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Any Kemetic Orthodoxy/House of Netjer members here?

Started by ReubenIsTheName, October 10, 2014, 09:10:01 AM

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So, I just put in an application into the Kemetic Orthodoxy last night, and I was wondering if there are any other members of this religion here.  It doesn't seem like a very "big" religion, so I doubt it, but hey, it's a small word after all, right?

My interest in ancient Egypt/Kemet has always been well-known to anyone around me, and upon finding this religion, I was happy to see that upholding the Ma'at was still alive and well.  Having been an atheist for several years now, this is a big transition for me to even think of doing, but it's one I'm happy to do.  The culture and religion has always interested me, and I'm hoping that upholding the Ma'at will help me get some peace within, in the chaos of my life.

My mother is currently a Pagan, working on becoming a Wiccan (she wants to get more knowledge before she starts practicing any spells and such, and only white magic), so the whole concept isn't as foreign to me as it is to a lot of people.

"After Jesus and rock and roll, couldn't save my immoral soul, well, I've got nothing left, I've got nothing left to lose." 'Nothing Left to Lose' - The Pretty Reckless

Call me Reuben Damian/Toby
Preferred pronouns - He, His, Him | Orientation - "Straight" | Future surgeries - Mastectomy, Hysto, Vaginectomy, & hopefully Phallo.
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Hello ReubenIsTheName!

I am a long time member of Kemetic Orthodoxy! I hope it helps you find the inner peace you seek! There's quite a large LGBTQ+ community in the faith too. :) Lots of awesome people. I've been around since 2005. You can find me over there as Tabauamunet.

Senebty! •henu•
sat Amunet, meryt Sekhmet-HetHert, Seshat-Nit-NebtHet, Bast, Amun-Min, her Nefertem.


I applied too a few days ago, but have not heard anything back yet.



Old thread, but...

Senebty, this is Sesha. I was Kemetic Orthodox from 1998-2011, and a priest for 10 of those years.  I just recently returned to the House a couple of months ago (to lots of changes!)

Nonbinary people have been around as long as humanity, but the specific term and way of thinking about it seems to have arrived about 15-20 years ago or so. I was on Susan's in the little "androgyne" corner before it caught on, but I have been absent from here for years too.  (I'm surprised my old account was still active.)

These things are connected. In a spiritual and magical context that I feel closest to the more feminine end of the spectrum -- I feel a bit more like a daughter of Netjer than a son. In general, I feel disconnected from both male and female, and a bit fluid. Doing Senut regularly and keeping Ma'at in my thoughts seems to make me want to express my identity a bit more, not just take the easy "looks like a guy" road so much.  (I'm not out as nonbinary at work, I haven't changed my name, I use any pronouns, and don't have particularly intense physical dysphoria.) So, not long after rejoining the House, here I am updating my wardrobe, painting my toenails, and checking in on this forum again... :)

Lori Dee

Hello foosnark,

I'm Lori Dee. Welcome Back to Susan's Place!

I am always happy to see members return after a long absence. As you know, the site crashed and a lot of accounts did not survive. The site is back up and running and we are getting things fully operational again. The layout has changed, some things have moved, and our policies have been updated.

I will add some links here that are important for all members. Pay special attention to the links in RED.

Until then if you have any questions about the Susan's Place site and the Forums, please feel free to contact me at

Once again, Welcome Back to Susan's Place!

~ Lori Dee
Forum Staff

Things that you should read

@Sarah B
@Northern Star Girl
My Life is Based on a True Story
U.S. Army - SSG (Staff Sergeant) - M60A3 Tank Master Gunner
2017 - GD Diagnosis / 2019- 2nd Diagnosis / 2020 - HRT / 2022 - FFS & Legal Name Change
/ 2024 - Voice Training / 2025 - Passport & IDs complete
  • skype:.?call
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Sarah B

Hello foosnark

My name is Sarah and I would also like to formally, Welcome you Back to Susan's Place!

I see that Lori has also welcomed you back as well.

I would say that is a long absence and it is wonderful to see returning members.  What is most important they might tell us how their life has been in the intervening years.  I would appreciate if you would tell us how your journey has been in the other forums and threads.  I would appreciate it very much as, I'm always interested in learning something new about returning members and how your life has been.

In addition members of Susan's will more than likely will discuss problems or issues that are similar to yours as most have experienced these issues as well.

Take care and all the best for the future.

Once again, Welcome to Susan's Place!

Best Wishes Always
Sarah B
Global Moderator
@Devlyn  @Jessica_Rose  @Mariah  @Northern Star Girl  @Lori Dee
Be who you want to be.
Sarah's Story
Feb 1989 Living my life as Sarah.
Feb 1989 Legally changed my name.
Mar 1989 Started hormones.
May 1990 Three surgery letters.
Feb 1991 Surgery.
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