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What kind of creature are you in the Unicorn Forest? Come play with me - please

Started by Satinjoy, August 12, 2014, 10:41:51 AM

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"Oh thank you how sweet!" said Shanpooh to Kel the little dormouse, as she looked to the skies for the golden dragon.


The Fairy sees the pretty pooh crawl out from their log, and she is so happy for the new creatures of the forest.  This adorable dormouse is over with them, such a sweet and innocent creature this, a joy to have in the forest.  Sh'e is starting to feel so much better.

Her guide, the endo, has tweaked her portion of the tree of hormones, they still really don't know what happened to her, sh'e has had quite the journey.  There are locked doors in her mind that may have been unlocked, places best not disturbed, and there are questions now to be answered, so many questions.  No answers, just thoughts to learn to control, fears to quench, things to avoid.  Such is the path of some trans, the damage of the early years can be terrible and even fatal, but this fairy is a survivor, and sh'e will always be so.

And so she moves to the mirror, to begin her morning validations, the ones that start with the windows of  the soul, with her eyes.

A smile breaks out again on her face.  Someone has had a visitor... soot on the eyes, mascara.  Oh how sweet, what a pleasant way to wake up in the morning, to look for the woman within, and see both the she within, and the she on the surface.  But more than this, to know someone cares.... Oh how priceless for the lonely wanderer of trans, one that wandered the city, and found a home instead in  a stunning mansion, a treehouse, in the forest, her dream come true.

She moves to the door to prepare to fly... wondering what happened since she was out.... Since she got knocked up by her endo guide.

Oh that one got an earful, didn't they....

She looked at her beautiful nails to see if the mans hair was still attached to them from making sure she had his full attention.

One of her better moments.  Never tell a post partum fairy that you blew their dose, and then overcorrected.  Her nails can be sharp and you can bet the girl that was flying like that would not be in the best of moods.... If she was going to be knocked up, it might as well as have been fun, but, no.  Not this time for the transsexual fairy, her TS virginity  remains.

So, happy now and feeling blessed from her newly stabilized hormones, the fairy stepped to the edge of the door, ready to fly into the woods, and see what is new in the forest.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


the shadow's shadow tried to make fire in stove, but failed because she forgot to feed it.
a thunderstorm had passed over the house and fields, wooly little things had escaped into the woods, it was rainy and cold and wet, and the wooly things disappeared into darknessnebrr heesing the flock leader's calls.

the brother of this shadow's shadow, the sometimes shortsighted and somewhat rash hero, chosen by the thunder god himself, decided to break murphy's law on this night of the angered thunder god. murphy has never been wrong though, and not long after, a sudden spark was seen in the gate to other worlds had been reconnected after the assumed passing of the thunderstorm. the gate became silent, connection was lost. the shadow's shadow managed to get a slow emergency connection with her other self, but it is frail amd easily fail.

this weekend will be a quiet one for the shadow and his sootball.


The fairy went to h'er window and peaked out.  She still felt a bit weak, she knew her moods were still fluctuating, but it was ok.  She would venture out, on a little test flight.  To see how it would go.

So, she leaned out over the edge of the door, holding the golden rope that was tied to its head jamb for the visiting creatures of the forest, and she spread her wings.

"Oh", she said, "how did this happen?"  Her wingtips were now gilded, the vibrant colors of the nonbinary spectrum all though the colorful wings, with their interiors of white.  Edged with gold, they were, an early blessing of the things to come in the next world of promise. 

So she leaned forward and let go.

And wobbled.   And spun, going forward through the tops of the trees.   The branches brushed by her, but in the joy of flying again, she did not mind, she only knew she was out again and free, and once she had cleared the branches that had been tousling her around, she rose.  In the air she saw a beautiful golden dragon, so sh'e darted off to meet her.

"Hi there pretty one" sh'e said, waving her long nailed hands at the new friend she wanted to meet.

"Hi back" said the dragon.  And then the eyes of the dragon went wide.


She raised her arm and pointed at the fairy's head.  She couldn't really say anything else.

The fairy had a funny sinking feeling, and then slowly reached her hand to the top of her head.


Looking down at the treetop below she saw it..

OMG What happened to my HAIR????  ITS STUCK IN THE TREE!!!


Turning the deepest shades of the red of embarrassment, she Hightailed it back into the treehouse.

Down on the log, the Shanpooh saw it all.

"OH Bother.   That's just great."  Said the Shanbear.

"Now I have to climb a tree and get that darn fairy out of my hair and back into h'ers."

"I thought I was having a NAP"

And the Shanbear stretched, and began to ready themselves to meet the fairy, hiding embarrassed in h'er treehouse.

And Oh was that fairy mad at the endo guide that made her wobbly when she flew.....
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


After the riot, the rising sun found Cerys gliding above the cloud tops and heading towards the forest pool. The golden light was burning off the last remnants of her shadow form leaving her again as a great, green eyed dragon, her copper and purple scales gleaming in the radiance of the dawn. As she approached the forest pool she changes into her form that it somewhere between the dragon and the human. She lands lightly at the waters edge and cupping her hands draws some of the cool clear water and drinks. Refreshed, she looks up to see the fairy, red with embarrassment darting back to h'er tree house. Wondering what could be up, she takes wing, to see if she can help. High in the treetops she finds hair, stuck in grasping tree branches. oh she think, that's what's the matter. Carefully she frees the hair from the branches, placing it carefully on the tree houses doorstep. She knocks thrice and then darts quickly down to the forest pool.


I'm a handsome pixie boy. I live in the trees and enjoy playing pranks on people.


She is sitting by a stream, legs folded under her, trying to be calm. The grass pokes her skin, itches. She sighs and shifts and tries again. Focus on the water, clear mind, stop thinking so much you... Her shoulders stiffen, the nasty crawling sensation on her spine worsens, her breath is uneven and too loud.

She sighs, stands up and stretches, pulling. Must relax... Her neck spasms a little, wrenched muscles protesting. She swears and laughs bitterly at herself. Can't even do that much right, you useless bloody idiot--

Pale arms slip around her waist, familiar form pressing into her back. "Chill, dumbass." The voice is amused and worried, kind and blunt.

She sits back down, the other with her, beside her, smiling and slowly running a hand down her back, reaching up to play with her hair. Thoughts slip sideways and blur, fade under the gentle pressure.

Much better. Much, much better.


The darkness is pushed back, even shadows disappear.
It is not a light that does this, it is more than that, it is a translucence that is hard for some to see, to even know what this means...
To truly see this magnificent creature of the forest, one must also let thoughts slip away.
To see what it is that removes even the shadows, to see without care of darkness or light, this creature is truly beautiful.
To see it's form is to see all that there is and none of what isn't.


The golden dragon swooped in, and transformed into a smaller version of herself so she could fly through the forest instead of over it. A thunderstorm had just passed that left her golden wings a little damp hindering her agility in the air somewhat, but not enough to ground her. Still she waits for the sun to again emerge to dry her golden feathered wings.

As she darted in and out of the trees she saw the fairy emerge from her treehouse, and the wind catch her hair. ShanPooh smiled seeing her swoop past as the bear sipped on honey. She was very happy and content the fairy was back and feeling better. She circled the fairy's treehouse a few times, and then hovered next to ShanPooh greeting the bear with a smile. ShanPooh offers the pretty dragon some honey as the sun peeked through the trees of the forest. She then resumed her flight as the fairy took to the air herself.

She saw that the fairy was matching her graceful twists and turns through the trees. She settles on a large branch in the fairy's treehouse tree, and awaited the fairy to catch up with her, which only took a moment. The fairy joined her on the huge overhanging branch and greeted her smiling. She smiled back at the fairy and noticed something odd -the fairys hair was stuck in a tree, and raised her arm being careful so as to not unfold her wing and pointed. The fairy embarrassed abruptly ran back inside her treehouse.

She waited for a moment realizing the fairy was embarassed, she was about to fly over and untangle the fairy's hair for her when she saw that both ShanPooh, and the forests other dragon Cerys coming to the rescue, and wondered which of the two would reach the tangled hair first. It was Cerys who after untangling the hair gracefully brought it back to the treehouse, and set it carefully down by the doorstep. She looked out over the forest venturing further out on the limb, hoping the fairy would regain her courage and return. A moment later still facing away she heard the door to the treehouse open, then close again.

She then said to herself referring to the fairy who remained inside: "Oh you'll be okay hun, I'll see you later on. For now I'm going to go find a place to let the sun dry my wings." she glanced down at the bear as ShanPooh climbed and giggled at the bear's clumsyness, She again smiled saying to herself again referring to the fairy almost at a whisper:"I'm so happy your okay, and they all are too." She glanced back at the treehouse door and winked not knowing if the fairy saw her gesture through her window. Realizing the fairy wasn't coming back out for the moment, she then took to the air to go find a comfortable perch where she can spread her wings and sunbathe them. She transformed back to her normal size the sun now glimmering off her feathered wings. A moment later she had cleared the trees and was high above heading for an outcropping overlooking the forest................ :D

Ally :icon_flower:
Full Time August 2009
HRT Dec 27 2013
VFS [ ? ]
FFS [ ? ]
SRS Spring 2015



This may trigger.  Beware. Be careful.

The fairy sat in her treehouse, her breath coming in shallow gasps.  Anxiety again.  Anxiety about acceptance.  Foolish, sh'e already has accepted h'erself, she should not feel like this

She hears the knock at her door, but her hair is off, she is in her private presentation, the one reserved only for the cis wife, jarringly half and half, two binaries on one body, blantantly so.

Summoning all her courage, she decided to go out, she had no choice, in this authentic presentations she must dare the forest.  One of the presentations she kept hidden for fear.  A secret she keeps.

She opened the door, her hair dangling tantalizing in front of her, hair that validates in the forest and city, hair that protects....

She moves out quietly to get it

And her door blows shut, and there is the sound of a gentle "click". 

Her hair, caught in the breeze that closed the door, falls gently to the ground like some kind of puffy seed thing in the wind.

She gets scared and turns to go inside.

The door is locked.  She is outed in this presentation.  Half and Half, GQ to the max, acceptable and embraced by he'r and he'r wife, impossible for others to understand or to even look at....

Her breath shallow and heart racing sh'e backs against the door.  Sh'e  closes her eyes.

What would the forest think of he'r now? 

Sh'e is so, so very afraid.  Would they reject, or accept, for sh'e is many, and one, the same, and unique, hurt, and victorious, a wild thing of the forest, untamable and free.  But so very, very fragile.

And mascara soot began to flow with the tears that had begun, that horrible feeling of rejection, the one sh'e had experienced behind that locked door of h'er mind, sh'e feared it more than anything.

We're the creatures looking?  Did they even care?  A presentation so offensive it has started wars, destroyed lives, wounded hearts, just because it exists?

H'er back to the wall, she waited.  Sh'e was too afraid to go down the rope, or to fly to her hair.  Her exposed gender felt naked, and sh'e did not want to feel ashamed.

Sh'e wanted to run.  Sh'e wanted to die.

But she could do neither.  Only wait, and pray that nobody sees.  A naked identity.  One that offends.

Who would rescue h'er before all fell to ruin once more.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


The wood elf saw the tears and saw the distress.  They jumped from the limb onto the fairy's porch and reached out to comfort them, saying "You are beautiful as you are.  You radiance is undimmed.  Be at peace."

They swung to the forest floor and recovered the fairy's hair.  "Know that it is your core that expresses your beauty and not your hair, nor your jewelled wings, pretty though they are". 

The elf whispered to the wood in the elder tongue and the wood agreed to allow the door to open.  Smiling,  the elf stepped aside and said "know that the choice is yours, revealing yourself, expressing your authenticity is powerful magic and will help you find the hidden paths that you so desire."  The fairy looked down and wiped the tears from her eyes and looked up expecting to see the elf, but they were gone.  Disappearing as quickly as they had appeared.


The fairy took a deep breath, overjoyed that sh'e had seen her elf again.

Centering, sh'e reattached h'er hair, reverting to the presentation she loves being the most, the one that reflects her core.  But she is so much more than one presentation.

Feeling validated, feeling victorious for at least trying to go outside her door, she spread her beautiful wings.

It was time to fly again.

Launching, straight and true, fast as freedom and joyous as light, sh'e headed into the forest.

Sh'e had seen those sh'e feared had been taken from h'er.  Defended from her own fear, sh'e was free.   And sh'e truly loves her hair, and the joy of trans.

Now where are those two dragons?   Did they know she races? Sh'e fast, sh'e can really fly....

Nails out, heart wide open, thank you for the life you gave to me here
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


Cerys sees the fairy step out of the tree house and sees the hair fall, and she senses the trepidation of the fairy. She flies up to h'er and embraces h'er in her arms and wings "you are loved and valued simply for being you".

The fairy trembles in her embrace, but also takes strength from it. Cerys smiles wickedly " now what's this talk about a race? "


Kel the dormouse lays out a message in brightly coloured acorns, spreading across a clearing.. 'We love you!', hoping that the fairy see it..


something stirs under the fairy's hair. a tiny little thing too soft and light to have been noticed, feeling a little claustrophobic afte the pretty hair had suddenly decided to be worn instead of playing cosy cave on the fairy's floor.

finally, it manages to get loose and slips down on the fairy's shoulder. was it still crying? no, the elf and the cerys dragon and the dormouse had comforted. sootball pats the fairy, on the neck because it can't reach the top of the fairy's head, and speaks in the tiniest voice. "heart makes fairy pretty, hair is just hair."

and then it puts some mascara on the fairy's eyes.


From high above the forest, the fairy meets Cerys the dragon.  The fairy is at full strength again, though sh'e has yet to see all the goings on that happened since sh'e had too much of that hormone tree.  "Hi"  Says the fairy

" So my dear, you want to race?"

Looking down she saw the dormouse's wonderful creation.  The long "I love you" on the edge of the forest.

"AAAWWWWWWWEEE".  "Thats just adorable."

An Idea formed in the fairy's little brain.

"How about this... lets all line up, and make the I Love you the start and finish line of this forest.  We can all race together, and skirt the edges of the forest while we race.  The creatures on the ground can watch, or run, and we can fly 5 laps.  And lets get the other flyers up here too, the eagle and the golden dragon and all that have wings, and lets fly for real.

But I must warn you my dear Cerys, I race in the Cis-world, and it can get a little rough.. I may look like a little fairy, but there is a fire that burns when I run, and you may get bumped by some fairy feathers....

And my dear, if you light em up, the roar and the scent of fire will be just like the fun we have out there in the wilderness of Cis.

But sweetie, whatever you do, don't rear end me.... I'll make you spin right out....."

So, who will join us in this race?  Where the start and the finish is I Love You?  In joy and  the heat of passion, flying high, or running below, living life fast and free, untamable spirits of trans.

"I wonder if the dormouse will wave the starting flag?"

Perhaps we can have a little fun....

And I am so greatful for my many visitors while I was not well.  Thank you!

Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


She's naked under the waterfall. Standing, water running over her body. As naked as she can be: the silver bracelets always on her wrists.

She stands beneath the freezing water and she burns.

Arms wrapped around her stomach, small hands clenched tight. Feet arching, legs cramping from the strain. Head pulled down, eyes on the ground, but unseeing, looking inwards instead.

Inside her head is noise, so much noise. This is what you are, how you should be, how you should talk, what you should believe, what you should value and want and think and breathe. Words piling on top of each other, over and over, crushing her under the weight, digging into her scars, dragging on the shackles she can't take off. You are one of us, they say, you represent us, you belong to us. We own you.

The howl is soundless, voiceless. But her head is upright, inky eyes forward, hands in fists swinging down to her sides, face a mask of fear and fury.

The tension goes all at once. Exhausted, she slips on the wet rocks, scraped knees bleed. Honest hurt, honest pain. She pulls herself up and stumbles away, deep into the shadows of the forest, where she cannot be followed, cannot be found, cannot be caged ever again.


The fairy stops incredulous as sh'e sees the mysterious and naked figure of one of the long time "elders" of the forest.  Sh'e hears the cry, one sh'e has heard in her own ears too many times.  Sh'e sees as they slip away, heading for the deep woods, the place where the statue lives, the places of old magic and wonder and pain.

"Cerys, follow me"

She glides ever so silently.  The lithe figure does not see h'er.  But sh'e is there nonetheless.

A whisper on the wind.

"You who have suffered, you who are true, you are our kindred, know we love you."

Gently the mysterious figure slipped again into the heart of the forest.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


The fairy ascended again to fly over the forest and see what was new.

Sh'e spotted the log and the stick that had woken her up, and the little group of special ones that were in that precious place in the forest.


She saw a blanket, a picnic basket, some plates and some silver, and a jar of honey.  Now how did that come to pass.

Then she smiled wide.  On the plates she saw the leftovers of their meal, delicious stuffed mushrooms laced with precious honey.

The smile became laughter.  Lying on the log, with their feet stuck straight up in the air, lay Shanpooh, their cute fuzzy head rolled back over the log and their mouth, as usual, wide open.  They were fast asleep, and on their belly slept the squirrel.  Next to the log, under Shanpoohs rather interesting posterior, slept the porcupine.  The sootball was no where to be seen.

Silent as the wind the fairy gently glided down.  With her long nails, she positioned herself carefully, one for the bear's foot, and one for the squirrels tail.  Sh'e finally had caught up to the squirrel sh'e had chased for weeks.

Now where was that sootball anyway.  The squirrel was making strange sounds, dreaming something really nifty, the fairy wonders what sort of dream that might be.

Stealthily the fairy reached out, simulataneously pulling the squirrels tail and tickling Shanpoo's feet.  From somewhere odd, suddenly the sootball began to giggle.

Quickly the fairy hid inside the log.

In front of her was an adorable little trembling dormouse holding out a cute little acorn.

What would happen next? 
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


The child centaur galloped deep within the forest, long brown locks flowing behind them. They reached the center of the forest, deep in the heart of it, where a rocky cave led to deep underground. Descending downwards, the child felt a tug within them, something was drawing them to the darkness beneath. Under the ground revealed a long glittering lake that appeared to stretch for miles. It glowed and twinkled many different colors, reflecting in the child centaur's light colored eyes as they looked on in amazement. The reflections of the magical water bounced off the rocky ceiling, mirroring the appearance of a night sky.

The child's amazement soon faded as reality dawned on them, their lower horse body comfortably sat near the edge of the water.  A ripple expanded in the magical water, more appeared as if invisble raindrops were falling from the ceiling. The child was too asborbed in their emotions to notice, the ripples began to appear one by one towards the edge where the child was sitting. Suddenly, a hand reached out of the water, clutching onto the child's sleeve, snapping them out of their daze, "Wha-?"

Before the child could react, they were pulled into the magical lake. What the child thought was magical and relaxing water at first glance, it was dark and murky underneath. They tried to look at what pulled them down but all they saw was darkness interwining their body. The hand gripped tight onto their left arm, they felt another pair of hands grasp their right, a soft hissing whisper soothingly talked near their left ear,

"It hurts, doesn't it, little sibling?" The whisper was gentle and soft.

"Running away from your problems as usual, sibling , eh?" A smooth as silk deep whisper appeared against their right ear.

The child centaur trembled, trying to jerk free of their grip, their horse legs jerking and kicking at the murky water. "Let me go!" They cried and after a pause, they noticed the water wasn't gushing down their throat... they could breathe underwater...?!

"See, little sibling, there is nothing to be afraid of." The gentle whisper continued.

"Who are you?!" The child centaur jerked. "Why are you holding me down?!"

"You know who we are, dear sibling," The soft voice answered while the deep voice boomed, "We never hold you down, you do it to yourself, silly sibling of ours!"

"W-why are you calling me sibling...? I am an only child!" The child became frightened by the uncertainity that was growing within their chest.

"Incorrect... I was the one who went through the pain all those years ago..." The soft voice spoke,

"... and I was the one who shouldered the pain and tried to take us somewhere I thought was the correct path..." The harsh voice finished. Their grips on the child slowly loosened and the water became clearer...

"W-wha..." The child centaur began crying, tears floating in front of their wide eyes.

"Little sibling," The two whispers joined into one, the soft and deep tones becoming neutral,  "We are you."

"Together, we make up the components within you." They both spoke to the child, "But lately you have been rejecting us on the basis that we conform to the binary. You could not be any more wrong."

"I do identify as being female," The soft voice spoke, "However, I proudly hold traits of being masculine."

"I do identify as being male," The deep voice spoke, "However, I proudly hold traits of being feminine."

Their voices joined together once again, "We both reject the binary. However, identifying with being female/feminine or male/masculine does not define us as who we are. We are more than those labels, just as you are more than being genderless/sexless. Please do not reject us, it will only cause you pain. We are not binary as we step out of the norm by being androgynous and if we were, would that really matter so much?"

"We are what we are. We cannot change ourselves and you cannot change us."

"Please, accept us together as three within one body." The voices pleaded. "Let us harmonize within your body, with you as one being."

Their hands touched the child's body, embracing them, "If you fear us in pushing to change your body, do not fret. We accept your desire to have a sexless body. A sexless body will not invalidate our identities as we can still express ourselves androgynously, just as you do everyday. As long as we can express ourselves, what the physical body looks like does not matter. We want to laugh, cry, smile and fall in love... things like sex and physical appearances mean little to us..."

"We want to live...within you, beside you as one."

The child centaur began crying again, "Yes... yes. I am sorry for pushing you two away... Jay, Jason, I need to treat my siblings much better... and listen to your concerns... thank you for accepting me. I'm sorry it took me so long to accept you... We will shift together as one, as it was always supposed to be."

The child embraced them both, feeling their physical forms fade into separate energies that absorbed into their body, blue and pink energies swirling around the child's purple heart, transforming into one, a beautiful shining display of multiple colors, much like the universe. 

"Thank you..."

The child flinched and felt something burning in the middle of their forehead, they gasped and winced, feeling the skin burn as a silver circle appeared and magically, something grew from the circle. The child gently touched it and realised they had grown a unicorn horn...! It was tiny and baby-like, much similar to their body.

Suddenly, their back began to surge with pain and the child's vision surged to blackness. When they came to, they found themselves floating above the lake, seeing their lower horse body replaced with two slender bare legs, the unicorn horn was no longer to be seen, the circle on the child's forehead was transformed into a silver bindi that reflected many colors in different rays of light. They remembered the back pain and realized it was no longer there, but in place was a pair of fairy wings, bright pink fading into purple and blue. With every flutter, sparkles twinkled within the wings like stars and the child flew out of the underground cave as fast as a speeding bullet.

They were giggling and full of happiness, their weight lifted off their shoulders, accepting their trigender identity to the fullest. They halted at the sight of the forest creatures and reality began to dawn on them... would they be accepted...? Tears welled up in their eyes as they smiled... it didn't matter... they had accepted themselves, that's all that mattered.

They saw the fairy hide inside the log and they darted in the air, hiding among the trees before spiraling into the sky and falling downwards, swooping to tackle hug Shanpooh, "Surprise cuddle!!"

The child giggled, gently placing Shanpooh on the ground and flew away, feeling exhausted from their sudden burst of energy, they soared to the crescent moon, where it cradled the child to a much needed blissful sleep.