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Your biggest clockers?

Started by Kamiki, November 06, 2014, 10:52:01 PM

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I was thinking today and I got to pondering my clockers and what order they came in and who would notice which.

Men- Almost always note my height/.shoulders, and chest size. Eyes will fall to the floor then trace me back up. If a guy was going to clock me with a Sir it is usually after they noted my petite for my build breasts (they were not proportionally appropriate to my frame).

Women- Almost always settle their gaze on my T-Section if they are going to Sir me. They note the orbital bone and brows.

Both-  I have been a professional Voice Actress in my past. I can range anywhere from petite Irish woman to Russian man with my voice. If I get too excited however I can start to feel the lower end vibrate and it gives me a androgynous voice that combined with the others can clock me. Yeson is something I will not consider until I am done doing voice work.

Breasts are taken care of as of today. A gorgeous DD (maybe E, can never really do a true cc to cup size guess).

Face is next on my list. Narrowing down my short list, but ironically I keep finding myself drawn to the less aggressive surgeons despite my feeling that I need some work and non aggressive may not cut it.

#20 of 20 on this page of Dr. Speigel's is my ideal level of transformation so I know he is capable of it.

Of Dr Mayer it is Gia who appeals to me, but I see no one with my general range of needs in his portfolio on his website.

I have signed up to join the FFS group but as of yet have not been accepted.

What I "think" I need.

Orbital Bony Contouring
Brow Bossing work ( I think that is what it is called...)
Eyebrow lift
Possibly Cheek Implants
Hariline advance

What I feel may be optional

Chin work, shaping or implant
Jaw work, tapering

So Jaw Taper and Chin work are the two things I am unsure of. I would be fine with an implant if I need one however.

With that said does anyone have any suggestions I may want to look into.


Must be a US surgeon. I really want to postpone travel until I am done and leave the country carefree and comfortable.
Needs to be skilled with the upper half of the face.

So why these two on my list now all said? I did contact Ousterhout and have not yet contacted Zukowski.

Two reasons,

Ousterhout was highly unprofessional when compared to Speigel in regards to a consult. Spiegel was simple on the ball.

Zukowski is facing a defamation suit as well as lost a patient a couple years back. Also I hear mixed results of his work and can find nothing on his page that sings to me.


Jessica Merriman

I know three girl in real life at my support center who went to Dr. Z. They look fantastic and were treated VERY well.  :)


Two categories of people who clock me:

1.  People in LGBT settings, where it's expected there will be transgirls, so a 5'11" girl triggers transdar.

2. Tall women who are used to looking eye-to-eye with other tall women but find they still look up at me.

It seems that someone who is suspicious will find enough strangeness (narrow hips, broader shoulders, wide chin, adams apple, craggy forehead, etc.) that they can figure it out, but unsuspicious people will generally not clock me.
Have you read my short story The Eve of Triumph?