Hi darkblade,
Firstly, may I suggest, in order for you to make sense of yourself, drop all the labels. Gay, straight, feminine, masculine, Muslim, crossdressing, lesbian, butch etc. They will only help to confuse and frustrate you. Focus on just how you feel and relate to your own feelings of who you are.
Secondly, avoid any and all religious dogma regarding what's right or wrong. Most dogma is incorrect at the best of times, and has only been conceived to satisfy someone else's inadequacies.
In answer to your questions. Gender dysphoria and GID. are the same. ->-bleeped-<- is NOT a choice. You do not have to have "severe" GID to qualify. ->-bleeped-<- is an in utero genetic defect, like any other in utero defect ( cerebral palsy, autism, spina bifada, Aspergers etc) with the correct diagnosis, a satisfactory outcome and productive lifestyle is very achievable.
Best wishes, and stay connected.