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Its time for another "Good News", "Bad News"

Started by Rawb, September 09, 2014, 03:25:38 PM

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Yes, that title is totally a stupid Animaniacs reference. Woo.

I won't have to wait forever for an endo! I can do it at the sexual health clinic in Halifax, NS, and the wait time is maybe 2-3 weeks! SUCH JOY!

I do have to wait forever for a therapist! I got the referral from my family doctor in May, and just went in today to find out how much longer I'll have to wait and the receptionist said... 9 months. NINE. MONTHS. Combined with the time I've already waited, that is literally a year. God damn. What. NO. No.

So I've spent some time calling Pride Health and calling around to other therapist sort of people outside of my area, but close enough to drive, and I have a small list of them that I've been calling to check for shorter waiting lists. So hopefully something will pan out for that.

I started college two weeks ago (ish) and that's going well. I've made some friends, and basically have a little group that I hang out, where we are all gay nerds. It's awesome. I haven't been pegged, mostly people look at me and can't decided my gender, and the peg me female when I speak. My class know me entirely as a guy, and I'm trying to be stealth.

My teacher knows I'm trans and, on a few ocassions, has called me she in front of the whole class (by accident) and I was like, "Uh, he." And she's like, "What?" And the only other guy in class was right next to her and was like, "He. Not she." And the teacher treated it like it wasn't a big deal. So that irks me a bit, that I have to be out to the faculty, and the faculty >-bleeped-<s it up. I don't think they'd >-bleeped-< it up, if they didn't know I was trans  =__=  But maybe. Whatever.

There was one incident, where another class had joined ours for a group activity, and a girl at my table pointed at me and was like, "Yooo, you look like this girl I know!"  And I was like, ".......Dude. Totally not a girl?"  And she just looked at me, like  O___O;;;  and everyone got super silent and it was super, SUPER awkward.

I pass really well in my group of gay nerds though, which is awesome, but also a little awkward because one of them is super SUPER outspoken, and also a bit sexist against women. So he makes me twitch a little bit. Another guy in my group, who is bi, and the only one I've come out to as trans, he's super cool, caught the sexist remark and immediately looked at me like, shiiiit is about to go downn, expecting me to flip at it or whatever.

The other thing that is super cool, but also a bit super weird, is that people have crushes on me now. It's so, so, so wild. Because I'm just lived 29 years of my life, being generally unloved and not getting any romantic interest in me, but now it's like, people have crushes on me! It's SO WEIRD. I don't know how to deal with it a bit, just like, one guy is super forward and like, "I like you, you're super cute." And I'm like, What. Really. Are you sure?  Super flattering though.



Have you thought about online therapy?  I don't know much about it but it could drastically reduce the wait time for you. 


Online therapy seems a little questionable to me, but I found out there's a therapist that works through my college, so I just contacted her today and explained some things, and maybe she can give me my letter. I will keep you guys updated  ^.^


Quote from: Rawb on September 10, 2014, 06:13:01 PM
Online therapy seems a little questionable to me, but I found out there's a therapist that works through my college, so I just contacted her today and explained some things, and maybe she can give me my letter. I will keep you guys updated  ^.^

It could be, but I know two very legitimate people who are thinking about doing it. In the case of gender therapy, there are many unqualified people-- and we see them here-- giving extremely questionable advice and holding up hormone therapy for dubious reasons. I think pretty much HRT should be given informed consent and therapy should be sought to support the person (in many, but not all, cases). Since many people require letters, I think it's a cost effective way of getting these letters to people without people having to go thru some of the very bizarre therapy some people here have been subjected to.



I see my therapist inline. I've seen her once in person.


I have an appointment set up for tomorrow (Friday) afternoon.
I don't know if she can help yet, but it's at least a start.
I really hope she can give me my letter.


So, it turns out that the school therapist person is a therapist, but not trained to deal with trans situations. She was super interested though, and I spent most of the appointment explaining to her how it works, and the process and effects of HRT and such. It was neat, and I found it a little funny that I got to sit there and educate somebody who should maybe already know this stuff, but I get the feeling that I should get used to that. At least she was willing to listen and seemed excited to learn about trans things.

On the upside, I got a call this morning sometime, from a lady who said that I'm going to be contacted by a Dr. Cormier, for an appointment sometime in October! So yay for that, at least  :)  And bonus, she's local to me, which is awesome, because I've been calling around and trying to find somebody to see, all over the place, so I could have potentially ended up going to the city, which is a 4 hour drive, one way.  So farrr  =_=

But YES,
Yay therapist stuff!
Yay, not having to wait 9 months!

Blue Senpai

Congratulations! I also start in October^^
You certainly are very lucky to have a therapist willing to help in spite of the unknown.


Wheel of Morality, Turn, Turn, Turn. Tell us the lesson that we should learn...

#5- Early to rise and early to bed makes a man healthy, but socially dead.

Glad things are working out for you... And morality is strong