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Hair pictures

Started by orangejuice, December 07, 2014, 04:25:42 PM

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Just wondering what the absolute best case hair scenario is that I could expect from hormones?

My history is I'm 25, I had the thickest hair ever until I was 18 when it started falling out at an alarming rate.  I took finasteride for 3 years which slowed my loss drastically but not completely. I was off finasteride from 23-25 but I have recently just started back on it as well as using minoxidil.

Some of these are flattering, some are unflattering. Pretty much can't stand to look at those ones.

Ms Grace

Are you on HRT or soon to be? I think you'll find that in combo with minoxidil you should have no problems growing a nice lush head of hair.
Transition 1.0 (Julie): HRT 1989-91
Self-denial: 1991-2013
Transition 2.0 (Grace): HRT June 24 2013
Full-time: March 24, 2014 :D


Hi Grace, thanks for the reply again! seems like you are looking after everyone on here! No I'm basically trying to decide if I want it or not. If I could snap my fingers and look like a girl I'd do it in a second but right now I don't think I could transition. But I know that's because I have a tonne of fear about what I'd look like. If I saw a picture of what I would look like 5 years from now and I liked it I think I would go through all the trauma of transitioning anyway. Basically I'm trying to figure out what is just fear and what is what I really want.

Ms Grace

Transition or not, you're going to have to confront those fears - otherwise you'll spend the next however many years wondering if it would have worked. I had a chance at age 23 and imploded over a two year period, that was largely due to lack of confidence and lack of professional all counts I was totally passable but wouldn't believe it. I am utterly amazed that my transition has worked this time, twenty five years later, but I really needed to confront my fears about potentially not passing and what it meant to be trans. I had to believe in myself and not be afraid. If 23 year old me could only see me today! But that alas is not a luxury any of us has so we just need to be guided by who we know ourselves to be, denying that self just leads to misery. :)
Transition 1.0 (Julie): HRT 1989-91
Self-denial: 1991-2013
Transition 2.0 (Grace): HRT June 24 2013
Full-time: March 24, 2014 :D


Ye I'm realising that happiness with this whole deal is attitude, but I'll be honest I'm a little scared that I'm not that type of person. You have to own who you are. I get that. When I came out to myself a few months ago I felt that way for a little while, I am who I am and I'm happy type thing, but it quickly went away. I'm trying to get into that way of thinking again but its hard and even if I can sometimes I feel like how hard transitioning would be I would have to be that way ALL the time, and that type of confidence just doesn't come naturally to me. The opposite in fact. But hey I'll keep trying.

I just wish I could know what I would look like or even if hormones worked in such a way that I could change a tiny bit each day and keep going if I liked it but without coming out to anyone until I was sure I was going to go all the way.