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I'm not gonna shave until someone makes me

Started by KamTheMan, November 30, 2014, 07:03:35 PM

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Hey guys. Been having beard envy again. I'm a ski lift operator at a resort so I'm outside in the cold most of the day. The other day me and a co-worker, who has a decent stache/goatee, we're seeing guys will full beard getting on the lift. Not needing face masks because of their beards. We were talking being jealous about not being able to grow something like that. Then later with my other co-workers talking about the same thing, he says to me "You don't even look like you can grow any facial hair dude your face is so smooth."  :embarrassed: ugh so awful. I now haven't shaved in a week. I have a single thick hair sprouting under my chin. The rest is just very blonde, thin, and kinda fuzzy. My mustache hair is very soft and mostly blonde. But I want to look like I have something on my face for frick sake!! I just want to avoid shaving for as long as possible. Until my mom makes me or someone at work actually notices it and makes me shave it. I just wanna look older. I lied about my age the other day because I was stressed out. My co-worker looks so much older than me. Turns out I'm almost 5 years older than him. I'm buggin right now.



Not shaving sounds like the practical thing to do for the weather!  Here's hoping you have something to show for it by the end of ski season!


As soon as I started T I told myself I wasn't shaving until it was noticeable. By noticeable I decided that would be if I were to stand at a bathroom mirror against the sink counter and see facial hair without leaning in and "inspecting" my skin. I've come to notice it now on my upper lip more down by the corners of my mouth, and even some darker hairs coming in, but as for side burns and chin? Only if I lean it looks like I am going to wait. I'm rather blond so I maybe waiting a while.
I hear you on the age thing, Kam. I'm not in my teens anymore, I'd really like some scruff just to look a bit older.
Im mostly ok with looking young, but I get annoyed if it's thrown in my face a lot.


Quote from: FriendsCallMeChris on November 30, 2014, 07:27:32 PM
Not shaving sounds like the practical thing to do for the weather!  Here's hoping you have something to show for it by the end of ski season!

Me too! The shaving policy is much more lax this year, but if you look sloppy they'll say something. So we'll see how long I last. Only problem is my dads office party. I haven't been to once possibly since my hair was still long so yea. But my mom wants us all to go and dress nice because she wants to do a family photo. I'll probably have to shave the mustache at the very least for that. I worried about having facial hair like Justin Bieber..



Quote from: morganFW on November 30, 2014, 08:18:35 PM
As soon as I started T I told myself I wasn't shaving until it was noticeable. By noticeable I decided that would be if I were to stand at a bathroom mirror against the sink counter and see facial hair without leaning in and "inspecting" my skin. I've come to notice it now on my upper lip more down by the corners of my mouth, and even some darker hairs coming in, but as for side burns and chin? Only if I lean it looks like I am going to wait. I'm rather blond so I maybe waiting a while.
I hear you on the age thing, Kam. I'm not in my teens anymore, I'd really like some scruff just to look a bit older.
Im mostly ok with looking young, but I get annoyed if it's thrown in my face a lot.

right? Just little scruff, that's all I'm asking for. just so people don't question it.



I know the feeling, facial hair was/is the one thing I really want but I'm still waiting for it but I'm trying to keep somewhat positive mindset about it, thinking good things are worth waiting for etc. :D

I sometimes have my lazy phases and I go without shaving for over a month and what do I get? Pedo stache. I actually tried to have a No shave Novemeber of my own but I decided to shave it off when it started to look like my fiancée was about to attack me with that epilator thingy. I swear, that machine is pure evil.


Guess it's sort of lucky to be in this situation and have Arab genes (and naturally elevated T levels I suppose).

I've always had facial hair that I've been getting laser treatment for years for, and although it's gotten much thinner and a little patchy it's mostly still there. Been ignoring my appointments now, and shaving as least as possible, though at the moment I just look like a girl with lots of facial hair, which isn't really what you'd want to look like. I'm pretty much trying to reverse the effects of 6 years of laser treatment, though I'm sure my mom wouldn't be happy if/once she find out.. So much money down the drain. Sometimes I think I'm hairier than half the (cis)guys on campus. Probably true too.

I really want to know how much of a beard I can grow naturally without T  :laugh: but I gotta shave more or less each week when I go home.. I feel awesome when I try to do this sort of weird shave where I try to get it down to what I feel like would be an acceptable point and not attract my mom's attention. Not clean shaving unless I really have to...
I'm trying to be somebody, I'm not trying to be somebody else.


try focussing on the other hair on your body for the time being:D

im not on T yet but i havnt shaved any of my hair (i have peach fuzz thankfully on my lip ans i stopped shaving that too right away) on my legs and arms and its super hairy, so when i focus on that instead of my lacking of nice facial hair it makes me feel a bit better:)
I am rehearsing for a role, and the role is my life.


Quote from: Orangaline on December 01, 2014, 04:53:52 PM
try focussing on the other hair on your body for the time being:D

im not on T yet but i havnt shaved any of my hair (i have peach fuzz thankfully on my lip ans i stopped shaving that too right away) on my legs and arms and its super hairy, so when i focus on that instead of my lacking of nice facial hair it makes me feel a bit better:)

I do the exact same thing. Having a different focus point isn't always a bad the other hair time to come in.
