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Deeper Voice?

Started by Dev, December 21, 2005, 06:40:09 PM

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Being pre-T due to my job, I would LOVE to find even small things that make me feel better about being in my situation since it's pretty depressing, but I can count the number of years till retirement on one hand.

Is there a pre-t way to deepen the voice?  I feel the only time I even sound close to a male pitch is when I first wake up.  I hear Sir almost everytime I deal with a person, but as soon as I's another story.

Between voice and trying hard to loose weight and gain muscle... I may find a way to be satisfied with my situation.


Same prob. My girly voice ruins everything...
Have no idea...hope somebody will help



I had a fairly deep voice before T. Some ways of lowering it are smoking (not recommended), drinking milk, and practicing singing low. Deliberately pitch your voice as low as you can when you talk without having it show in your face.

Also, watch the way you pronounce consonants, like S and T, that can give you away as feminine. A more masculine pronounciation will result if you move the tip of your tongue further back on your upper palate.

Otherwise, yeah, T is the best way to do it. And that is a blessing.



Just as kind of an asside..........

I did training ($100 an hour.. wish I got it all) and tech support from Oklahoma.. as in talk slow and with a drawal... but you soon learn to talk faster or slower, higher or lower depening on your audience.. I can pull off most any regional dialect now....

Heck, has even been suggested I do phone fantasy work....

Don't sweat the voice too much.. as in be obsessed... have you ever talked to someone you weren'tsure was male or female.. of course you have..

So, no biggy



Oh, and less inflection, more monotone will help you sound more male too.



There is a danger with generalisations such as men tend not to pronounce there words so much. That may be the case in a pub frequented by the working class but if you are with a group of businessmen this advice is morelikely to help you stand out rather than blend in.



Hi Dev,

The same thing that works for MtFs would also work for an FtM. You have to learn to speak from the bottom of your larynyx to deepen your voice. As an MtF I have been learning to speak from the top. Put your fingers to your larynyx and talk both high and low notice were the vibration comes from. You have to seek out the lows; which are at the bottom; and eliminate the highs. That will help you sound more manly. That and talking in a monotone. Women speak with a more sing song type of sound were as men speak with a more monotone. Some inflection but not much. Women will end a sentence on a high, kinda like a question but less pronounced, unless it is a question. Men always end on a definitive stop.

Hope that helps.



Voice...  This is the one thing that I have the most trouble with Cassie.  In fact I'm not sure that I will ever get the knack of it  :-\  I guess like everything else it takes patience and perseverance.



Working in retail i.e. out in the public all the time has forced me to use a higher voice on a daily basis. As a result as the old saying goes practice makes perfect. A girlfriend of ours remarked the other day how much improved my voice was. It was good to here but I know I'm not there yet. You just have to do it all the time or as much as possible. The more you work on it the better it will become.



Here's one for you, talk like the people you spend the most time with because you like and appreciate being with  .....



hey if anyones looking for a deep voice, I be more than happy to trade with ya, I sound like darth vader when I talk so I dont think I could get any deeper.


pretending one is hearing-impaired and using a notepad is a fool-proof way to get around the voice hurdle.


Wouldnt you mean speach impaired as in a mute? ::)


I suppose that would work too . . .   8)


i definatly have trouble with ma voice as i have a girly voice its really soft its not funny sometimes people cant even hear me, id gladly trade places with the one who has a darth vader voice, its so annoying having to speak up

especially in like nightclubs and stuff (not that i go to them) but i mean in loud places, its also made me a shy person, because in groups i think to myself i wont be able to speak over the top of a group so i  dont participate

i thought i was the only one with this time of problem i feel more relieved


Men speak with a lot less enthusiam than women. Very Monotone.


I have the same problem, being also HRT; "sirred" all the time, and then I say something.......

My voice is somewhat androgynous, but not deep enough to be clearly male.  When I think of it I try to speak more from my chest, which helps somewhat.  Otherwise, I've just sort of accepted that this will be how I am--dwelling in gender ambiguity--until I can start T, hopefully within the next few months.


Voice is a problem for MTFs like me and FTMs equally.

For guys, though, I think you can get away with really just mimicking guys in films or TV.  Get a recorder and pick a guy who has a great speaking voice on TV.  By copying and listening back to yourself, you can make progress faster, I've done this with singers and it usually works!

I really believe inflection and diction are WAY more important than pitch when it comes to having a "girl" voice or a "boy"
voice.  Changing inflection and diction are easier than changing pitch on a long-term basis!

Best luck, Devlin!
