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Fat transfer to hips n bum

Started by Jennygirl, December 23, 2014, 02:01:28 AM

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Quote from: audreelyn on November 11, 2015, 02:16:10 AM
OMG! Jenny...

Absolutely amazing. You're my heroine :)
So, you haven't done BA, what other surgeries have you done, if I can ask?

And for the other girls, what type of padding do y'all use??


These are the ones I buy time and time again - they work really well for me. I would highly recomend buying the bigger sizes - at least a large. I'm 5'3" 120 pounds and use the XL ones. With increased size you get thicker padding too...bear that in mind ;) - and also, look how much money you can save!

"The opposite of courage in our society is not is conformity."                  ~ Rollo May, Man's Search for Himself.


Quote from: kitten_lover on November 30, 2015, 10:57:57 AM
I am currently considering having FFS and a fat transfer to the hips. As I don't really want to have to go into the operating room too many times, for one it's an added expense everytime, so combining procedures, if you believe your body can take it, I think is a good idea. Actually that is one of the questions I wanted to ask... Is that a problem? I've heard of people having SRS and breast augmentation's before, so why not FFS and a fat transfer. I would love to know more information about that.

Bad idea!
When having FFS you need to sleep and rest lying on your back with raised head and upper body ( ...  or just plenty o stacked cushions... ). This is essential to prevent inflamation, infections... and allow for normal healing. Two weeks sleeping with hear straight up, without laying your head on the side, is pretty much given.. Maybe couple days less maybe a week or two more, depends on your swelling and healing process. 

For fat transfer you need to sleep and rest on your belly for month or two (sleeping on back or sides or sitting not allowed)... so this two recoveries really doesnt go together.


Quote from: Lagertha on November 29, 2015, 08:49:28 AM
If you have BMI less than 23, you are not ideal candidate for fat transfer, and you cant expect dramatic improvements. Simply said you need enough donor tissue. This is where butt implants actually come into place, for combination of both, butt implants and fat transfer. For someone with BMI around 21 or less, this is more or less the best solution (unless if they decide to improve their BMI). Implants would improve projection and fat transfer would be used to shape and fill everything out also on the sides.

Not everybody who offers either implants or fat transfer or both seperately is willing to do this combination, because it can be little more tricky... so one would need to go to someone who does this regularly.

That sucks so much... :( I've just measured by BMI and I'm 21.8

This is my healthy weight so bringing my weight up for the sake of a fat transfer won't be sustainable I imagine.

Jenny, what was your BMI if you dont mind me asking (pre- transition)?
"The opposite of courage in our society is not is conformity."                  ~ Rollo May, Man's Search for Himself.


Quote from: Lagertha on November 30, 2015, 11:35:07 AM
Bad idea!
When having FFS you need to sleep and rest lying on your back with raised head and upper body ( ...  or just plenty o stacked cushions... ). This is essential to prevent inflamation, infections... and allow for normal healing. Two weeks sleeping with hear straight up, without laying your head on the side, is pretty much given.. Maybe couple days less maybe a week or two more, depends on your swelling and healing process. 

For fat transfer you need to sleep and rest on your belly for month or two (sleeping on back or sides or sitting not allowed)... so this two recoveries really doesnt go together.

Oh ok... well that is really useful to know - I had no idea for FFS you have sleep like that (makes sense) and then for fat transfer you need to sleep the other way (okay well there's two days of wishful thinking out the window....) darn
"The opposite of courage in our society is not is conformity."                  ~ Rollo May, Man's Search for Himself.


Quote from: NataliaDoll on November 29, 2015, 12:30:01 PM
I wouldn't have any fat to transfer so I would need to consider implants instead. They usually offer a round shape which fills out the sides as well. I heard they have a surgery for implants and then whatever fat you have they can transfer to hips this would probably be best for me. I have seen hip implants on girls they don't look most natural they kind of give it a dramatic look but it still looks good to me lol depends what you are going for. As far as safety I wouldn't really know about the hip implants.

Hey Natalie
You mentioned previously you know someone who has had hip implants? Are they on this website? I would like to ask more questions to someone who is living proof as having had it done and also ask more detailed questions, see photos etc. That would help me to work out what is best to do, seeing as i'm not a good candidate for this now.
"The opposite of courage in our society is not is conformity."                  ~ Rollo May, Man's Search for Himself.


Quote from: Lagertha on November 30, 2015, 11:35:07 AM
Bad idea!
When having FFS you need to sleep and rest lying on your back with raised head and upper body ( ...  or just plenty o stacked cushions... ). This is essential to prevent inflamation, infections... and allow for normal healing. Two weeks sleeping with hear straight up, without laying your head on the side, is pretty much given.. Maybe couple days less maybe a week or two more, depends on your swelling and healing process. 

For fat transfer you need to sleep and rest on your belly for month or two (sleeping on back or sides or sitting not allowed)... so this two recoveries really doesnt go together.

I have to agree with this, and it's also a big reason i decided not to do boobs and bbl at the same time. 


Quote from: ErinS on November 30, 2015, 12:41:15 PM
I have to agree with this, and it's also a big reason i decided not to do boobs and bbl at the same time.

What is BBL? I've just looked into the total cost of fat transfer with Dr Cardenas - its $7300. Seems quite affordable, possibly.

Also, on the back of your comment Erin, do you know if it's possible to have breast augmentation and FFS at the same time? Since I can't have the fat transfer with FFS - I may as well think about combining it with another surgery I would have otherwise considered in future.
"The opposite of courage in our society is not is conformity."                  ~ Rollo May, Man's Search for Himself.




Quote from: kitten_lover on November 30, 2015, 01:21:03 PM
What is BBL? I've just looked into the total cost of fat transfer with Dr Cardenas - its $7300. Seems quite affordable, possibly.

Also, on the back of your comment Erin, do you know if it's possible to have breast augmentation and FFS at the same time? Since I can't have the fat transfer with FFS - I may as well think about combining it with another surgery I would have otherwise considered in future.

Kittenpower handled bbl, but regarding ffs and boobs you should be good to go on that. Of course confirm with your doctor.


Quote from: kittenpower on November 30, 2015, 01:46:36 PM
Brazilian butt lift

Hi Miss Kittenpower

Did you combine your BBL with something else? Like...FFS?

(does anyone else confuse FFS with for F***s sake sometimes?) Lol just wondering

"The opposite of courage in our society is not is conformity."                  ~ Rollo May, Man's Search for Himself.


Like in *FFS* I am going to need FFS, lol. No, I haven't done the fat transfer yet, but I almost did several months ago, and then I decided to get my jaw and chin done (my current avatar was taken before the surgery, and when more swelling goes away, I will post a new one) instead, because it bothered me more; however I did combine my BA with a lip lift and tracheal shave. Knowing the pain of major FFS, and BA separately, I think it could be manageable for some people to do them together, but I wouldn't do it, because there is a lot of post op care that you have to do, and BA is really painful; FFS is painful also, but jaw and chin is about 3 times more painful for me than type 3 forehead with scalp advancement and rhinoplasty.


Quote from: Lagertha on November 30, 2015, 11:35:07 AM
Bad idea!
When having FFS you need to sleep and rest lying on your back with raised head and upper body ( ...  or just plenty o stacked cushions... ). This is essential to prevent inflamation, infections... and allow for normal healing. Two weeks sleeping with hear straight up, without laying your head on the side, is pretty much given.. Maybe couple days less maybe a week or two more, depends on your swelling and healing process. 

For fat transfer you need to sleep and rest on your belly for month or two (sleeping on back or sides or sitting not allowed)... so this two recoveries really doesnt go together.


So, I inquired with Dr Chettawut and Dr Cardenas about having FFS in combination with fat transfer to the are they're responses:

Dr Cardenas:
"Yes, we do offer fat infiltration to the buttocks & hips as well as silicone gel implants for both areas.  Dr. Cardenas does prefer fat infiltration over implants for patients that have enough fat available for transfer to the hips and buttocks.  For patients that have some fat but not enough for both the hips and buttocks, he typically recommends buttock implants combined with fat infiltration to the hips.  Fat infiltration is considered to be a safe and effective procedure when done properly.  We are using your own fat - nothing foreign to the body.  You can have fat infiltration to the buttocks and hips at the same time as facial feminization.  However, we do not recommend buttock implants at the same time as FFS or breast implants for the reason that you mentioned."

Dr Chettawut:
"FFS and breast augmentation and hip fat transfer can be done in one trip. The fats will be transferred to the hip area so you can still lie normally on bed (supine position)."

Are they just trying to make more money out of me? Is this feasible? what are your thoughts peoples xoxox
"The opposite of courage in our society is not is conformity."                  ~ Rollo May, Man's Search for Himself.


Its not that they cant do it. Its not really their concern if you will lost 95% of transfered fat due to not being able to follow normal post operative instructions and care. You are not supposed to sit or lay down except on your belly for a month, better two. Not with fat transfer, and not with implants. You need to think this through and make the best decision for yourself. 

Whats the point of having fat transfer, if you will lost most of transfer fat? It makes no sense. You should do this seperately, and do the best you can that most of graft will survive, and not get reabsorbed. Please go to someone who is specialized in fat transfer (and implants) and is actually expert in this surgery. You shouldnt even think about doing this with any of the surgeons who are in FFS business. Much like you wouldnt go to have FFS with someone who spends their days doing boob jobs and brazilian butt lift. Go to someone who will actually give you the result worth of your money.   

FFS recovery is not fun. You dont want to make it worse than it already will be. Where did all this combining multiple surgeries at once, even came from? I know there is one person on this forum who is having SRS and FFS and BA done in one surgery. This is not common sense,............. I understand you want to save some money, but try to find a way to save it elsewhere, not for the cost of less than desired results of both, by going to the doctor who conviniently offers to do them at the same time.

You can have breasts done locally with local plastic surgeon, there are specialists for this surgery everywhere. You can also have it done under sedation and local anesthesia, so the price (and recovery) can be reduced. 



Quote from: Lagertha on December 05, 2015, 12:42:02 PM
Its not that they cant do it. Its not really their concern if you will lost 95% of transfered fat due to not being able to follow normal post operative instructions and care. You are not supposed to sit or lay down except on your belly for a month, better two. Not with fat transfer, and not with implants. You need to think this through and make the best decision for yourself. 

Whats the point of having fat transfer, if you will lost most of transfer fat? It makes no sense. You should do this seperately, and do the best you can that most of graft will survive, and not get reabsorbed. Please go to someone who is specialized in fat transfer (and implants) and is actually expert in this surgery. You shouldnt even think about doing this with any of the surgeons who are in FFS business. Much like you wouldnt go to have FFS with someone who spends their days doing boob jobs and brazilian butt lift. Go to someone who will actually give you the result worth of your money.   

FFS recovery is not fun. You dont want to make it worse than it already will be. Where did all this combining multiple surgeries at once, even came from? I know there is one person on this forum who is having SRS and FFS and BA done in one surgery. This is not common sense,............. I understand you want to save some money, but try to find a way to save it elsewhere, not for the cost of less than desired results of both, by going to the doctor who conviniently offers to do them at the same time.

You can have breasts done locally with local plastic surgeon, there are specialists for this surgery everywhere. You can also have it done under sedation and local anesthesia, so the price (and recovery) can be reduced.

Wow, I'd be interested to find out who it is that's combining SRS, FFS and BA..? and perhaps have a chat with them.

But I don't understand why fat would be reabsorbed into my body just by sitting now on butt during recovery - if say I had fat transfer to the hips? It kind of doesn't make sense - but I was wondering if you knew the science behind it?

Kind regards

"The opposite of courage in our society is not is conformity."                  ~ Rollo May, Man's Search for Himself.


Even if you had transfer done exclusively on hips, you are not likely to have it done on the fronter side of hips, or just directly on the side, but rather mostly on the backsides. You cant just fill the sides. It has to have a 3D shape, as round and uniform as possible. While sitting (or laying on back) the pressure is not just directly under, but it gets distributed to the larger area, which would also apply pressure to the hips. Any pressure means less than ideal recovery, and less chance for the survival of most fat. Im not trying to scare you away of doing 5 procedures at once. In the end its none of my business. Im trying to give you most reasonable advice that I can. Which is primarily: Have fat transfer (or implant & transfer) done by someone who is an expert at it, and does this procedures every day. Dont do this procedure with dr. Cardenas, or dr. Chettawut or Zukowski or your local plastic surgeon who offers brazilian butt lift. Please go to someone who is specialized for this.. for the result that will be worth your hard earned money.


Quote from: Lagertha on December 06, 2015, 06:19:43 AM
Even if you had transfer done exclusively on hips, you are not likely to have it done on the fronter side of hips, or just directly on the side, but rather mostly on the backsides. You cant just fill the sides. It has to have a 3D shape, as round and uniform as possible. While sitting (or laying on back) the pressure is not just directly under, but it gets distributed to the larger area, which would also apply pressure to the hips. Any pressure means less than ideal recovery, and less chance for the survival of most fat. Im not trying to scare you away of doing 5 procedures at once. In the end its none of my business. Im trying to give you most reasonable advice that I can. Which is primarily: Have fat transfer (or implant & transfer) done by someone who is an expert at it, and does this procedures every day. Dont do this procedure with dr. Cardenas, or dr. Chettawut or Zukowski or your local plastic surgeon who offers brazilian butt lift. Please go to someone who is specialized for this.. for the result that will be worth your hard earned money.

Ok, thank you Lagertha. I think I will heed to this advice. Your explanation's much appreciated.
"The opposite of courage in our society is not is conformity."                  ~ Rollo May, Man's Search for Himself.


I would love to get this done but there's no way I can avoid sitting for an entire month short of taking that long a holiday. Work just doesn't make such a thing possible for me. If I ever decide I need some more back I may have to go with implants.
Stooping down, dipping my wings, I came into the darkly-splendid abodes. There, in that formless abyss was I made a partaker of the Mysteries Averse. LIBER CORDIS CINCTI SERPENTE-11;4

HRT- 31 August, 2014
FT - 7 Sep, 2016
VFS- 19 October, 2016
FFS/BA - 28 Feb, 2018
SRS - 31 Oct 2018


Hi Jenny;
As its now some 3 months plus since Round 2, do you have any pictures of yourself in that  Grey mini dress or bikini so that we can get an idea of how much fat you were abble to keep especially on tyne hips and thighs?



Your body is designed to not change unless it's made to. The fat migration thing from HRT is a myth. Implants are a personal choice. Any fat transferred isn't permanent. Your best bet is to lose as much weight as you can, then regain it.


Quote from: Blush on January 05, 2016, 02:53:52 PM
Your best bet is to lose as much weight as you can, then regain it.

Which will change what, according to your theory?