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What kind of creature are you in the Unicorn Forest? Come play with me - please

Started by Satinjoy, August 12, 2014, 10:41:51 AM

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Jessica Merriman

Quote from: Satinjoy on September 04, 2014, 09:00:47 AM
Unexpectedly, the true form and figure and face of the fairy was revealed....

This is what the fairy looks like when sh'e lets herself out of the thorns of the cis-world and is genuine in the forest.... and now sh'e doesn't feel like a fake anymore.

As the new fairy of love watches the unveiling she cries. They are no more the tears of pain, but tears of joy at the awakening and courage to reveal her true self. Another beautiful creature is now free to live as she was meant to be. No longer does our sister linger in the shadows, her heart full of agony and fear. She is now free to live a life that she was always meant to. I feel warm inside as my sister takes her first steps into a new life. It will be a life of happiness and true freedom. She has come such a long way in her journey and the forest welcomes this new creation. All the other creatures rejoice in love and friendship and celebrate along side her. This is a very happy day indeed!  :icon_hug:


From the darkness, the genderless kitty child looked on in awe before bursting out into infectious giggles and excited clapping of joy. They floated around the unveiled fairy, fairy of love, the eagle and many of the diverse creatures of the forest, showering everybody in glitter of love and acceptance!

Kisses and cuddles for everyone! :icon_bunch:


Portia nudged Laura and pointed. "Hey. Did you see that?" Laura nodded. "Yeah. It's, like, some trippy cat tossing glitter around." They lowered their heads to avoid getting any glitter in their eyes.

Jessica Merriman

Quote from: Laura Squirrel on September 05, 2014, 12:09:06 AM
Portia nudged Laura and pointed. "Hey. Did you see that?" Laura nodded. "Yeah. It's, like, some trippy cat tossing glitter around." They lowered their heads to avoid getting any glitter in their eyes.
The others tickle the odd pair until they look up. GLITTER ATTACK!!! No one is safe from the happy glitter. Better luck next time!  :laugh:
Portia and Laura now have stars in their eyes!!  ;)


Laura and Portia stood up and shook the glitter out of their hair. Laura turned to Portia. "We aren't that weird are we?" Portia giggled and shrugged her shoulders.


Portia giggled at Jessica.

Suddenly, there was a rustling noise and the sound of voices. "Could you have found an easier path than this?." "The map said this was the right way to go." Laura and Portia glanced at each other and smiled. They recognized the voices. Kathy Cat and Erica Porcupine emerged from the brush. "Kathy!! Erica!!", Portia exclaimed as she ran up to her friends. Laura smiled and laughed. "Hey, guys! Long time, no see!"


the eagle shrouded himself in shadow, turning the glitter that fell upon him into glimmering crystals of darkness, before taking on his bird shape and soaring up into the skies again.


The branch shivered as the wood elf jumped from the silver beech.  They paused for a moment to look back at the moon lit fairy.  Such a gentle and generous creature, now beauty incarnate.   Recalling gatherings of other beautiful non binary spirits, they smiled and their soul sang.  The unicorn forest was already responding to the new arrivals.  New saplings and even the rowan tree were starting to bud, promising further life and a bounteous spring.


   And the Green Warrior looked up and saw that all was good and smiled.She has been busy of late, fighting against the establishment for the animals and their rights to live free-----and WON!  :)


Is it too late to play here? If it's okay...

A tiger prowls this forest. White, elusive, and rare, she is rarely seen when she does not wish to show herself. Ever watchful, ever vigilant, she protects all who dwell within; all are her children. She shows herself only to guide the lost back to their path. Above all else, when she is awake she hunts unseen. Any who would stray into this place to do her children harm will fall, while they are in her domain. And they will never see the hunter that devoured them. And when she sleeps...

At her side is a witch, a gentle and kind soul. She tends to the herbs here, she knows them more than she knows herself. That which will heal, she cuts and gathers. That which will poison, she dutifully nurtures. All those who find their way to her secluded hut in need of healing, she heals. The few who deserve it receive only their tainted medicine; they will heal, but at a price the poison pays.

Together, they call each other Familiar. A kindred soul, in disparate form. Together, they protect their home.

((I hope I'm allowed two characters. It's the best way to express things.))


Sweetheart, we are non binary... I am two characters, just in here its only the core.  You are so welcome here, so welcome

The fairy, startled, h'er eyes start filling with tears of disbelief, the mascara rather badly applied running down her cheaks.... the fairy never dreamed there could be kindness like this in the world, where the creatures of the forest run, where disguise is no longer needed.  Her hair shines in the moonlight from the glitter of  the genderless kitty child she plays hide and seek with, and the forest is filled with silver light, shining like the stars we are, real stars of the world of nonbinary trans, just by being the creatures we were created to be.

A deep resolve grew in her heart to never again allow herself to be forced to hide, never again to be shamed for who she is, and for her to allow herself to be pretty.   The glitter began to tinkle and a song of freedom was in the wind, awesome, ethereal, singing to the hearts of the forest creatures to come out and play, and live a life worth celebrating.

She found the beautiful shrine the eagle had made, and she was thunderstruck with the gesture.  She saw where the mask is, and  triggered, thinking she would light a warm fire with it.   Thinking better, she put up a little sign:

Hear lies the mask of fear and hiding, overcome by the love of the forest, a symbol of freedom, and respect.

Thus endeth the use of the mask on the forum.  There still is one for the cis-world... but it gets discarded every opportunity it can, for the good of all trans.

Nails out, Loving the valour of the eagle who we see clearly now - thank you that is a very high compliment to see you, you look great - and my loving dears, I would be in so much horrible pain if I did not have you with me.

I am so deeply touched.   Right to the diamond core of trans, and to the gateways of my soul.

Edited after the original post....
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.

Jessica Merriman

Quote from: Jera on September 05, 2014, 06:27:20 AM
Is it too late to play here? If it's okay...
It is never too late in this never ending story of love and discovery!!  :)


QuoteIs it too late to play here? If it's okay... ((I hope I'm allowed two characters. It's the best way to express things.))

No worries  8)  Some folks are several characters in one  :D
The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M


She stretches, arms reaching towards the bits of morning sunlight flickering through the canopy; bones pop, sore muscles and old scars pull and ache, but she smiles. Today she woke feeling hidden, warm, and safe. She turns and gently shuts the door of her home behind, careful not to wake her lover. She leans against the wood a moment, eyes closed, committing to memory the soft darkness inside.

The walk to the statue is not a long one. Today she has decided to remember. Small kindnesses, petty arguments.

She remembers yelling at him, telling him off for thinking so little of himself. For devaluing everything that made him special, everything that made him good, everything that he was that she wished for herself. She remembers how happy he was for her when she met someone, how he cheered for her when they got together. She remembers how he'd listen, without judgement or fear, while she choked on her rage, trusting her to pull herself back together again. Trusting her more than she trusted herself. Forcing her to stay and talk. She remembers all the hundreds of words they'd shared, without sharing a single handshake, without ever breathing the same air.

When she arrives, she climbs to sit on the neck of the unicorn, presses a hand against a cold stone cheek.

"Hello, brother," she tells him, "I miss you."


I hope you don't mind me peeking in here, but... I like the idea of this thread, and what people have written here... and, well, I don't often indulge in much creative writing anymore.

So... well, I guess if I were to try and put words to how I feel, it would be something like this:


From the shadows, green eyes sparkled. A smile danced across a mouth unused to speech. A soft sigh drifted on the cool twilight breeze as a forlorn figure made tiny ripples in a still pond with a stick. She watched. Curiosity borne of ages. Borne of sorrow. Borne of the dreams of a thousand souls.

She watched.

The figure paused, as though aware of her presence. Arm dangling loosely over the inky water. He did not move, yet she sensed the tension creeping into his muscles. Sensed a building reaction she was all too familiar with. She felt his pain and uncertainty and the dancing smile missed a step.


A single word, whispered gently as falling snow. He glanced around furtively. Eyes darting, legs tensing. The stick fell from his grasp and disappeared beneath a midnight surface as he prepared to bolt.

"I... can't." Tears formed. His eyes shone with glistening sadness. "I don't know how."

"Yes, you do."

She emerged. Form shifting, blurring, innumerable beads of light cascading down her shoulders. Eyes of purest jade locking on to his as he stared, open-mouthed.

"What are you?" He breathed.

She said nothing. Walking slowly, deliberately.

He was mesmerised. Caught in her gaze. He was barely even aware that she had appeared beside him. Smiling once again.

"What... are you?"

She squeezed his hand gently, opened her heart, and whispered in his ear...

"Whatever you need me to be."
Natura nihil frustra facit.

Jessica Merriman

The fairy of total love felt a familiar feeling of yet another that was now released from her solitary prison and walks freely now. The magic of the forest increased yet again as the new resident smiles now and forever.  ^-^

Quote from: Sephirah on September 09, 2014, 12:33:37 PM"I... can't." Tears formed. His eyes shone with glistening sadness. "I don't know how."

"Yes, you do."


Laura and her friends were relaxing beneath a tree. Kathy looked around at the forest. "This place is trippy. I've seen all kinds of people around here. I had to keep dodging this pixie that kept throwing dust around." Erica giggled and nodded. "Yeah. It was funny. But I thought that the pixie was pretty cool." Kathy stood up and stretched. "Hey, let's go on a mushroom hunt." Kathy said with a wink.


The green eyed dragon snoozed in the dappled noonday sun, she'd only just arrived in the unicorn forest and was feeling worn out from the journey.


The fairy circles overhead, watching, strengthened, feeling all is well.

There seems to be a deer in the forest but she has not yet figured it out.  The dear hides in the thickets, skitterish, not knowing if it is safe to come out.  The creatures of the forest know the deer is there, they patiently wait, waiting for its fear of the light to dim enough for it to come out, and to be embraced.  Not to be ashamed of the form it needs to take, not to fear living true.

Do you know if you are the deer, my dear?

The fairy circles overhead, watching, loving, reaching out.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.