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I feel like I owe you guys a big thank you...

Started by captains, September 23, 2014, 11:20:48 PM

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I've been very closeted about my gender issues in real life, and honestly, I had no real plans to come out. But being on this board these last few days gave me a surge of confidence, I guess -- or at the very least, it kept me preoccupied with the subject! I've just felt ... kind of okay in a way I hadn't before. I know I'm a newbie, but to know this community was here, and to see all of you just existing, idk, I felt bold.

I came out to my best friend of 10 years last night. It was dumb and low-key and over gmail chat, of all things. Just a quick "hey, you know i'm trans, right?" "yeah, i figured" and then the conversation progressed from there. She was supportive without being weird, she knew what was up without being dismissive, and all my fears about hiding from her seem so stupid now. I don't know why I kept this crap a secret for years. I feel so much lighter.

So, yeah. I just wanted to say thanks. You guys inspired me. The world looks a little brighter to day, and I owe it in no small part to you.
- cameron

Jill E

YAY!! That's a huge step, and it sounds like your friend is going to be a support for you too. (: I'm so happy for you.



Violet Bloom

  After 2-1/2 years since starting to come out to various people and going out in public part-time, I've yet to knowingly catch even a weird glance from anyone.  It still amazes me.  When I came out to my dad he was even better about it than my mom!  I know it doesn't always go this smoothly for everybody but there will almost certainly be someone in your life that handles it matter-o'factly, just as it should be.  Congratulations on starting your journey!  I hope you will be an inspiration to others as we've been to you.



- cameron


When I sought out Susan's Place in 2008, it had given me the similar feeling you described. I did not sign up to the forum back then though (not sure if forums existed back then...?), I had used the chatroom to talk to members. After a few weeks, they had given me the courage and confidence to come out to my friends, then my family.

It has changed my life, for better and for worse, I stopped going onto Susan's to deal with the whirlwind of changes and now I had finally found the chance to come back. It feels great to be back.

It is amazing isn't it? A world so dull and grey, then a splash of color and life begins to thrive... it can only go upwards from here.  :)