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New haircut and wardrope help. Thanks to anyone that reads

Started by acidonangles, January 22, 2015, 09:37:16 PM

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So I am 15 and pre everything :(  I want to get a haircut that will suit my face. At the moment I just have a Mohawk thing. And not sure if it fits me. I also want to get new cloths to help me confuse people about my gender because I probably won't pass anytime soon. I'm getting a binder in like 2 weeks through my amazing sister. She is the only one that knows at the moment. Anyway, what would go good with khakis? I hate jeans so ya >.> Can I wear nerdy tee's? I am a huge nerd/gamer. Sorry the lengthy question. Oh and do you think Devin fits me?
Pics of me. Don't mind my derpy  face :]



Just moved your post to the youth area so that you get some replies from guys around your age!

But yeah I reckon Devin is a nice name, strong and masculine, sounds good to me.


Quote from: Cindy on January 22, 2015, 09:55:18 PM

Just moved your post to the youth area so that you get some replies from guys around your age!
Its all good I wasn't sure wear to post it anyway :)


Hey there, I also like Devin for you, it's pretty androgynous if that's what you're aiming for right now, and masculine for later. I know several people with the name Devin, both guys and girls. As for your haircut, your current one I think is cool, but it seems difficult for you to see, but idk :P. If I were to give you my opinion, I would say that you would probably look good in having a cut that is short on the sides like yours, and a bit longer on the op (More than just that one piece that you already have). Although again, I don't know what you're looking for specifically.

Clothes wise, with khakis, you could totally wear t-shirts and stuff. That's what I do for the most part. Khakis are like jeans where they work with most everything. Although I find that wearing button-up shirts make me feel ultra manly hah. Just do what makes you happy and confident of course.

Good luck with everything!
"It's not about what's in your pants, but what's in your heart..."



Your haircut is really cool! Mine is kind of similar. I have it short on the sides and part of the top part of my hair is blonde like yours.
As for your name, I can see you as a Devin. It seems to suit you.
Khakis are a good choice of pants, I personally prefer them over jeans sometimes. Nerdy t-shirts and the like are great so if you're into that, then go for it! I think that they would look good with a hoodie over them.


I think your haircut looks great, though if you want to change it up I recommend the website 'how to look like a hot dude'. It's written by a trans guy and gives you info on the best haircut on how to pass as well as tips about men's clothing.  I used one of the pics on that website to give me an idea of what hairstyle to get, but changed my hairstyle recently to an undercut, which I think may suit you. I have a pic of myself with it on the do I pass thread. I also highly recommend gc2b binders, I wrote a review of them today if you can find that too. I hope I helped, you look great already  :)
They/them pronouns preferred.



i think the mohawk looks awesome! you can totally wear nerdy tees - and i think devin suits you! i don' really know about the khakis, i'm not really that good at putting together outfits - but maybe some kind of shirt?? i don't really know what they're called, but those fancy shirts you wear under a smoking or something! and maybe with some kind of small design on, like some knives or skulls or some other hella' rad things like that, so that the shirt doesn't get too plain - idk, i just think the mohawk will look cool with that kind o' shirt??? but i don't know if you're into that kind of "oowowowoAH SKULLS KNIVES ROCK ONNN"-thing

TLDR; you're looking real good
devin suits you
and that mohawk is awesome


I think your hair looks fine as is, but I would maybe get it cut shorter and square off the sideburns. As for clothes, I say wear what you want; as long as it's from the men's section, you shouldn't have any issues. However, I would recommend trying things on first, especially pants, because men's clothes are sized differently and fit very different from women's.