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What colour do you associate with death?

Started by Nero, September 15, 2007, 01:59:06 PM

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What colour do you associate with death?
Death is Black to me, as I thought it was to everyone, but recently I've heard some say White is the colour of Death.
What colour is death?
Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


different cultures use different colors to represent death.  I think in the Jet Lee movie, HERO, they used white and maybe even red.  It's a Chinese film.

   Death is the color of earthworms to me.  It squiggles too.


White, peaceful, noiseless, melodrama- free ::)

tink :icon_chick:


Quote from: Rebis on September 15, 2007, 02:05:58 PM
Death is the color of earthworms to me.  It squiggles too.

Care to elaborate on that, Reebs? :laugh:

Quote from: Tink on September 15, 2007, 03:14:59 PM
White, peaceful, noiseless, melodrama- free ::)

tink :icon_chick:

Interesting. That's what prompted the question - some say death is white. White does represent peace.
Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


speaking from a western perspective, black is generally equated with death. black (the entire grayscale actually) is a tint, not a color. so death imo has no color.


    Death is brown & black & is as alive as the cosmos.  There is no such thing as complete stillness even in death.


I'm told black and dark colors, but I'm going to say white as I'm reaching the pearly gates.




They say that death is the beginning of an after life.  So since green is my favourite colour, I think green makes sense. ;)


Black is the colour that I wold associate with death



Black is too sexy to be the death colour!!!

The colours evolving bad feelings for me are: purple - dark magenta - pale violet red


Black for me represents a nothingness, so for me black is too bleak a color for death. Maybe it works for the living in that things are (usually) bleak when someone passes away. But when I die I hope It is represented by white. White light is made up of all the visible wavelengths so it is a complete thing. When I die I hope to become part of this completeness.

(actually I'm hoping Dr Who will turn up in his blue would be good too)


Cindi Jones

Light is what you will "see" as your brain is starved of oxygen.  So that's the color I'm going with.... "light".

Author of Squirrel Cage


Yellow like the sun.  One of the best books on colour preference and emotional states, if you can find a copy, is "The Luscher Colour Test", based on the work of Professor Luscher at the University of Basel in Switzerland.

If you do find a copy make sure it stll has the two pages of coloured patches so you can do the self-test.


I associate black, white and gold with death.


I associate black with death, like walking into a dark tunnel of complete blackness.  White also represents peace to me, so that is the light eventually at the end of the long walk through the tunnel to eternity. :)

Quote from: NickSister on September 16, 2007, 05:03:10 PM
(actually I'm hoping Dr Who will turn up in his blue would be good too)

I love Dr Who!! I'd hitch a ride on the Tardis any day.  ;D

King Malachite

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