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Bottom Surgery without Transition

Started by Claraaa, January 31, 2015, 10:29:10 PM

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 I have gender dysphoria and am considering SRS/bottom surgery.  The twist is that I am considering this without fully transitioning. I am wondering if anyone has any experience with this.  I figure that MTF transitioning is like  the many shades of the rainbow and there must be many shades of transition.

Many thanks,

mrs izzy

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Mrs. Izzy
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I used to be grounded but now I can fly.

Evolving Beauty

So you want to remain with a male appearance outwards but downward be operated with a vagina? I don't get it, explain.


Quote from: Claraaa on January 31, 2015, 10:29:10 PM
I have gender dysphoria and am considering SRS/bottom surgery.  The twist is that I am considering this without fully transitioning. I am wondering if anyone has any experience with this.  I figure that MTF transitioning is like  the many shades of the rainbow and there must be many shades of transition.

Many thanks,

It certainly sounds like something you will need to thoroughly discuss with a therapist but basically I would consider it just another shade of transition. Whatever makes you happy. Just make sure it's what you need to be happy. There are lots of XX people  presenting as male who choose to keep their vaginas so why couldn't there be an XY person presenting as male/neuter with a vagina?  (I hope I haven't misunderstood how you wish to transition.)
My non-binary transition blog:


That doesn't shock me at all. I personnally don't care about living as a man as long as I have HRT/SRS. I think it has to do with how much you care about gender or not. You can have a feminine sexual identity without a neat feminine gender identity. (that's my case)

Either way talking about it with your therapist is always a good idea.
Tell me what your definition of "man" and "woman" is, I'll tell you which I am. Not the other way around.


We've had many threads about this. My opinion is that the cisgender people who make policy for how to medically deal with us have trouble separating body dysphoria from social dysphoria, but they are very different. You CAN have body dysphoria without social dysphoria, just as you can have social dysphoria without body dysphoria. IMO this should be allowed and supported, but I think a lot of the therapeutic establishment disagrees with me.
Have you read my short story The Eve of Triumph?


I agree that body dysphoria and social dysphoria are separate things, and what you want could just be another shade of transition. But currently I don't think that path is allowed by medical professionals. You'll probably find that accessing SRS requires social transition and HRT. Could you elaborate on how you wish to transition?



I agree it should be an option.
I read a while ago about a cisgender man who went through several psychologists and got the approval to get castrated because he did not want or need the genitalia and he had no intention of transitioning to a woman as he was very comfortable living as a male. For trans* people I think a stage in transition could be bottom surgery without the real life time requirement but I think for most medical professionals there is a ethical issue around performing irreversible surgery when a person has not lived full time and might at some point regret it and be unable to go back.


I don't get it... but who am I to judge? I think you're going to have a really hard time (and a really long time) as far as getting an approval letter from psychiatrist. Good luck 



OK people I do not want rude posts.

Express an opinion, but be sensitive.

We all walk our own path.


In the past I would have definately wanted full body and genital transition. However, given my current circumstances, it would be nice to have at least: (1) lack of body and facial hair; (2) modest breasts "C"; (3) removal of the male things with a proper relocation; (4) a more feminine pitch and tone to my voice; (5) enough of a feminine appearance so that I would be gendered female even when dressed in unisex type clothing.


This is sort of how I feel...only I would intend to transition slowly after surgery.

I dont imagine it would be very easy to find a surgeon willing to do this without transition, but nevertheless, good luck on your journey :)

Edit* - my experience has been mostly research...ive heard of a few people who faked their way through transitioning only to present as male after surgery. Definitely not recommending this...just saying Ive heard of it


Thank you all for your kind replies. I am indeed working with a great therapist.  She is the one that suggested this as a possibility for me.  I am also (not sure if one, other or both) considering a low dose HRT therapy to help with the dysphoria.

My life is setup such that I need to honor what my needs are and I have other factors such as family (wife and kids), job, etc to consider.  I don't feel like I need to present full time as a woman in order to align my gender and that is something I am struggling to fully understand and embrace.

Thanks much,


I'll strongly advise you to take HRT. It's probably necessary for SRS and you'll feel better with a more feminine body as a whole. If you have a body dysphoria but not a gender dysphoria, living as a man with a woman body would be the best idea.

SRS without HRT doesn't really feel right in my opinion. I can be wrong, but IMO the two things are linked.

If you're worried about breast, well it's a valid point but breasts can easily be concieled.
Tell me what your definition of "man" and "woman" is, I'll tell you which I am. Not the other way around.

Tessa James

What you want may be completely reasonable for you but, as others note, the gatekeepers and WPATH standards that most surgery clinics employ are not often flexible.  I do know of people who have successfully found what they needed as private clinics and $ find a way to meet.

Lots for you to consider and yes, plenty of colors And shades of grey around here. :D
Open, out and evolving queer trans person forever with HRT support since March 13, 2013

Carrie Liz

Have you heard of the Eunuch Archive? There are many more people there who desire castration, penectomy, and a small subset that want SRS without actually transitioning. Check it out.

Also, to those who think that SRS is an absolute holy grail only touchable by someone who wants the whole feminizing package, have you ever heard of the mangina man? He's someone who did have SRS, and yet retained a completely male body otherwise. (NSFW if you ever look him up. And if his existence or his name offends anyone, I'm sorry, but I feel like it's wrong to not acknowledge that there are some people in the world who want surgery but do not want to fully transition.)

Whether this desire is actually right or not, unlike in trans women, we don't have a study for it to confirm it or deny it, so I can't say. But I can confirm that it is a desire that some people have.


I agree ; however, I may be wrong but I was under the impression that it was not the case here. Sorry if I'm mistaken.

I will rephrase : if you have body disphoria and feel the need of a feminine body WITHOUT gender changes, then you might have trouble finding happiness with only a SRS. (plus you'll have a harder time on various matters)

Of course if you feel like you need only SRS but no other changes, well you should go for what suits you best. (but be aware that this can cause various hormone problems like osteoporosis - since you will no longer have testosterones due to the absence of testes)
Tell me what your definition of "man" and "woman" is, I'll tell you which I am. Not the other way around.


Quote from: Claraaa on January 31, 2015, 10:29:10 PM
I have gender dysphoria and am considering SRS/bottom surgery.  The twist is that I am considering this without fully transitioning. I am wondering if anyone has any experience with this.  I figure that MTF transitioning is like  the many shades of the rainbow and there must be many shades of transition.

Many thanks,

I actually totally get it.  My dysphoria triggers come mostly from looking at my parts.  I do plan to transition fully but I don't find the need to be ultra "femme" when I do and I think I would be content just having the right parts on my body. 

I'm not that far removed from your position of just wanting to present as a man but with your correct anatomy you know you should have.  There are plenty of ciswomen out there who, for the most part, present a rather masculine persona. 

If it's dysphoria that's driving your needs, take care of it.  Do what you need to and go from there.  But don't be surprised if you decide to be more holistic with it after you start HRT; it changes perspectives on a lot of things, from what I hear.


Evolving Beauty

It's very dangerous to do SRS, orchie without taking either hormones estrogens or Testosterone. If the body doesn't get either hormone you might end up with Osteoporosis where it comes a point your bones can become as brittle as a chalk.


Quote from: Claraaa on January 31, 2015, 10:29:10 PM
I have gender dysphoria and am considering SRS/bottom surgery.  The twist is that I am considering this without fully transitioning. I am wondering if anyone has any experience with this.  I figure that MTF transitioning is like  the many shades of the rainbow and there must be many shades of transition.

Many thanks,


You DO NOT have gender dysphoria if you do not want to alter your gender expression.  A more accurate way to describe your situation would be maybe genital dysphoria.

That said, I am one like many, who thinks: to each their own., I don't even remotely understand why you would want to do what you are suggesting, but then, do I have to understand why? Of course not! But. When it comes to medicine, GRS is considered a medical necessity, it's a necessity coming from being transgender. To a medical professional. You risk your reasons to seem like a "fantasy" or something "kinky". Which although respectable, I'm assuming wouldn't qualify it as a medical necessity. But a medical alteration for simple want/fun. Remember, this isn't necessarily my view, but a neutral view of what might go through a medical professional's mind if presented with such case. Sadly, or not sadly, there has to be backup to everything. I would like to say like others that transition is a wonderland of exploration and finding yourself, it can be. But when you are requiring of a medical professional to permanently alter a core area of your body without a heavy reason, and when they could be legally liable if you were to "want to make money" by suing afterwards. These people are gonna thread incredibly carefully with you. if only you could simply sign away your rights to a legal come back, and you were willing to pay big amounts of money. Then I'm sure you could find a way. But otherwise...

Low dose HRT-2004
Full time and full dose HRT-2009
BA/Rhinoplasty-May 2013
FFS-Aug 2014
Body contouring-Jan 2015
GRS- Feb 2016