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fed up with loss of friends

Started by jaded, August 12, 2007, 07:53:41 PM

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this is it i officialy lost all my friends from that past they have all cut me off because of the trans thing and i am FED up!!!!!!
i mean i gained many friends in the trans comunnity and love them but i miss having som1 from my past som1 familiar


Maybe after a little time, some of them will come back.

I'm sorry this happened to you.





Quote from: jaded on August 12, 2007, 07:53:41 PM
this is it i officialy lost all my friends from that past they have all cut me off because of the trans thing and i am FED up!!!!!!
i mean i gained many friends in the trans comunnity and love them but i miss having som1 from my past som1 familiar

I too suffered the same issue and i often wondered "Were they truly real friends", after all a true friend will stick by you through thick and thin.  I classed those who abandoned me as friends of convenience, maybe a little unfair but what the heck.  One thing is for certain Jaded there are lots of friends out there but not many true friends.

Like me I'm sure that you will find others, and those new friends you make will be your friend knowing about "You".  Believe me it's sort term hurt so don't dwell on it or them.  On the bright side you may find that some of those who have left you may come back, remember that peer pressure is hard to over come.

Try and stay positive, don't dwell on what was, look forward to what will be.  It all depends on "You".



Bro believe me when I tell you, you're better off without them. I lived in the same close minded town from birth til I was 15/16 has LOTS and LOTS of friends. More male than female, but still had a few close female friends. Rumors were all over school, mostly people thinking I was a lesbian, but the group of 10 or so I was close to NEW that I was trans. Some of my close male friends tried "busting me out" to a couple of girls I was with, not thinking they knew I was a "biological" female. And the funniest one was, at a party one night, I was with my first "love" who knew everything about me, but she chose not to tell her friends. This kid I was "friends" with went up to her, obviously had a big crush on her and told her in her ear "You know that's really a girl right". She screamed at um "YEAH ACTUALLY I DO! I THOUGHT HE IS YOUR FRIEND?!" His face turned bright red, and that was the end of that friendship.
I ended up moving to a big city, and lost all of my childhood friends but two. My first "love" and another girl, whom I barely talk to. I also realized I'm better off. Why waste your time trying to be friends with someone who's going to judge you. My mom use to always tell me very very rarely does anybody keep in contact with their old childhood friends. People get older, and go into different directions of their life.

I also found my closest childhood buddy on myspace. We were friends from kindergarten up to our freshman year in highschool. We always slept at each others houses, played  ninjas, were together almost everyday. This kid was like my brother. Once rumors got around high school, his mother called my mom and said "I don't want my son hanging out with XXXXX anymore, rumors are going around she's a lesbian and I don't want him to get hurt".
My mom came to me in tears, telling me I could no longer hang out with him. When we saw each other at school he'd pass by, wouldn't even look at me. It hurt a lot, but I brushed it off.
Just a few months ago I found him on myspace, figured his mom no longer ruled his life, and I dropped him a message telling him who it was, asking him how he's been etc...
He wrote back quickly, telling me it's been so long, how am I doing, how's my family etc...
By the 3rd or 4th time writing him back, I told him I was in the process of getting hormones and hopefully have surgery...
He never wrote back after that. And it didn't lose sleep over it. Showed me sometimes, even age and maturity don't help the ignorant.

Cherish the friendships you have now, and don't worry about the tards from your past.


Quote from: jaded on August 12, 2007, 07:53:41 PM
this is it i officialy lost all my friends from that past they have all cut me off because of the trans thing and i am FED up!!!!!!
i mean i gained many friends in the trans comunnity and love them but i miss having som1 from my past som1 familiar

they aint ur friends bro.  they aint worth the trouble.   :-\


As my friend recently said to me.... "£%£k um off" basically what everyone else is saying!



thanx every1 i get that but im a very i dont know.. know this sound crazy but i HATE  change i like that at home feeling i get from the ppl of my past:(
im already miss em...


it must be really hard... but to be friends there has to be two people in the friendship.  It sucks losing longtime friends over anything... moving apart just by age or 'cause they live cross country.  Or just 'cause your life just doesn't mesh with theirs anymore.  I bet a few of them will come back to you once they come to their senses, but does that mean you even want their friendship anymore?

The at home feeling takes awhile to form, right?  New friends can be just as good as old ones.


Quote from: jaded on August 16, 2007, 10:49:21 PM
thanx every1 i get that but im a very i dont know.. know this sound crazy but i HATE  change i like that at home feeling i get from the ppl of my past:(
im already miss em...

It's going to hurt, man, and yeah, it sucks.  But it does get better - really.  And while I'm sure many of the friends you've lost were because of being trans, the reality is that most people lose their school/childhood friends one way or another anyway.

Those few that you're lucky enough to be able to keep, or re-unite with are way special - and few/far between - trans or not.  It hurts, but it's a life process. Ya just gotta keep growing and changing as you find life.

Good luck guy!




Quote from: jaded on August 16, 2007, 10:49:21 PM
thanx every1 i get that but im a very i dont know.. know this sound crazy but i HATE  change i like that at home feeling i get from the ppl of my past:(
im already miss em...

I can guess how you feel man, however if they are true friends.. they might just need time to get there heads around it.. the true friends will always come back :) Just give them time.. and remember to smile!



this is why im afraid to tell any of my friends. sometimes i ask them what they would do if soandso told them they were a lesbian, and they said they wouldnt care. im not a lesbian but i really wonder if they would care? and i go to a catholic school too, so rumours would spread so fast...

Cindi Jones

There was one friend who stayed with me through transition.  We kept in contact with each other  (I even hired him in another state).  After just 3 years though, he moved up north to take a job with the software antichrist.  I imagine he's pretty rich right now with stock options or something.  We've completely lost track of each other. 

Author of Squirrel Cage


I totally understand what you mean. I've always wanted to be part of the crowd. I grew up in a very small town, everyone knows everyone... still. Graduating class of 100, graduating class of 20 right now at my college. I've just entered therapy but this is one of my biggest fears.. and I know its silly because like you all say if they are real friends they'll stay with you but I just want... to have "normal" friends. A lot of my friends right now do the usual thing with insensitive jokes and they have some ignorant views and I can do nothing but smile and stay silent but they're still good people even if they don't understand or aren't willing to.. I guess they'll all fade away and I'll realize they didn't matter in the end but its right now that I care about. Tough stuff  :-\