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My first session is tomorrow

Started by Pandalus borealis, October 19, 2014, 03:55:02 AM

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Pandalus borealis

After a lot of work and research, i finally will get my fist session with a gender identity specialist therapist/doctor.

A month ago, i finally decided to pursue transition. First i tried the public/government approach. After visiting my doctor i got a letter saying that i now was in a queue of approximately six months to visit a govermental general therapist. I could not wait this long!!!

After some research, i found there is a group of specialists in a nearby city. After contacting them, i was lucky to get a session the following week.

To prepare for the meeting, i have produced a 5 page document covering:
- Elements in my self diagnosis
- Status of my emotional life
- Why i seek treatment at this time
- Sexuality
- Goals of transitioning
- My pragmatic 4 year transition plan (covering economics, support, surgery, training)
- Economic situation, saving plan and outlook
- Status and outlook of family and friends supporting

Is this overkill? Or is there topics that i have missed?

Love C


Quote from: Pandalus borealis on October 19, 2014, 03:55:02 AM
After a lot of work and research, i finally will get my fist session with a gender identity specialist therapist/doctor.

A month ago, i finally decided to pursue transition. First i tried the public/government approach. After visiting my doctor i got a letter saying that i now was in a queue of approximately six months to visit a govermental general therapist. I could not wait this long!!!

After some research, i found there is a group of specialists in a nearby city. After contacting them, i was lucky to get a session the following week.

To prepare for the meeting, i have produced a 5 page document covering:
- Elements in my self diagnosis
- Status of my emotional life
- Why i seek treatment at this time
- Sexuality
- Goals of transitioning
- My pragmatic 4 year transition plan (covering economics, support, surgery, training)
- Economic situation, saving plan and outlook
- Status and outlook of family and friends supporting

Is this overkill? Or is there topics that i have missed?

Love C

I don't know if its overkill but it makes me feel totally unprepared for my first session. I did not even think to plan anything till I read your post. I was just going to go in and talk about whats been going on inside me all these years. I wish I had your organizational skills.  :P

Good luck to you!

Love Jade
I've been afraid of changing, cuz I built my life around you.
but time makes you bolder, children get older , I'm getting older too.


Preparation and reflection is never overkill.  Each therapist has their own approach but I suspect that the first session will focus on trying to understand your lived experience.  Being able to share this, pivotal or formative experiences, fears, dreams and symptoms/evidence of dysphoria will be important in demonstrating self understanding and helping the therapist understand you.

Having said this most therapists will seek to discover, understand, guide and coach rather than to accept or to take a self diagnosis or assessment at face value without further probing etc.

Either way the first session is always exciting.  I can understand why you couldn't wait 6 months once you decided to pursue transition.  I wish you well and look forward to hearing how it goes.

Safe travels



Wow thank you Aisla! That is all great information for me on my journey as well. You are awesome  :-*

I've been afraid of changing, cuz I built my life around you.
but time makes you bolder, children get older , I'm getting older too.

Pandalus borealis

Thank you Aisla and Jade

Maybe i should try to relax more, and focus on an open and honest conversation tomorrow. After all this will only be one of many sessions to come.

Best of luck too you Jade.

Love Charlotte

Brenda E

Pandalus, more preparation is better than less.  At the very least, your five pages of prep has helped you organize your own thoughts, although I think you'll find your notes useful in the appointment - as will your therapist.

Glad to hear you're looking forward to the therapy - it's remarkably good fun if you trust the process.

Let us know how it goes!


Quote from: Aisla on October 19, 2014, 06:13:01 AM
Having said this most therapists will seek to discover, understand, guide and coach rather than to accept or to take a self diagnosis or assessment at face value without further probing etc.

My first few sessions were like this too.  She wanted to get to know me and to understand my situation.  I was actually surprised at how unstructured the sessions were.  I'm an overly analytical person, and already had myself pretty much figured out.  But somehow she managed to ask a few questions that I hadn't thought of.

Your preparation is a great start, but use it as a starting point and then explore from there.  It's a fun process.  :)
"Before I do anything I ask myself would an idiot do that? And if the answer is yes, I do not do that thing." --Dwight Schrute

Pandalus borealis

Hi again good people!

Ok, i am back from therapy, and i have a lot of mixed feelings. 

She was a nice lady, and with hit the tone right away.

This is how it went:
She asked questions about how i felt during growing up. I told her i have been jealous of the girls since elementary school. Seeing them develop, express their emotions in a "broader" way and being able to wear prettier clothes. I told her i had a metal style growing up with long black hair. She took this as an indicator for androgyne visual expression. Still i have developed an very masculine walk, body language, and even an inhibition to use any cosmetic product in public (including chapstick and moisturizer). I told her i am defer from most social situations and is very unsecure, and she said that was typical for MTF. I told her how i wish to be a girl every time i see a shooting star, blow out a candle, or daydreaming about a genie. I told her i kept myself busy by constantly having a girlfriend since 15, and pursuing school with all my energy. And how i now have worked for one year, and feel without motivation.

She asked me about my hobbies, and assured me that paintball and diving aren't such masculine hobbies.

She asked about my sexual preferences, and i told her that since 14-15 of age i have sexualized being a woman. During 16-17 i discovered transsexuals and was at first intrigued by the possibilities, and that there was such a thing as hormones and GRS. But i soon started mastrubating watching post op pornography exlusively. I told her that i have difficulties to focus when i am home alone, as i have the urge to mastrubate frequently. I told her that i have cross dressed every time i have had an opportunity (which is few due to my constant girlfriends), both sexually and for relaxation.

She asked me how i feel now. I said that after attending a carpenter conference a month ago with my brother i was hit really hard by dysphoria. Since then i had trouble functioning at work, and socially. I feel distant from the world. All i can think about is how time is running out to do something about it.

She then started giving my advise to good stylists in the area, and where to buy clothes for tall women. She told me that i should go bank sperm as soon as possible, and that she wanted to start me on Finasteride to stop my hair loss. She also gave me a form to give to my local doctor to take blood tests. She told me that she wanted to see some sort of RLE before prescribing hormones. Our next session should be when i had banked sperm, and came to get the Finasteride.

At first i was happy. We said goodbye, and i left. It then occurred to me that she was very encouraging and supportive, and not critical. Then the insecurities came back. So am i a transsexual then? Was she not going to diagnose me? If she did diagnose me in that short amount of time (two hours), did i actually get all of the facts out there? Did she just trust me?

When i came home it worsened. My girlfriend introduced a theory that linked my problems the last month as a "job burn out". The last year i have worked in a very stressful high performing environment, and this could possibly be true. (Edit: meaning i could possibly go back to coping with the more normal level of dysphoria)

My conclusion:
I need more therapy, but not with the initial therapist/doctor.  Also i maybe need to consider changing job, or take a period off, to see if my feelings stay consistent.

Any Thoughts?


Brenda E

Quote from: Pandalus borealis on October 21, 2014, 02:01:47 PMShe then started giving my advise to good stylists in the area, and where to buy clothes for tall women. She told me that i should go bank sperm as soon as possible, and that she wanted to start me on Finasteride to stop my hair loss. She also gave me a form to give to my local doctor to take blood tests. She told me that she wanted to see some sort of RLE before prescribing hormones. Our next session should be when i had banked sperm, and came to get the Finasteride.

At first i was happy. We said goodbye, and i left. It then occurred to me that she was very encouraging and supportive, and not critical. Then the insecurities came back. So am i a transsexual then? Was she not going to diagnose me? If she did diagnose me in that short amount of time (two hours), did i actually get all of the facts out there? Did she just trust me?

My conclusion:
I need more therapy, but not with the initial therapist/doctor.  Also i maybe need to consider changing job, or take a period off, to see if my feelings stay consistent.

Any Thoughts?

Sperm bank?  If you want kids at some point, sure.  If it's cost effective, why not?  But as a condition of progressing further with therapy or hormones?  Very odd indeed, and by no means a requirement I've ever heard of before.

Finasteride?  Absolutely.  If you're starting to get thin on top, this is vital.  Your regular family physician should be able to prescribe this without even addressing any trans issues.  Just tell him or her you're starting to see hair loss and you want to aggressively and medically prevent further loss.

RLE prior to hormones?  Run as fast as you can in the opposite direction.  This is such an old, outdated concept, and it's cruel and unnecessary to force it on someone.

Are you a transgender?  Well, as one experienced poster told me long ago when I asked the same question: you're on a transgender site telling a bunch of transgender people how you think you're transgender, and you've already taken steps towards transition ( - the therapy).  Yeah, you're probably pretty trans!  :)  It's not the kind of thing that non-trans people spend their time doing or even thinking about.

No need to take time off.  No need to change jobs.  I'd recommend seeing a different therapist to see if someone else is a better fit.


Quote from: Brenda E on October 21, 2014, 02:33:19 PM
Are you a transgender?  Well, as one experienced poster told me long ago when I asked the same question: you're on a transgender site telling a bunch of transgender people how you think you're transgender, and you've already taken steps towards transition ( - the therapy).  Yeah, you're probably pretty trans!  :)  It's not the kind of thing that non-trans people spend their time doing or even thinking about.

I dress at home, I dress partially at work, my therapist said I'm pretty far along.


Quote from: Aisla on October 19, 2014, 06:13:01 AM
Having said this most therapists will seek to discover, understand, guide and coach rather than to accept or to take a self diagnosis or assessment at face value without further probing etc.

While not exactly self diagnosed, I told her exactly how I felt, what I dream of going to bed every night. We spent only 5 minutes on the past and that was that. The rest of time was spent deciding where I want to go and how to manage transition and my family. Today 's focus was about work, since I went to work dressed up and she thinks I should start talking to them within in the next month or two. I might talk to them sooner than that to be honest because I already come to work kind of dressed up...

It was pretty unstructured but much of what she needed to know is in the paperwork I gave her.