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Fat transfer to hips n bum

Started by Jennygirl, December 23, 2014, 02:01:28 AM

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Maybe I should google it but just a question once you " remove " the fat from one area and put it somewhere else it's not " attached " to the internal system so to speak anymore so when you put more weight on it won't get bigger? It's just a filler yeh?


Spooky, i love the projection of your butt. As i'm researching different doctors and different techniques available, what kind of liposuction did you have prior to the fat transfer?


Thank you all for the wonderful comments! I was very busy yesterday, still getting my new place all set up and moved into. I'm trying really hard not to be too active, but my body keeps telling me go go go and I have lots of motivation which is hard to ignore. Luckily my butt is still there!! ;) and I haven't bumped it or anything. I figure the muscle movement of walking around and actuating the leg muscles probably has done wonders for my recovery. One of my roommates yesterday said to me, "holy crap, you already look normal and healthy again!"

It feels like a blessing to recover so quickly right now, because I have tons going on at the moment with moving into a new warehouse space and building it out.

I am almost down to my presurgical weight, but I am still cramming calories like there is no tomorrow.

Re:Krisytn fat transferred permanence/behavior
It does become attached, and forms a new blood supply. Then even cooler, it behaves like it did at the donor site. So say for example if you transfer belly fat to your booty and used to gain weight in your belly first/most, now you gain weight in your booty first/most. That is why I have zero shame eating calories like it's my job right now. I have also read a few times on various websites that it is good to have the body in fat storage mode during the recovery of this procedure, to help coerce the body to assimilate the newly transferred fat cells.

Many reports online will show that after a Brazilian butt lift, when patients gain weight their butt will get bigger.

Spooky I love the projection! Looks incredible!! I would love for you to post more pics of your amazing results from Salama, I don't think that one was too revealing at all. Also with clothes on you really cannot go wrong ;)


Just had a look under the compression garment.

This morning's measurements

37 bust
29 waist (minus 1.5"!)
40.5 hip (same)

0.716 WHR

Yesterday's activity must have been awesome for the swelling. I am starting to see my abs again for the first time in a year! My thinnest waist measurement ever since transitioning was 27", so I still have a little bit to go. But dang, I was not expecting to be unswelling at this rate.


Quote from: spooky on February 25, 2015, 12:12:39 AM
I'm so jealous of how fast you're recovering. Our processes have clearly been very different and I have no regrets because I chose Dr Salama for his results and I'm willing to suffer for what I want - but damn! I'm still really jealous.

I just switched to a size medium garment today. The size they put me in immediately after surgery was 4X! And as I mentioned before, that was almost 30 lbs of fluid and swelling, which is still not gone yet. I'm about halfway there by the scale.

I'll attach a photo that I took earlier, and please let me know if it is too revealing and needs to be taken down. I'll link to it so nobody has to see it if they don't want to (it's just my silhouette in profile, but may be nsfw):
The butt's very large but I think it works really well on my body and fits the proportion of my legs, which have always been fairly meaty (and which I have come to love and embrace).
Hi Spooky, you have great projection, and you also have a well defined s-curve. 


I think that i will start to research your doctor more seriously: ) how is your chin lipo progressing as i'm considering the same procedure


Quote from: possessed on February 25, 2015, 08:21:20 AM
Spooky, i love the projection of your butt. As i'm researching different doctors and different techniques available, what kind of liposuction did you have prior to the fat transfer?
I'm really not sure. I asked one of his patient care coordinators this question before booking and she told me that Dr Salama uses only traditional tumescent liposuction, but I think I remember him saying something about ultrasonic. It could be that he was saying that he *doesn't* use ultrasonic, but I don't recall.

And the reason that I'm unsure about it when I asked one of the patient care coordinators directly is because I have since come to realize that he and his staff are terrible with communication and attentiveness in I kind of wouldn't be surprised if she just made something up so she could stop dealing with me.


Quote from: possessed on February 25, 2015, 11:24:25 AM
I think that i will start to research your doctor more seriously: ) how is your chin lipo progressing as i'm considering the same procedure

Well you know I have only the best things to say about him. The only thing I would have to say is that he is pretty reluctant to inject into certain areas that we may find important such as the hips. I really had to go back and forth with him on that. Luckily I did, and I did get exactly what I wanted. If you just let him do his thing, he may not give you as much hip as say Salama or other docs in Mexico might. That's just my own speculation, though.

My chin lipo, I don't really notice much of a difference so far. I think it is still kind of swollen there. It just looks the same. I wasn't too worried about it to begin with, as I didn't have much fat there at all. It was more of a precautionary thing so down the line I'll never get a double chin as I age! I don't really expect there to be much of a difference. I think I would need a neck lift or some crap like that in order to notice a huge change.


Just got back from my 1 week checkup. I didn't see the doctor, but the lovely sweet Olga who was BLOWN AWAY with the speed of my recovery. When I first walked in, she said "are you sure you had surgery a week ago? It looks like a month ago!". Then I took the compression garment off and she said woooowwww you look great! I have very little swelling, there is absolutely nothing for her to drain.

She cleared me to switch to a different compression garment at just one week! I am floored and so flipping excited!

I think what I did differently from most other people is did NOT take ANY pain pills except for one immediately getting home after surgery. And, I was on my feet pretty much all waking hours. As well I switched to regular food pretty early on (no nausea from pain pills). I am so happy I didn't take those pain pills, I feel like they would have made this recovery take 3X longer.

Anyway, gotta go find a compression garment and then JEANS SHOPPING!!! :D :D :D


Some pics with the new compression garment. It is Lycra brand, "Lipo Express". It has cutouts for the butt. $120 down the street from where I live- kinda pricey but convenient to find one about 1mi from home

Can't believe the hips, I am over the moon. So comfortable in my body I don't even know what to do with myself today. Possibly the biggest milestone I've felt in my individual transition. Words cannot explain.



I really know what you mean when you say that you're over the moon. Going into this surgery I was a little worried that I might come out feeling like my breasts were suddenly SO inadequate compared with the rest of my body and that would necessitate more surgery and be really difficult.  Breast implants have always been something that I thought I would probably do but were never a priority of mine. Now honestly I feel like my body is so strongly feminine that I don't *need* anything at all and I just feel so damn sexy that, like, why would I mess around with that?? It's an amazing feeling.


Hi Jenny,

I am impressed with your results and I am very happy for you :)
Congrats girl.


Nothing ventured nothing gained


Congrats! Now go strut your stuff, lol.
"You have one life to live so live it right"


Got new pants today! Size L at american apparel. The "Easy Jean" came highly recommended to me from a friend and I ended up getting four pairs.

A more natural face-high profile angle

The other colors/washes I got (two were discounted by a lot!) The red is kind of shimmery, I love it!

This music video was running through my head all day today. Hope you enjoy it




Quote from: spooky on February 26, 2015, 06:37:57 PM
...Now honestly I feel like my body is so strongly feminine that I don't *need* anything at all and I just feel so damn sexy that, like, why would I mess around with that?? It's an amazing feeling.

Couldn't have said it better myself. I keep getting turned on, too, just from the feeling of sexiness. It's almost a serious issue!

Thanks missymay, April, and Jen for the congrats. It means a lot to have your support here girls!


Ooo! I am envious of the hips and booty!! Reminds me of a song by Trina "Whoop! Whoop! Pull over that *** too fat!" So happy for your speedy recovery, Jenny!!  ;D

amber roskamp

Quote from: Jennygirl on February 27, 2015, 10:16:44 PM
Got new pants today! Size L at american apparel. The "Easy Jean" came highly recommended to me from a friend and I ended up getting four pairs.

A more natural face-high profile angle

The other colors/washes I got (two were discounted by a lot!) The red is kind of shimmery, I love it!

This music video was running through my head all day today. Hope you enjoy it



Hot damn girl, that is some serious bootay! Congratulations and I thinks you are going to get a lot of attention! You go girl.

Hugs, Stanna


Quote from: Stanna on February 28, 2015, 09:40:37 AM
Hot damn girl, that is some serious bootay! Congratulations and I thinks you are going to get a lot of attention! You go girl.

Hugs, Stanna
Thank you. On account if being honked at 4x during day one in public alone, I think you are right.

As my friend said to me, it's the kind of booty you can see from the front ;)