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What I am eating - To lose weight and gain muscle

Started by Vesper, October 20, 2014, 06:06:10 PM

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I am the last person to give advice about what a person should be eating. I'm severely over weight, am "Pre diabetic" what ever that is supposed to mean, and I have problems with a under active thyroid. But, I am trying to eat healthier. I notice a lot of you sharing what you are eating, so I thought I would too.

Salad with some left over turkey breast, feta, letuce, tomato, cucumber, red onion and vinigarette dressing was my dinner tonight.


I am on the same boat although just overweight. I lost 20 pounds this year and place my sugar under control.

It was very important to me to understand the process and the book by Taubes "Why we get fat helped me a lot". Now I avoid the bad carbs. I did the "fat fasting" twice and helped me a lot to reduce sugar and get started loosing weight. In the book it is mentioned that weight is mainly hormonal with insulin and sex hormones the key players. Insulin is easy to take care off by changing food habits. In our case low T is the problem.

There is a doctor that claims that the low T causes low E and that that is the problem: and

I opened a thread to get feedback on this but only one reply so far even though it was a confirming one.,171832.0.html




I'm a type 1 diabetic but I'm in pretty good shape so perhaps I can share some of what I've learned from my dieticians.

  • Protein slows down metabolism, so try to get a little bit of protein with each meal.

  • What keeps you full is fibre, fibre can't be digested by the human body but it takes a lot of work to extract what can be processed from the fibre. BTW, when you read nutritional labels in North America fibre will be listed and counted under carbs but should be subtracted since it goes straight through, in other parts of the world the fibre is not counted in the carbs.
  • You can pretty much eat as much salad/broccoli/cauliflower/celery as you want, bell peppers/carrots/cucumbers have a bit more calories but you can still eat them liberally.
  • Get plenty of protein to build muscles, low fat dairy products, chicken, turkey, fish are all excellent sources.
  • Your body will burn about 1500-2000 calories per day without exercise, with the recommended 45-60 minutes of cardio per day it's usually closer to 2500-3000. Most of this will be from fats/oils or carbohydrates but there is one twist, your brain burns about 500 calories per day and this needs to be in the form of carbs.
  • The body can convert protein to fat and fat to glucose (carbs) but this process is very ineffective and lossy, this is the reason the ketogenic diet works, you basically force the body to create glucose from fat/protein which burns a lot of energy, if I remember correctly the conversion is at a ratio between 1/4 and 1/10 depending on exact details.

So what should you eat to build muscle and burn fat, well green salads, try to aim for about 150 calories from the greens and then add another 100-150 to spice things up with feta, chicken, parmesan, sundried tomatoes, tuna, sesame seeds, nuts, seeds, olives or what ever else you crave that day.

The general rule for carbs is between 45 and 60 grams per meal depending on size and metabolism, now compare this to a small order of McDonalds fries which contain 120 grams of carbs and you'll see why it's important to stay away from fast food, one serving of fast food per day will ruin any diet. Also be sure you read the label on your dressing, I've seen dressings where a single tablespoon of the dressing had more calories than my entire salad.

For snacks try carrots, pickles, olives, dried seaweed (nori),sugarfree jello or even turkey/chicken bites/nibblers but remember that moderation is key.

Try to get 45-60 minutes of exercise per day, if you are out of shape start by walking, try to use those big muscles in your legs to burn and then step up your game as you get into better shape.


jgdo, antonia,

Thanks for both of your comments and suggestions.

Joe, I am pre-everything at this point. But, I've had problems with my hormones for years. So, I can see where hormones have a lot of play in how our bodies reacts. 

Antonia, I really like your break down. I don't think that anyone has ever really taken the time to really explain it out to me. I don't have a dietitian, though. So, thanks for that. I will be putting your information to use.


You are welcome Vesper,

Do you know your fasting blood sugar, A1C, and Testosterone levels?

My last values were; 116, 6.3, an T level unknown but I assume low as I am on spiro.

I am type II diabetic without medication. My dietitian recommended similar diet as Antonia's, only that I had to cut carbs even more because of high fasting blood sugar, andA1C.



Hello there, lots of great tips here already!

I just wanted to add something: if you have problems with your thyroid, this can cause lots of trouble - including weight gain. Hypothyroidism is often caused by Hashimoto's which can carry insuline resistance in its wake. Do you know if your doctor checked for Hashimoto's?  If not, I'd get this checked out just in case. There is great info on this and other related topics on the pages of Sarah Ballantyne ("the paleo mom") and Chris Kresser. I don't eat paleo, but they have well-researched (and not too dogmatic) info on their pages, and they address thyroid issues.

I'd also be careful with nori because of the iodine - it could become a problem for your thyroid.

Sorry for deviating from the food topic a little, but my thyroid has been giving me LOTS of trouble, so my alarm bell went off when I read "hypothyroidism" and "pre-diabetic".



Sorry guys, been gone for a bit. Been bus around here. Thanks for the great information and tips.


No, I don't know what my levels are.


Yeah my thyroid has already caused me a lot of grief. I have never heard of hashioto, but I will ask my doctor about it. And I am checking out "The Paleo mom" too. Thanks. Actually, I tried something similar to her plantain pancakes a few days ago. Except it was just bananas, peanutbutter eggs and baking aid for rising. Was pretty good.
