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What kind of creature are you in the Unicorn Forest? Come play with me - please

Started by Satinjoy, August 12, 2014, 10:41:51 AM

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Far they have travelled to return to this special place.  Pushing open the door, they hurry to their fairy's side. Peering into their beloved friend's face, their eyes connect and both smile in unison.  'I am here.  Sleep my dear one.  Sleep and recover.  We need you here.  The demons of the matrix are gone and you have prevailed."  The fairy's eyes slowly shut and peaceful thoughts erase their troubled brow.  The elf settles into a chair to watch over their dearest friend.


And the rest will do them good. Fire and friend, and all the exotic remembering, of travels.

The treasure, not gold, nor power, but just a question in the morning.

"I'm awake, is there any way we could get some food?

Yes, I'm sure you brought some, I'll share with you."

"Yea, Yea."

"Life is a funny thing, you have it or you don't, if you don't you don't know."

"Is that supposed to be funny?"

"To some"


Tessa James

another fairy crashes in to the lush forest canopy and tumbles out of control with laughter and joy that her friends have gathered again.  We are well sated by the nourishing nectars of blossoms, fragrant scents and fine friends.
Open, out and evolving queer trans person forever with HRT support since March 13, 2013



I forgot about the beast!

It has horticulture and fences!

God damn double crap, Dark, Dark, Boo!

If wishes were fishes, fishes would wish.


Yes, poetry, by the foot.




Don't mind the bear
Just mind the cubs when you land
Dance and sing joy


The chie of flight,
And Faeries, Elves gather and subdued.
A near lost queen has been found home, and relit the light on high,
All the while the quiet rustle flit of Faeries fly.
The canopy is dark and safe, open to all around, thee are no paths, or limits, in the canopy unbound.
The story, saga if you will is simple tales retold,
In rhyme and prose, the story goes from chapter into verse.
The once great tales of heros past, of battles lost and found,
The CIS, the cry, the scatter patter ground.
It's good at times for rembrance clear, on still night simple passing,
When the incense and the lowly light of candle dim, pale shine of hope still gleaming,
the forest air damp fragrant is, musty soft and mellow, sweet bitter herbs upon the wind.
The consolation of those dear close by and listen in,
the comfort of a battle won, and tiredness will appear.
Rest well sweet faerie, take heart, the greenery unfolding.
Expressions of pure care you'll hear and mists of day's beginning.
The panic of the clock near stopped, the time to bold and bravely do, what many of the hiers and princes, princess rescued you.
Welcome, home in still hushed terms the traveller far and near, the forest is a quiet place, not passed, but still here. The pathways in its deepest core, lead the the bridge quite still, and some will sit by the gate and wonder if they will.
I turn a leaf and listen on, to the creaking groaning seeds of hope, just quite so freshly planted.
One foot, or three, comes the cry and to the last will measure, but what a tale, what a saga, for those who wander in.
In the still damp green finery of earthiness, we welcome all our kin.


The old groundhog sleeps in her burrow and dreams.

In her dream, she dream-remembers that as a kit she had wings and was even learning to fly.

But the elder groundhogs came and held her down while they chewed her wings off at the base.  They said that flying would lead her to un-groundhogish ways.  Groundhogs belong on the ground, not in the air, they said.  Her shoulders, where the wings had been attached, hurt for a long time.

She can barely find the scars any more, and the other groundhogs laugh at the idea she had wings.  She'd just had a few run-ins with stoats or foxes, that's where the scars come from, so they say.

But on damp days her shoulders still hurt, and something deep in her heart says: those are phantom pains in your missing wings.
"...  I think I'm great just the way I am, and so are you." -- Jazz Jennings



Painted eyes open to gaze into the face of a very dear friend.  One whom sh'e had battled beside before, n the dark days.

Batlled to stay sane.

It was the elf that brought her here, in the unicorn forest, out of the binary world.  A world that could not understand h'er.   A gentler world now.

Eyes open and food scents are there.  On the table is the nectar of the tree of hormones, in h'er corner the mirror of truth.

Shall sh'e rekindle the blaze that once was here?
Elvish eyes call out to h'er.  Reminding h'er of why sh'e came, and never left, even in h'er deep rage.

It is the good of all trans that binds h'er.  A dream sh'e once had of unity and peace.  And in the raging destructive hell of the cisworld, it is needed now more than ever before.

Sh'e smiled.  This forest has changed.

Strength is returning and sh'e rises from h,er bed, h'er sh'e androgyne transitioned body revealed in morning light, the satin is quite shear.  Sh'e has expensive taste in lingerie.

Gilded wings unfold.

Sh'e will fly again.

Far below sh'e sees the hedgehog.  And more.

Others, beautiful, new, unknown to h'er.  Special, wonderful souls.

H'er keen eyes see the scars.

But wings regrow when scars will heal.  A touch, a gift.  A warm loving breeze comes from on high, ruffling yhe fur.

I see your wings, dear hedhehog.  You will fly, they are still there.

This place is magic.  Open your heart and soar.

Tired and a bit sore, sh'e smiles, and sits before the elf, gazing into their compassionate eyes.

Words are not needed.

They know.  As does sh'e.

Let us stay a while.  There may be lives to save, we all have our roles to play.

For the good of all trans, and especially for the unicorns of this forest. 

A warm breeze blows.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


The dormouse sits in a hedge and giggles as she throws painted acorns at the fairy as sh'e passes.


Sh'e scoops the dormouse into h'er bra and mounts the now warm wind.

Fly with me, sh'e whispers to h'er friend.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


The old groundhog is having a bad day.

She shuffled up to the edge of The Forest, only to see a yellow tape stretched around The Forest.  She crawled around the perimeter, to see that the yellow tape went all the way around, and there were signs, big things made out of the flayed bodies of trees, held up by dismembered trunks.  There were squiggles and pictures tatooed on the signs, and she remembers dimly from a previous life how to interpret the squiggles.  The squiggles say "Ultra-Exclusive Luxury Condominiums.  All amenities.  A secure, exclusive gated community.  See if you qualify!"  She wonders who "qualifies"?  Do fairies qualify?  Or unicorns?  She doubts groundhogs do.

The pictures show high, squarish things of glass and brick and steel, and the only green things are occasional shrubs growing out of small squares of dirt imprisoned in brick walls.  And occasional patches of well-tamed grass, also in brick-enclosed patches of dirt.  It looks like the brick and glass and steel will cover all of The Forest.  It looks like there will be no room for unicorns to gambol or buttercups for fairies to drink from.  Let alone an unnoticed patch of ground for a groundhog to dig a burrow in.

If The Forest is cut down and torn up, where will the unicorns go?  The fairies?  The rabbits?  The elves?  The dormice?  The bears?  And many other creatures, species that no human has known or named?

Something there is that doesn't love fairies, or unicorns, or anything that cannot be beaten into some unnatural shape with fire and hammer.  And that something is covering all the land (and the sea) like a blight.

The old groundhog will not live to see the day of the blight's final victory -- or defeat.
Perhaps it is better off.
"...  I think I'm great just the way I am, and so are you." -- Jazz Jennings



The buzz snap and then the crash.
The deep thrum of destruction, sharp clatter of steel on steel.
The hiss of poison released, the cis relish and strive
Envigorated and driven the quest to occupy this land
Stoned suburbia, glass door to a time that passed before.
Creatures roaming, captured, pinned in place, studied without mercy or grace. The solemn march of the cis.
The treehouse has been saved, the migration carries on, memory's of a bridge, and battles past linger like torment of a life half lived.
Oh for those stonewalls. Those heros of the hour. Nero, passed and passing through.
What is the fear of proof that drives the cis, the invalidation of twisted theory, or inability to force compliance, the hearts of the forest stand. In defiance.
As so we begin again, and gather few in passing, the migration begins again.
Many are weary, but we know the quest, springtime comes and reminds that desolation can bring vigour, new growth, a spreading of root and tendril.

Fear not dear groundhog, we are here, you will not be left behind


Quote from: Sno on March 21, 2017, 05:08:10 PM
As so we begin again, and gather few in passing, the migration begins again.
Many are weary, but we know the quest, springtime comes and reminds that desolation can bring vigour, new growth, a spreading of root and tendril.

Fear not dear groundhog, we are here, you will not be left behind

The old groundhog feels comforted that she will be with friends, friends who are more like family now.  She will join them, leave home burrow behind, bring her kits, who are by now grown and stronger than she and are more likely to be carrying her than she them.

She does not expect to live to see the Promised Land, but she hopes -- nay, dreams -- that her kits will, or perhaps her kits' kits.  For what greater comfort can one have in one's twilight years but that one has perhaps bequeathed a better world to those who follow?
"...  I think I'm great just the way I am, and so are you." -- Jazz Jennings



On the night of the full moon, a forest witch lurks just out of sight.  Her robes dark and flowing as though made from the shadows themselves, she raises her long twisted fingers.  Slowly but surely, all of the forest creatures rest feeling more and more invigorated; their spirits are raised, and all of their food and resources become inexplicably more plentiful.  The witch smiles on them, wishing them well, but still too timid to show to her face.  She fades wearily further into the forest.

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Higher, faster, further, more


If anyone on this day
then you now have permission
to make magnetics

Yea Yea, I know:

What is the method?

If they look, are they not we?

Yea, but they exclude.

Yea, Paradox,

only funny because it is in ascii









Something like a flower,





Sh'e has been so frantically busy....

A flash of light, gilded wings, into the treehouse sh'e goes to make sure the candle is lit.

And then sh'e flies on, but sh'e will return again.

Much has changed, much restored, the Fairy is healing, sh'e within strengthening, in the public eye of the cisworld sh'e is becoming stronger.

Sh'e misses this place.  Perhaps, time once again will open to h'er, like a lover to their beloved.

Silk blows in the night, a kiss is upon the wind.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.

Tessa James

I understand the busy life deal.  I think part of that for me used to be a distraction from my trans-centric issues.  Now I really do love to be fully involved with friends, family and community.  There is a balance point?

I recently spent some weeks in Arizona drying out, catching some sun rays and experiencing an invigorating set of people and circumstances. 

I spent sometime in several "petrified" forests.  I am reminded that it takes millions of years and just the right conditions to turn our forests to stone.  How more precious then is our created and ephemeral Unicorn Forest?

This fairy joins you in fluttering by more occasionally as other demands grow in urgency and priority.  Always nice to fly by and share a smile with you. :D
Open, out and evolving queer trans person forever with HRT support since March 13, 2013


Reality torques and twists to its master time, all the while the quiet stillness waits.

The noise has abated, and it's more serious, for those who dare to sit a while and think,
The creak and groan of sweet green velvet growth of planted seeds germinate, the forest folk keep moving, the light of candle seen and hope lit up.

A time has come for settling for a while, the chills of winter blow, and burrows beckon. Many are safe sheltering in the wilderness, for while folk move the heartbound forrest remains strong, time will come soon for growth and joy, watching Faeries fly, and toasts to Nero as are the rites of time immortal.

The bear thanks the green spirits for another year past, slowly walking, watching, waiting for the fresh green of spring, the life of elves and dormice on the winds will ring.


Spring is in the air where the old groundhog lives.  The meadows have a yellow glow from pollen dust, the perfume of flowers is in the air, and the new shoots are green and tasty.  But the old groundhog moves slowly.  Her shoulders ache where her wings were gnawed away out of love (or so they believed.)  Her joints don't work the way they used to.  She wakes chilled, having slept alone because the other groundhogs think her craziness might be catching.

She's done her best to be a good groundhog, raised a number of kits and protected them from foxes and hunters and seen them grow to have kits of their own, but she's still seen as the odd one, the one who believes she once had wings.  The one who watches and listens to fairies and hummingbirds and who packed extra grass and needles around sleepy dormice's nests against the cold last fall and winter.  The one who can't seem to ever get with the program.

She wonders if it was all worth it.  Well, she's provided for her kits, that's something, and they're doing -- not too badly.  But at times, her groundhog husk seems more like a prison and her life a desert.  Is there more?  If she'd found some way to keep her wings, might it have been different?  Is there anything beyond the endless search for tenderer shoots and fruit and nuts, beyond burrowing and fleetingly mating and kits and cold and the final rest upon the bosum of her mother the earth?  She is sure there must be, only she can't image what.

The wise grey-muzzles who stripped her of her wings implied they did it to spare her the torments of a life in regions hostile to groundhogs, or maybe the torment of trying and failing to fly (for who knows if those wings would have ever held her up?), but they condemned her to a different kind of torment, to an emptiness that will only end when she does.

Well, the shoots won't eat themselves, she chides herself, and she drags herself on aching limbs out of her burrow to face another spring.
"...  I think I'm great just the way I am, and so are you." -- Jazz Jennings
