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Wig: Insecurity wearing one

Started by April_TO, November 18, 2014, 08:43:10 PM

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Hi Everyone,

I'm dying to head out in public with a really nice pair of wigs. However, the thought of wearing one makes me so anxious and paranoid. In my head, people can easily clock me if i'd wear one and I don't want to embarrass myself and add more to the self deprecating thoughts in my head.

I DO NOT mean any disrespect to my lovely ladies in this site that wears one. However, how did you overcome the anxiety of wearing one? I just have this nasty thought in my head that I might look like a freak show sigh.... :( sobs. I only wear my unit when I am at home (I know it's silly)

Thanks Ladies xo

Nothing ventured nothing gained

Jessica Merriman

Do you have any idea how many cis girls wear them on a daily basis? Relax, you will not get clocked for wearing a wig. Once you learn to properly secure it you will forget it is on. I am so lucky though and only wear one now when my mood changes or if I want a particular look. My natural hair is just where I want it now.  :)

Ms Grace

The one you have on in that picture looks perfectly natural. I wear one, and you'd never believe how many compliments I get. You get used to wearing them pretty quickly and as long as it's comfortable you don't even notice you've got one on.
Transition 1.0 (Julie): HRT 1989-91
Self-denial: 1991-2013
Transition 2.0 (Grace): HRT June 24 2013
Full-time: March 24, 2014 :D


I wear a wig. I'm rarely clocked.

I have steeled myself for the moment when my wig comes off in public (it WILL happen). I will simply replace it with dignity and poise.

Hasn't happened yet, fortunately.
Have you read my short story The Eve of Triumph?



That wig looks great! I would not worry about wearing it in public, not one bit :)

Eva Marie

I wear a wig and secure it with wig tape. At college the other night I had a nasty fall down some stairs because I had boots with heels on and I was in a hurry and wasn't paying enough attention. I did a 160 degree forward rotation followed by a face plant - and my wig stayed on lol...

The wig you are wearing looks perfectly natural to me. I constantly get compliments on my wig so I know that people cannot tell. Relax, go out into the world and rock that wig girl!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Thanks for the words of encouragement. I finally went out with my unit on and not a single person looked at me!! Me and my female cis friend were quite amazed how I passed LOL. However, I still get so self conscious sigh LOL

I have to work on my confidence. Btw, here's the proof: My pic inside the mall YAY!

I'm currently hitting my 3rd month on HRT this 28 :) woohoo!!! Loving it!
Nothing ventured nothing gained

Ms Grace

Transition 1.0 (Julie): HRT 1989-91
Self-denial: 1991-2013
Transition 2.0 (Grace): HRT June 24 2013
Full-time: March 24, 2014 :D


Nothing ventured nothing gained


You'll be fine Hun but I know where your coming from and I was the same until today my wife and daughters went for a big walk was a first for me with my wig on as well outside in public. Here's a pick I snapped before we left it's a bit cheeky

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


You've got nothing to be worried about Carmen...  Based on your photo.. it looks completely natural and suits your facial features very nicely!

And Jessica makes a great point.  You'd be amazed how many cis-woman wear wigs.  Heck, my mother wears one. :)
Oct 15/14 - Fulltime
Jan. 31/15 - Electrolysis Started



Nothing ventured nothing gained


You look amazing, Carmen! And the wig looks wonderful.

I have to wear wigs. My own fault for not facing who I was years ago and letting time and testosterone ravage my scalp. But as others have noted, a good wig can be indistinguishable from natural hair.
The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.

~ Cara Elizabeth


If it's not a cheap wig then it should look fine. Just make sure the hair is human, lace closure looks best & put some makeup in the hair parting & blend so it doesn't look so fake. Make sure it isn't fake looking because noticeable wigs don't ever really look cute unless they're for cosplay


I live in Florida and must wear wigs when I am in girl mode. I hate Summers because I sweat soooooo easily. It really keeps me from going Girl Mode most of the Summer. I hate it so much.  :'( :'(

I really hope once HRT starts it will change so I sweat less and can handle the heat..WITH a Wig on.

I hope my hair has a chance during transition but at 47 I don't know. I have little fine hairs on the famous top center rear Male baldness pattern. Maybe it can be saved?

Wishful thinking.
My Fantasy is having Two Men at once...

One Cooking, One Cleaning.  ;D 
