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Bottom Surgery without Transition

Started by Claraaa, January 31, 2015, 10:29:10 PM

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Quote from: Sebby Michelango on November 30, 2015, 01:09:01 PM
If you're going to take bottom surgery without HRT, you may get very dangerous and risky consequences. You can get osteoporosis, a skeleton disease and you can die.
Your body would not produce any testosterone post-op and without taking HRT the body wouldn't work. The body needs hormones to live. But it's up to you how you want to transistion and what you want to do to your own body.

Depending on what a person's needs are, it might be an option to take testosterone post-op. That would permit a literal bottom surgery-only transition.
-=< Jennifer >=-



Quote from: JS UK on November 30, 2015, 02:28:12 PM
I was thinking low dose HRT would take care of that issue.

I found low dose took care of a lot of my need to dysphoria and need transition, for a while. It eventually came back.

Sharon Anne McC


Claraaa,  WendyAnn.1969:

This issue seems to include the concept of the 'gatekeeper'.  Frankly, as long as the individual requesting surgery is not otherwise mentally incapacitated from making reasoned decisions regarding their health and well-being, it would be quite acceptable to experience whatever surgery makes you satisfied to meet your body alignment and resolve your anatomical dis-morphism.

   -  Dr. Suporn's policy:  ...' is not suffering from any psychological or psychiatric disorders that might be adversely influencing her decision or desire to undergo SRS.'

Thus it is agreed that the rational adult patient is well within her rights to request SRS as presented by discussion in this thread.

I had a counsellor during the 1990s who was old school.  His attitude was along the line that a M-F has the operation to have male partners so why would she want a female partner.  He made it known to me that he would have had a fit if I told him that I had a Lesbian partner - so I never told him of my Lesbian partner. 

My philosophy to orientation has been easy:  I never was reproductively capable so why should a 'gatekeeper' restrict my interests to suit their demands of that reproductive model when that had no application to my life.  Life is to be experienced.  Whether I choose to experience a partner who is heterosexual, homosexual, F-M, or any other, then that is my right to my privacy and not subject to jumping through hoops to satisfy the cultural whims of a counsellor.


1956:  Birth (AMAB)
1974-1985:  Transition (core transition:  1977-1985)
1977:  Enrolled in Stanford University Medical Center's 'Gender Dysphoria Program'
1978:  First transition medical appointment
1978:  Corresponded with Janus Information Facility (Galveston)
1978:  Changed my SSA file to Sharon / female
1979:  First psychological evaluation - passed
1979:  Began ERT (Norinyl, DES, Premarin, estradiol, progesterone)
1980:  Arizona affirmed me legally as Sharon / female
1980:  MVD changed my licence to Sharon / female
1980:  First bank account as Sharon / female
1982:  Inter-sex exploratory:  diagnosed Inter-sex (genetically female)
1983:  Inter-sex corrective surgery
1984:  Full-blown 'male fail' phase
1985:  Transition complete to female full-time forever
2015:  Awakening from self-imposed deep stealth and isolation
2015 - 2016:  Chettawut Clinic - patient companion and revision
Today:  Happy!
Future:  I wanna return to Bangkok with other Thai experience friends



It's really about my current situation not requiring it and I don't need social transition based on current SOC from WPATH. Thank goodness.

I'm a ugly woman for sure but sweet and kind. [emoji130]


Quote from: WendyAnn.1969 on December 04, 2015, 10:50:26 PM
It's really about my current situation not requiring it and I don't need social transition based on current SOC from WPATH. Thank goodness.

I was just planning on ignoring the SOC, but I'm curious where you read this in the SOC?

On of the 6 criteria for SRS is "12 continuous months of living in a gender role that is congruent with their gender identity." Do you interpret gender identity to mean whatever you want, or is it something else?

Pages 60 and 106 in version 7  of the SOC.


Quote from: Evolving Beauty on January 31, 2015, 11:00:38 PM
So you want to remain with a male appearance outwards but downward be operated with a vagina? I don't get it, explain.

All I can say is what ever makes you happy

Lyndsey Marie Burke- Started my journey February 2011 Full time on May 5th 2014 HRT June 6th 2014 Name change and on all records and court documents June 20th 2014 SCS October 20th 2015 with Doctor Marci Bowers in Burlingame California I'm a very Happy women and finally living what I should have been living my whole life. Expect the unexpected. I feel Blessed. Love, Live, Be Happy. Be safe.



Mentally I just don't require other people to perceive me as a female to be happy.

I can be myself and ALSO not be driven to a more typical overt in your face female presentation, legal name change, etc.  Hide, no, but I will not wear a sign "woman inside" - for the sake of wearing a sign either. why would I?

I agree the SOC is usually interpreted as having to live in your desired gender presentation-whatever that means, for a period of time prior to surgical intervention.  Perhaps I have always done this - which is probably why I don't get the emphasis people place on this.

I am not sure that people would identify me so easily as a man...or a woman.
What I have in my pants is my (and my wife's) business and is in no way tied to how I dress.
What am I missing?  I also have medical issues that can be corrected with is that.



Quote from: AnonyMs on December 01, 2015, 11:20:10 AM
I found low dose took care of a lot of my need to dysphoria and need transition, for a while. It eventually came back.

After long discussions with a female friend I'm now leaning towards transition. She's managed to make me see that my worst fears probably won't be realised (losing my income, daughter).

As being seen as a woman is equally important to me I think I'm going to go for it. I haven't slept since coming to this conclusion. I'm so nervous.

J xx
If you want to walk on water you've got to get out of the boat!


Quote from: AnonyMs on December 05, 2015, 12:39:41 AMOn of the 6 criteria for SRS is "12 continuous months of living in a gender role that is congruent with their gender identity." Do you interpret gender identity to mean whatever you want, or is it something else?

This has always appeared to me to mean what it says.  I don't see why this would mean 12 months as a female if that isn't the way you plan to live.

Quote from: WendyAnn.1969 on December 10, 2015, 09:12:50 PM

Mentally I just don't require other people to perceive me as a female to be happy.

I can be myself and ALSO not be driven to a more typical overt in your face female presentation, legal name change, etc.  Hide, no, but I will not wear a sign "woman inside" - for the sake of wearing a sign either. why would I?

I agree the SOC is usually interpreted as having to live in your desired gender presentation-whatever that means, for a period of time prior to surgical intervention.  Perhaps I have always done this - which is probably why I don't get the emphasis people place on this.

I agree that my desired gender presentation can be fluid and doesn't have to be an overt sexualization to meet some gatekeepers interpretation.

Quote from: WendyAnn.1969 on December 10, 2015, 09:12:50 PM
I am not sure that people would identify me so easily as a man...or a woman.
What I have in my pants is my (and my wife's) business and is in no way tied to how I dress.
What am I missing?  I also have medical issues that can be corrected with is that.

I think you have made your position quite clear, thank you for adding your voice to this conversation.


I am very similar to Clara. I fully disagree that I MUST conform to CAMH and do as they bid.

I truly believe that SRS is my goal and maybe certainly NOT be for others, but that shouldn't matter to any one as we ALL are different.

Each of us are Unique and should be treated this way. Sure the Trans community is still kind of "new", but in the medical community or the government they use the phrase "each candidate will be looked at by case by case"

Well it should be this way in everything, because everything and every one is different. We are certainly not a cookie cutter community.

I hope that I can get my SRS/GRS some day soon. I also hope I have a super Endocrinologist who also believes in what I believe and supports me.

So wish us all luck in our own endeavours.



SRS is not a possibility for me at this time and probably never.  Thus, I would still welcome a way to get total removal of the male genitals with a proper urethra relocation.  Then I could possibly justify presenting in which ever roll I would choose.


Quote from: Claraaa on January 31, 2015, 10:29:10 PM
I have gender dysphoria and am considering SRS/bottom surgery.  The twist is that I am considering this without fully transitioning. I am wondering if anyone has any experience with this.  I figure that MTF transitioning is like  the many shades of the rainbow and there must be many shades of transition.

Many thanks,

Hi, this was a couple of years ago and I was wondering how things turned out? I am going through the exact same thing and can't find much information. Pretty much everything about genital dysphoria is connected to gender dysphoria. I am trying to find other males who identify as male, do not wish to transition to female, but believe that they have the wrong genitalia. It seems there are not many.


I'm glad you resurrected this thread!  I've been wondering the same thing, to be honest.

So, my end desire is to transition fully, but there's been many times where I thought to myself, "If I could just get rid of that thing, I'd be so much happier."  That, and all the hair all over my body!!!

Not go get too deep in the NSFW territory, but, on top of feeling like it shouldn't be there, I also have a desire to be with men intimately.  And, although I do feel a desire for penetration, I have NO desire for using the backdoor, if you catch my meaning.

So these are two reasons that are important to me, and why I ultimately feel like SRS is the most necessary thing.
Hey all, I've created a new account because my life has begun anew.  This is to protect my identity.  Thanks for your understanding!


I forgot to add - For all those who replied "I'm confused" or "I don't understand" or anything similar, remember this: Many of the cisgendered community say the same thing about all of us.  In fact, it's ok to be confused about why someone would want anything, many times we're even confused about why we want something.

And like I said, that's ok!  That's why were here!  So let's just be supportive of everyone no mater what their decision is.

~Love, Ashley!
Hey all, I've created a new account because my life has begun anew.  This is to protect my identity.  Thanks for your understanding!


If you want to do this and have the money there's nothing much stopping you. Since I last posted here a couple of years ago I've heard of quite a number of people doing this.


I'm in a similar situation to this- I consider myself a gay male who wants to have a vagina instead of a penis but socially remain male. I want this so bad that I'm willing to "fake" going full time and on HRT in order to get approved for the surgery, but I'd rather not have to do that. I'm afraid that if I start seeing a therapist and tell them the truth, that they'll never approve me just because I don't fit the typical mold for a transgender woman. Thing is, I KNOW that this isn't some passing phase- I first recognized this feeling in my early teens; now I'm 28. This isn't going away. At first I thought I might be trans and I intensely researched it and realized that I probably wasn't since I don't particularly desire femininity but I still knew something was off. I'm quite positive that I won't miss my penis, as sexually I'm completely submissive- I have never taken the top role nor have I ever desired to, and I never pee standing up (unless I'm in the woods or something where there's no toilet at all). My husband has known about this for a few years and he fully supports me in this.

Some people are saying here that it's a viable path, but don't provide many details. I guess what I'd like to know is if it would be better to be up front with my therapist, or to fake it? In order to fake it I'd just take the pills and dress up as a woman for visits, but is there any way they would find out that I'm not "for real"? They can't really prove I'm not always in "girl mode", can they? Also, are there any tips for the "correct" things to say that will satisfy them?


I'm not providing many details because I hear things in confidence and I don't want to cause problems for anyone by what I say. Plus I've probably probably said all that really needs to be said. Search this site and others. Stick around on the site and keep reading/posting.


Dee Marshall

Xdreamr, I really don't know for certain, but it sounds to me like you're dysphoric about having a penis. You'll need to find a pair of psychologists or a psychologist and a therapist who are sympathetic to that. I don't think lying is the way to go. Most of the clinicians I know aren't clueless enough to fall for it. I would recommend creating a Gmail account you use for nothing else, writing up what you've told us, then sending that to every therapist you can find. Then do the same for psychologists. The way you describe yourself sounds like a form of non-binary and that's a perfectly OK thing to be. I, myself, was never uncomfortable being a woman with a penis until I started worrying about the way trans people often get treated in nursing homes. I'm getting up there in age. Best of luck to you, sweetie,



April 22, 2015, the day of my first face to face pass in gender neutral clothes and no makeup. It may be months to the next one, but I'm good with that!

Being transgender is just a phase. It hardly ever starts before conception and always ends promptly at death.

They say the light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train. I say, climb aboard!

Think outside the voice box!

April 22, 2015, the day of my first face to face pass in gender neutral clothes and no makeup. It may be months to the next one, but I'm good with that!

Being transgender is just a phase. It hardly ever starts before conception and always ends promptly at death.

They say the light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train. I say, climb aboard!


Quote from: WhatAmI? on August 03, 2017, 11:43:09 AM
Hi, this was a couple of years ago and I was wondering how things turned out? I am going through the exact same thing and can't find much information. Pretty much everything about genital dysphoria is connected to gender dysphoria. I am trying to find other males who identify as male, do not wish to transition to female, but believe that they have the wrong genitalia. It seems there are not many.

That is something I've actually given a lot of thought to.
I'm a 65 year old male who has been thinking about SRS for many years.  I also was a  full cross dresser for a few years.  I wear a bra, pantyhose and nail polish daily because it just feels right.

Started HRT April 17, 2019.


Quote from: Dee Marshall on September 04, 2017, 07:35:01 AM
Xdreamr, I really don't know for certain, but it sounds to me like you're dysphoric about having a penis. You'll need to find a pair of psychologists or a psychologist and a therapist who are sympathetic to that. I don't think lying is the way to go. Most of the clinicians I know aren't clueless enough to fall for it. I would recommend creating a Gmail account you use for nothing else, writing up what you've told us, then sending that to every therapist you can find. Then do the same for psychologists. The way you describe yourself sounds like a form of non-binary and that's a perfectly OK thing to be. I, myself, was never uncomfortable being a woman with a penis until I started worrying about the way trans people often get treated in nursing homes. I'm getting up there in age. Best of luck to you, sweetie,


Thanks for the advice, Dee! I like your idea of just being up front and hoping to strike gold, but I fear that I won't find a pair who really understand me and are willing to help. From a doctor's perspective, they probably just see me as a malpractice lawsuit waiting to happen. I'll definitely try it when I'm ready to go through with this (readiness having to do more with finances than anything else).

If that fails I'll just have to go with plan B- try to fool them. I'm curious what you mean by them being "clueless" - I have actually done a lot of cross dressing, make up and voice practice in private - not out of any desire to genuinely present as female, but solely to have a good chance at fooling them. I feel like as long as I look the part and say all the right things, they can't just declare that I'm not "real". After all, it's not unheard of for people to go through the whole transition, bottom surgery and all, and then eventually transition back (for example "Joe Mangina" who was mentioned earlier in the thread, lives as a man and is perfectly happy having a vagina). If those people could pull it off, why not me?

Non-binary probably best describes me as I don't feel fully male, nor really female. I would just prefer to remain in the male social role because that's what I'm used to. I might just be agender, honestly. I feel like if I had been born female, I'd be equally OK with it, I'd just go along with what I'm used to and have no desire to transition to male. Only in that case I'd be happy with my genitals to begin with.