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What kind of creature are you in the Unicorn Forest? Come play with me - please

Started by Satinjoy, August 12, 2014, 10:41:51 AM

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a tiny little sootball tumbles down from the brach that the genderless fairy child had put it on.
it bounces around a little, looking for something it can't find because it doesn't know what it really needs.
sootball wants to fix things. it's not big enough to do that, not powerful in any way like the shadow or the eagle.
but those two don't know enough compassion. the stupid things who don't even know how to comfort a child in distress.
or this time a dormouse.

the ball of soot chitters and chatters, words that none can understand, but in a strict voice. one that is telling people that they're behaving irresponsibly, and doing things wrong.
seems like it isn't really talking to any of the other creatures in the forest.
no, it's ranting. about the useless shadow who only comes by when things are fun.
and the stupid eagle who never is useful for anything when it really matters.

but suddenly it gets an idea. fire!
bouncing and rolling and scurrying around, it finally manages to make a tiny pile of dry grass and twigs.
burnt out ashes trying to make more fire. that's a most ridiculous idea, but this time it's needed.
after all that hard work, the sootball finally can breathe out. a tiny deep sigh, before getting out tiny pieces of flint and steel.
it couldn't find matches.
but anyone who's tried making fire with flint and steal should know it's not all too easy unless they're on a lighter.
sootball tries and tries, sitting almost inside the pile of grass and twigs. hitting flint almost furiously against steel.
and suddenly soot is on fire! as well as twigs and grass.
a surprised "meep" is let out when sootball realizes blowing out oneself is a little more difficult than it had ever thought it would experience.

out of the darkness dancing around the small fire, a shadow takes form.
amused it is, at the tiny one's feverish attempts to mend.
soot and fire and freshly burnt ashes are picked up.
the shadow blows on it. the fire burns brighter, much brighter than before.
and out of it flies burning soot with bat-like wings, surprise written in its clumsy flaps in the air.
but the fire dies soon, as dawn takes over the night.

the shadow pokes its new creation, wings made out of ashes so the sootball can fly.
you always wanted this, didn't you?

soot tumbles in the air, pleased to see it can keep itself together, thrilled by the new wings.
it only takes moments to get the hang of it, and soon the funny ball has found the phoenix.
franticaly flapping, zigzaging left and right like a black snitch, it dances around the fiery bird, inviting it to stay and play.


Cerys circles the pheonix, calling in greeting. If you want company on your journey, I can stay a spell :)


the sooty snitch tumbles down a few feet in surprise before it recognizes the big friendly dragon that was playing with its demon not long ago.
with a little extra effort, it flapped its way up to cerys, struggling to keep up with its swift circling, and landed on the dragon's head.




the sootball giggles, thrilled and half scared.
"hello dragon," it chitters in a tiny voice that is stolen away by the wind, and pats the dragon on top of the head with an ashen wing while deperately clinging to the scales with its feet and other wing.


'Sootball! Cerys! it is lovely to finally speak with you. I'm just here flying around slowly, waiting.'


What are you waiting for? Do you want us to wait with you? No one should wait on there own for stuff


The fairy was not far behind them all, and noted h'er precious sootball flying up to the firey ones of the forest. 

Oh oh.

Wasn't the sootball's ass on fire?

Does it have one?

The fairy catches up in h'er whir of wings, sneaking up on Cerys, the wild one of the forest, wild and true of heart, one of the most fun and most fierce

Sh'e sneaks quietly behind them on gentle fairy wings.

And pulls the dragon's tail.

Oh Oh now what is going to happen....

Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


Cerys squeaks in surprise, causing sootball to jump. Turning carefully so not to dislodge her tiny passenger she sees the grinning fairy. She grins back thinking "two can play at that game" and then blows a gigantic smoke ring at h'er.


The phoenix stops her circling and dives toward the dragon, seemingly aiming right for the dragon in full flight.. As the phoenix's beak tip touches the dragon, Kel the dormouse appears in a flash of colour and scampers up to the sootball and chatters happily..


The fairy flew through the smoke ring, once again proving that you may have to jump through hoops to be trans.

She grabs an acorn and tosses it high...

Can you roast that? 
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


With perfect timing Cerys sends a minute jet of flame to delicately caress the falling acorn. The dormouse and sootball riding on her head look on in anticipation. The acorn however is having none of it and flies through the flame looking completely unscathed.

"Damn" swears the dragon, and her two tiny passengers feel her draw breath, ready to give the acorn what for. Just as she is about to give it a fiery rebirth, there is an audible pop and a popacorn is tumbling though the air. The fairy swoops in to grab it as Cerys desperately tries to hold back the flame she has summoned forth. She hiccoughs once, twice and for a third and final time. As the fairy swoops back to her original position, the great dragon sneezes, sending out a great cloud of sooty smoke and red flame.

No one is hurt, but everyone gets covered in soot.

"Sorry everyone."



Smoke rising from her hair the fairy laughed and tossed another into the air, not realizing that she now had shaped eyebrows that glow in the dark...
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


From the seemingly endless display of trees in the forest, a mischievous similar laughter of a young boy was heard. A blur of black shifted behind and around the surrounding trees, a similar energy of excitement radiating from his body.

He jumped into the sky, their long tendril tail following behind him. His skin was as black as the most precious onyx, his eyes crimson and his flowing shoulder-length hair glowing silver. His dark body was naked, save for a loincloth covering his nether regions from wandering eyes. His elvish ears twitched, his curved horns hugged above them. Was he a demon? An elf? Drow? Who knows...! This boy did not care much for labels.

"Just call me Echelon, or Ech/Echy for short!" He speaks. A grin appeared on the boy's face, he twirled upwards and harnessed his air energy to spiral the acorn much higher, hoping to encourage Cerys to display more of her magnificent aiming skills as a dragon.

(I forgot to add his horns, will edit this accordingly!)


sootball squeels in delight as the dormouse is sooted black almost in the same moment it settles on the cerys dragon, and chit chatters a joyful greeting.

suddenly another black child arrives. looks like genderless fairy child, but it is a boy.
odd... sootball squints its eyes playfully suspiciously at the new arrival.

it says it's ecchi for short!
sootball's demon likes ecchi, but wait... sooty boy doesn't really look very ecchi even with just a loincloth.
taking a careful look at the writing, sootball decides it only heard it wrong.

"hi echy!" it squeeks, hoping the words can be heard at a little distance.


The wood elf stood alone, a distant figure on the western edge of the forest.  Turning towards the place of their birth and almost a thousand human years of much joy and pain they smiled and whispered a blessing on the fairy and the spirits that now flourished in this leafy and most blessed of holy places.  Then with a smile and a fresh spring in their step they faced the western horizon to begin their long and final journey to their eleven homeland across the western sea.  Perhaps if they took the secret paths they may even catch their oldest friend, the shadow.  Their company would be a comfort indeed.  Talk would be largely unnecessary.  Just being with the servant of the Unicorn Forest for part of this, their greatest quest, would be blessing enough.

♥︎ SarahD ♥︎

[OutOfCharacter]I hope no one minds me joining in - I can never resist good old fashioned Role Play! :D *Gets out her D20's* :laugh:  Also I hope this character isn't too off-theme.  Let me know if it is I can always adjust ;)[OutOfCharacter]

The fog hangs thick in the cold October night on the outskirts of the forrest.  Frost glistens on the sparse grass of the wastelands, almost in defiance of the total absence of light.  Silence.  Cold, dead silence permeates the air, the fog drowning out any distant noise that may not even be there.

Out of nowhere, the silence is broken with the sound of heavy flapping.  The fog eddies and swirls as thunderous crash is heard.  The ground trembles softly but menacingly, dislodging the frost from some of the grass blades.  The source of the disturbance is all but obscured by the near-solid air, all apart from a faint, unearthly pinkish-white glow.  A few moments pass before the deathly silence is once again broken - this time by slow, labouring footsteps, and the distinct clanking of ancient armour.

A figure slowly emerges from the dense air.  Seemingly human in shape.. perhaps a female, but who can tell?  Are those wings, or is the crystalline air playing tricks with the light?  Something is wrong.. the figure appears to be.. "limping".  Yes, limping, that's definitely it.  Her silhouette becomes sharper - more defined against the darkness as she emerges from the fog and into the gentle, welcoming glow emanating from the edge of the forrest.  A female, clad in armour older than time itself.  She's hunched forward, one hand clutched across her stomach and dripping in a dark liquid, the other dragging a large and impossibly ornate sword inscribed with ancient runes covering the full length of the blade along the ground.  Large, majestic black feathered wings spew from her back and fold over each of her sides like those of a bird of prey protecting their young, and her peroxide-blonde hair streaked violently with neon purple and pink is tied back into a pair of thick and unnaturally long pigtails.  Her icy-blue eyes glint in playful rivalry with the ground frost as she wearily glances up at the inviting place before her.  The same dark liquid on her hand can be seen almost entirely obscuring a whole half of her face.  As she straightens up slightly, deep gashes and heavy dents become clearly visible in her armour.  Part of one of the shoulder pads is heavily smashed and bearly hanging on, and the wrist guard on the arm clutching her stomach has suffered a similar fate.  She takes in the scene before her.

"..So, this is it..?" she says in a well spoken British accent to the silent darkness.  "..this is the place 'they' didn't want me to find?  This is what all the fuss has been about..?"  She scoffs in amusement as the absurdity of the situation dawns on her.

Without warning, two new entities apparate either side of the ailing figure. Floating in mid-air just off her shoulders, and no bigger in size than a large hand.  Both are feminine in appearance.  One is wearing a blue, pixie-like dress, with blonde pigtails and beautifully decorated translucent blue butterfly-shaped wings which flap delicately but in total defiance of her floating motion in the air, clearly demonstrating that it's not her wings holding her up.  Sparse blue points of light dance gently around her, giving a distinct glow.  The other is wearing a black corset with blood-red trim.  Her waist is covered by a heavy red armoured skirt with dark black leather plating layered on top. Dark red-tinted hair hangs straight down from her head and flows over her shoulders, and fiery red eyes peer out from underneath the fringe.  Jet black wings adorned with sharp, claw-like protrusions and darker than night itself sprout from her back, and are more bird-like than the other's wings.

In spite of her clearly vulnerable condition, the female doesn't flinch at the appearance of these new entities, as if she was expecting them somehow.

"..I'm glad you two made it.." the woman says to the entities in a pained but welcoming voice.  The entities hug the woman affectionately, before recoiling in shock as they realise she is heavily wounded.  They begin to chatter in a quiet and unfamiliar tongue, but the woman seems to understand what they are saying and smiles wearily at the conversation.  The two beings quickly dart around to her various wounds.  The blue one tugs gently but ineffectually at the woman's arm clutching her stomach.  With a flash of grimace across her face, she slowly pulls her arm away to reveal heavily smashed armour and a gaping wound pouring black blood.  "..heh, yeh, he got me pretty good with that damned hammer of his.." she says to the little creature, a somewhat perverse smile of pleasure creeping across her face.  The blue entity shakes her head in disapproval, before proceeding to enact some strange, unworldly magic to heal the open wound as the other proceeds to clean up the face.  After a few moments, their work is done, and the two small beings float back to admire their handy work.

The woman slowly stands up straight, holding her head up high - both in pride, and relief from the immeasurable pain she had felt only moments earlier.  "Wonderful job as always ladies" she says as she smiles lovingly at the two little creatures.  They both curtsy in appreciation as the woman proceeds to stretch her wings out to their full, awe-inspiring size.  She flaps gently with a playful smirk on her face, blowing the two little ones back slightly.  They fight back, and barrel into her broken shoulder pads on either side, clinging on as if their lives depended on it.  The woman laughs, finally sheathing her ancient sword and kisses them both softly in turn, before helping them right themselves to sit fully on her shoulders.

Dawn breaks, and the fog begins to clear.  The trio of winged females look up at the forrest in front of them.  Above the canopy, they see a dragon and what appears to be a fairy and some other creatures playing.  "Such innocence" the woman remarks lovingly, "perhaps the demons won't find us here.  Perhaps this place will be safe from the eternal war".  They watch for a while, before the blue entity starts chattering in the woman's ear.  "Oh" the woman says, "you think we should go say 'hi'?" The two smaller entities nod their heads enthusiastically, and the woman grins playfully.  "Well then, let's go introduce ourselves, shall we?".  And with that, she spreads her wings, and with a deafening and thunderous 'WOOSH', takes flight to intercept the dragon and their friends with the two smaller beings clinging on for dear life.

[OutOfCharacter]Hows that for an intro?  Did I do it right? :D ♥︎*Hugs*♥︎[OutOfCharacter]
"You never find the path to your true self, but rather - you find your true self along the path"


Cerys spies the acorn the Echy has sent spinning into the air, learn from her past mistake, she spins a delicate wreath of flame round it. With a delicate pop it's toasted and the popacorn drifts back to ground. Bugling a note of triumph she does a victory roll, only remembering mid roll that she has passengers when they both squeak in surprise. Fortunately both sootball and Kel the dormouse were paying more attention than Cerys and we holding on tight. As Cerys rights herself they both start chattering and pointing at the trio of winged figures rising to meet them.

"oh who could this be?"


standing at the edge, looking in at all the creatures of the unicorn forest, the vampire stares at the moon, contemplating, wondering, why the vampire returned, if the vampire should take the dive again or go back to the dark forest. with a sigh, the vampire begins to whisper "i left here because i didnt know. what if i mess up again this time. should i give myself a second chance?" with only the 3 shadows to protect the vampire from during the day time, a few wolves and night elves , the vampire begins to walk away again, pauses turns around and pauses again, slow turns back to the dark forest and starts walking back to the place where all things go to disappear. suddenly the vampire trips over something. the vampire looks down and finds a silver flute with a shiny red ribbon, it kinda looks like the horn of a unicorn. the vampire tries to play it but no sound came out. after some time, the vampire shed a tear which drops on top the horn. the horn starts to glow, summoning a unicorn. baffled by the presence of a beast of grace and purity, the vampire stood face to face. sudden the creature spoke in a song like. "what is it you wish for, wingless lost one?" unable to answer, the unicorn smiled and spoke again, "i see you still dont know, but that is to be expected. i shall give you your wings so you may fly, but for now, go play your melody and once you find out what your heart wants and needs, use the horn to summon me again and i shall hear you and come to you." with that, the creature leaped back into the forest, leaving the newly winged vampire in silence. the vampire leaped with their following creatures and circles the forest, wondering if the vampire should land or fly back.

Kova V

I am the wind, I speak softly to those who listen. I can be warm and gentle, or cold and harsh. I dance through the trees and play in the leaves - unseen and ever present.

(omg, why didn't I see this post before? )