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Anti-gay church cheers disaster

Started by Hazumu, August 12, 2007, 07:45:25 PM

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Deseret Morning News
By Ben Winslow
Published: Aug. 12, 2007 12:24 a.m. MDT

"The statement comes across a fax machine with all the impact of a kick in the gut: "Thank God for the Utah Mine Disaster."

Members of a Kansas-based church notorious for picketing military funerals to generate publicity for their anti-gay cause have announced plans to picket any memorial services for the six miners trapped inside the Crandall Canyon Mine.

That's assuming they are dead, the Westboro Baptist Church concedes.

A statement by the group pledges to picket in central Utah with a warning: "God Hates Fags!""

Fred Phelps's 'church' strikes again.  This is currently the number-one viewed story on the Deseret Morning News



I am totally appalled by this.  What in the hell does their religion have to with a collapsed mine.  Those families are going though enough right now than to have some right wing religious group sticking their nose where it doesn't belong.  The bible says to "Judge not", " he that is without sin cast the first stone", "inasmuch as you have done it unto the least of these, YOU HAVE DONE IT TO ME".  Need I say more?  I think what needs to happen is that ALL of the GLBT community needs to get together and protest them.  Show them that we will NOT stand by that let this type of hate and bigotry continue.  WE MUST STAND TOGETHER.  Just my opinion however.

Kate Thomas

"But who is that on the other side of you?"
T.S. Eliot