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Started by J.T., June 21, 2007, 12:57:20 AM

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I'm obsessed, totally obsessed.  Thinking about this constantly.  When i'm trying to watch tv, read a book, watch a movie, talk on the phone.  When I drive in the car or walk through the aisles of the grocery store.  It is driving me nuts!!!

I think about new names, wonder if i can ever pass. Wonder if i should even try to pass.  I take twenty/thirty pictures to try and find that one that most makes me look like a guy.  I think about the binders i just ordered, when i will get them and whether they will work. I think about what other people are thinking about me. I think about how to tell my family....  And then I think, am I just obsessed for now and in a few months will i move on?  I need to know if this is real.  I feel it is real, but there is that little bit of doubt that is picking at me.

But if i'm thinking of this constantly, if this is the only thing that seems to matter in my life right now... if for the first time in my life i no longer want to die and actually look forward to living, it has to be real.  Right?

I can't shut my brain off, every waking moment (and even in my dreams) i'm totally obsessed.


I don't know how old you are, and you don't say how long you've been "obsessed," but I'm guessing that what you are experiencing is usual for most people at some stage of this process.  I know for myself that every time I've gone through a major life transition of any kind (I'm in my fifties, so I've been through a few, including coming out as a lesbian years ago, which bears at least a few experiential similarities in terms of its impact on my whole life) for a while I am consumed by it and it is in the forefront of my consciousness and sometimes even my dreams, until I assimilate it into my daily life and who I am, and then eventually some of the energy is freed up again for other things.

I'm at an early stage in the transitioning process, so right now I'm kind of obsessed with it, too--most of my reading right now has to do with it, and it is the lens through which I'm observing the world around me, for the most part.  After all, it's a huge thing that is impacting every aspect of my life, and who I am.  But I know that once I am further along and the experience is more integrated, its place on center stage will recede.  At least my experience with other things makes me believe this will be true. 

I'd say, give in to the obsession and don't worry about it.  Probably helps if you have people you can talk to about it, either close friends or family, and maybe a therapist.  I'm finding that helpful for me.  Also, if you're into it, journaling is a good outlet.


Yep, I went through it too. It will pass with time and eventually you even get moments where you forget you're trans.

I spent a month or so with an almost surreal awareness of gender. It was probably my mind trying to deconstruct it.

And don't worry about passing. I've never seen a transman who didn't pass at least by 4 or 5 years on T. Most pass within the first year. Some just take a little longer, but eventually the vast majority if not all do.

Manyfaces is right, letting it out helps, a journal, a friend, a therapist are all good outlets.



Thanks, nice to know I'm not crazy.

I do have people to talk to, but not enough. That is why I'm grateful for this forum.

I'm still early, i had had my awakening in early/mid april.  I was totally consumed/obsessed for about a week.  Things seem to be better today.  Had a good long talk with my best friend, and also got my binders yesterday.  Was overjoyed!  Maybe I was so obsessed because I just got back from a vacation and I pushed everything under the rug for a week.

I've learned this is like a roller coaster ride.  Lots of ups and downs.  Gotta keep reminding myself that.


Quote from: ht on June 23, 2007, 12:56:59 AM
Thanks, nice to know I'm not crazy.

Definitely not!  In fact you sound pretty normal to me!  :P



in your picture J.T. you look like you pass really well to me. you even have the broud shoulders and small hips. i envy you :P




Quote from: greg-unknown on August 16, 2007, 01:49:05 PM
in your picture J.T. you look like you pass really well to me. you even have the broud shoulders and small hips. i envy you :P

ah, sorry.  no, that's a screen shot from Memoirs of an Invisible Man.  I wish!

as for the first post in this thread, i can't believe it has been two months.  A lot changes in two months.  My crazy obsessive bit has passed.  Now I am just living life and going with the flow, doing really well.  Everyone in my life practically knows now, and with that release so went my anxiety.

lemebe_me... it'll pass for you too.  I've been there, obviously.  Susan's has been a great resource and support network for me and I hope it can be for you too.


Quote from: J.T. on August 17, 2007, 01:22:36 AM
Quote from: greg-unknown on August 16, 2007, 01:49:05 PM
in your picture J.T. you look like you pass really well to me. you even have the broud shoulders and small hips. i envy you :P

ah, sorry.  no, that's a screen shot from Memoirs of an Invisible Man.  I wish!

as for the first post in this thread, i can't believe it has been two months.  A lot changes in two months.  My crazy obsessive bit has passed.  Now I am just living life and going with the flow, doing really well.  Everyone in my life practically knows now, and with that release so went my anxiety.

lemebe_me... it'll pass for you too.  I've been there, obviously.  Susan's has been a great resource and support network for me and I hope it can be for you too.

Right on man!  Glad you've found a more comfortable head space - it's natural to think about these things a lot - I mean, we're talking some pretty major life changes here!  But obsession is, well... just kind of a waste of time and energy after so long.

It's great that you've found the board to be helpful... I know it's really helped me!  Thanks all!   :)
