am well equipped for both.

That's how I chose my avatar picture.
Have you read my short story The Eve of Triumph?


I consider myself a child, a small slender body that has no secondary sexual characteristics of either sex, long hair at the front, short at the back. Kitty ears and tail are a part of my child-like body. My behaviour is feminine, playful,  hyper and mischievous like a Cheshire Cat. I can disappear at will, transform into a shadow and if need to be, shape-shift my body into either sex to venture out to either binary city but is more than comfortable residing within a sexless body and staying within the forest. The forest is home to me.


Well I would be a wood elf.  Comfortable with sword and with harp.  Masculine and feminine.  At one with the forest and with the elementals that live within.  Warm but distant. Fierce but gentle. Phlegmatic but passionate. A contradiction but a reality.



Ambiance music as I roam without need of direction through the endless mazes within the forest.

Just another day, another path. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?


I would be the dark looming raven that's flying above and watching, sitting very, very still on branches and listening. Trying to understand and to be able to forsee possible outcomes by always observing and analysing. From time to time the raven would be known for throwing grumpy, heartbroken fits, but mostly for being in a kind of meditative mood. When the other inhabitants of the forest need advice in their arguments they usually come to the raven for a neutral and informed mediator.
What very few in the forest know, is that the raven is cursed. Only one side of the ravens soul is visible to the outside world. Only for a few nights a year the raven transforms, and then only if no one sees or is guaranteed to soon forgett.

The mysteriouse figure in a long black coat, a black wide brimmed hat and a loop sided smile is the raven in it's other shape. Drinking an unholey amount of whiskey, constantly smoking a pipe, quoting bad poetry, thinking about and wishing for beeing able to interact with the rest of the forest; mostly for flirting, pranking and for the fun of beeing a good hearted sarcastic disturbance, but (at least for now) still trapped in the curse of only being able to live out this side in solitude. 


I love this thread.  Ravens, cats, succubi, elves, flowers, shadow, joy in, groundhog,  faerie et al. A beautiful picture, and so much shared in its painting.  Perhaps we each hear and add our music to the symphony and glory of this creation.


Safe travels



   Never made it to the forest, ended up being banished to the wilderness and badlands as a female entity trapped in a male warriors body.After 45 years she finally won the war and has now emerged as her true female self and finds life truly beautiful and amazing.   Patty


The forest was just over the hill from the edge of the badlands.   Next time you travel, please come visit, or even stay a while.   While we come in many forms, even when we bite, it seems to work!


  Aisla ,I would still be wandering the wilderness if my inner being had not thrown the switch and said enough of this and literally transformed me overnight.I went to bed a confused male on Feb 17 2013 and woke up on Feb 18 2013 an ugly but beautiful inside female, it was my time to evolve into my true self. I spoke with God ,said thank you and its all history now.One day soon I will enter the forest and greet you all with a huge smile for I will be home among those who care and understand.   Patty


Quote from: peky on August 14, 2014, 07:58:05 PM
Ok, my turn .. I am Ka... the snake, wise, and undulant... but with a bite...I slither trough the forest keeping away the  trespassers


We may need to keep you away from the apples :)  It didn't end well the last time around.


Jessica Merriman



Pretty sure that Cindy already knows who she is as a person in the forest.
It's a personal choice of using descriptive words to talk about ourselves, not to be taken lightly or as a game.
Perhaps we can go to the city, it would be interesting to see the variety of descriptive words the city dwellers have.
We have no need to keep trespassers out, so long as you understand what the forest is, you'll find the way in.
We can be who we are here, and those who don't get it don't see the diversity that is here.
Descriptive creatures are only seen and understood by the people who live here.
But there are those who don't live here, yet understand what the meaning is behind the descriptiveness.
They aren't boxes or terms, they are simply a descriptive way in which we talk and recognize one another.
I have seen that succubus, but haven't noticed a snake slithering around.
But I suppose standing guard and being ever vigilant on the edges doesn't lend itself to much notice.
It isn't a game, but if someone wishes to play that game, there is a wayside rest on the highway that connects the two cities.
It's near the forest, and the forest can be seen from there. It's a good place to play games.
Have fun, that's a part of it, one we know and recognize while we talk in our forest ways, a different way of talking.

Zoe the Obscure

I am a dryad, i live inside trees, i sustain the health of the forest, and consume the flesh of those who defile my sanctuary.


The freedom to express things you cannot otherwise will be found in this thread.  There is great power in that.

I am going to extrapolate on the fairy.

Beware the triggers that will be following here

The fairy is gifted, sensitive.  She sees the auras of the creatures around her, and the binarys, and the Cis.  She reads their spirits, looking for love and for threats, deeply sensitive to their needs and desires.  She flies above, and is never far from the shadow or the wood elf, her protectors in the forest.

She looks within her mind, finding the place of memory, of doors.  There is one door that is locked, closely guarded by the shadow and the elf, and she dares one day to open it, she has been given the key, finally after all these years....

She unlocks the door and looks within.  Inside is an arena, and in the center, chained, is a small child fairly.  Her wings are cut, her face has been pounded, and on all sides are the Cis, as with each blow, they chant faggot and fairy and laugh and mock, lending their voices to cover up the screams of the child in the center of the arena, as she screams and screams and holds onto the last shred of her sanity.....

Gently the fairy closes and locks the door, and she hands a key to the shadow who protects her and guards the door, and to the elf who heals her with their loyalty and compassion.

And reminded of her terrible past, the fairy rises again to fly the forest, looking for souls, relentlessly pursuing all that is good, rising above, but ever mindful of that place and that door that remains locked, only to be opened when needed, but always there.

And the King of the fairies is her friend, she will not hold the cuelty of the Cis against them, but someday, they will answer to that King for what they have done...

So she travels on, with the shadow and the elf by her side, guarding the door, knowing the fragility of this wounded fairy, and knowing the shear power of her will to live and to love and to be free.

I can't say that except here in this thread

Tell about your creature, if you dare....

Nails out, eyes on fire, living life and transcending all the past.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.