This is a safe area for transgender individuals under the age of 18 to interact in a moderated environment. This forum will be heavily moderated and any inappropriate discussions removed.
To protect yourself from being inadvertently outed participants in these forums should avoid the use of any personally identifiable information, especially names, nicknames, personal photos, etc. The TOS covers this in TOS 6 which applies even more strongly here...
You should not give out personal information which may lead to your being identified, or contacted in person, by email or other means. If you chose to do so, then you also accept all accompanying risks. Aliases and the use of alternate identities, social media accounts, and email addresses are strongly encouraged.
All clearly inappropriate posts or private messages, including any that attempt to gain or obtain personally identifiable information of minor members, will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
Members should immediately report any messages both public and private that they feel may possibly be abusive, inappropriate, unwelcome, or unsolicited contact attempts, to staff using the Report links in posts and personal messages.