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Would you still be happy as a woman who doesn't get romantic attention?

Started by Paige H, March 17, 2013, 11:34:06 AM

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Would I still be happy without romantic attention?

Sure, I could earn money by selling my story as a really ugly transwoman but I don't think it's possible.

The way I see it attraction is highly individual and it doesn't matter who you are or how you look or present yourself there will always be someone in the world who finds you attractive.

I never really got dates on how I looked or presented myself but almost always on who I was inside as a person. Before I couldn't deal with such a relationship.

Now that I can I'm holding out for a sustainable relationship. I've grown tired of the emotional wear and tear of developing a relationship and having to explain certain things, and now I'm mid transition I'm really not going to go out of my way to enter into something which is going to end up in more loss, hurt, rejection and separation.

If it happens of course I'd be thrilled but if it doesn't I will still have my creativity, I will still have my friends, my interests, and numerous opportunities for happiness and fulfillment.
"The truth within me is more than the reality which surrounds me."
Constantin Stanislavski

Mistakes not only provide opportunities for learning but also make good stories.


I'd be okay. I'm in a LTR right now with someone who doesn't care where I'm at on the gender spectrum, but saying she bolts for whatever reason, I have no problem being alone. I was for several years before she came along, and I was fine with it... I mean, I wasn't even looking for a relationship.

Being myself and accepting it is the key to my happiness, not what other people think of me.



Initially, I would be ok but eventually, I would want to find a companion to do stuff with. True romance has always been an issue for me but would like it the end.
- Sabrina



Yes I would I have vowed sexual purity to my God till after my transformation and I'm properly married to the one I can't live without. There are so many new feelings and emotions that I fully want to explore as I make the physical transformation and I feel totally complete. As a man I gave my most precious gift away cheaply. How many people get a second virginity to Do it Gods way this is a gift I will be forever thankful for love you all hope we can talk again soon


I've never had any romantic attention anyways, so if that happens then nothing has changed :)
So I think I'll be happy regardless
I am the self proclaimed Queen of procrastination




I have a extremely low sex drive and although I have minor interest in romance, I personally can live without it, because in my mind there is only one person on this planet for me, and the chances of me meeting that person? Not likely. They could be in India, Africa, New Zealand, or next door. I have a good grasp on what love is, and I can certainly say I've never truly been in love before.

I do love my friends, family, etc, just not romantically. Besides my friend (whom is 60 years old - I'm 21 by the way), got divorced 40 years ago, and she is the happiest woman I have ever seen. She has a beautiful home arranged in a Feng Shui style and sings, dances, etc, she knows how to entertain herself and has friend and family. I was 11 when I decided I didn't need a relationship, and when I was 16 I met my friend for the first time and now most of my influence is from her.

I personally believe that not everyone will meet the right one, or the one they love. A majority of people think that they have found the one, but later divorce, or perhaps breakup and enter another relationship, another, and another.

I'm not Asexual, I consider myself "straight as a boy" but "lesbian as a girl", but in all honesty I'd prefer to label myself as a Panromantic; Asexual - meaning I don't sexually attracted to anyone UNLESS I love them. I think that title suits me very well, but who knows?

Edit: I got side tracked and forgot what I was answering. I'd like to make sure I looked attractive --- only for no one to have me, haha!

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Call me shallow, but if no person ever found me romantically attractive as a girl then I'd probably cry lol More power to the people that can be happy with nothing from the opposite sex but I need something. I need validation to know that I'm doing my job right. I'm sure some guy will always find someone attractive though. It's normal. It's pretty much impossible to not be attractive to ANYONE. I *think* anyways. If you're alive, there has to be someone who finds you attractive. Whether it be through personality more than anything, I'm sure there's love for everyone. >-bleeped-<, even I am talking to a guy who saw me the next day, looking as ugly as possible & he somehow still finds me attractive. Even other people who I thought were way out of my league were mine for a night or have told me they find me attractive. I don't see it but they do & that's the magic in perspective from others. It's not your own & you may never see it, but it's their's & only they can comprehend it.

Anyways, I think I got a bit off topic. Bottom line, would I be happy? Maybe one day down the line, when I'm like 35, yes. Being 18 & having not even went through my prime as a woman? Hell to the f**king NO . Should this be everyone's opinion? Probably not. It'll probably screw me up down the line more than anything tbh.


YES my age, although I wish I were a lot younger, then my answer would probably be very different

L Katy
Long term MTF in transition... HRT since ~ 2003...
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