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philly trans health conference

Started by boywonder159, February 19, 2015, 08:55:40 AM

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Will anyone be going to the philly trans health conference this year? I will be going for the first time and am very excited about it. has anyone gone before? What was it like? It seems like i will really enjoy it. I can't wait to meet more trans* people and to learn all that i can.


I went last year and my wife and I really enjoyed it. I met Marcie Bowers and a few other surgeons and will probably go again this year.

Born - 1970
Came Out To Self/Wife - Sept-21-2013
Started therapy - Oct-15-2013
Laser and Electrolysis - Oct-24-2013
HRT - Dec-12-2013
Full time - Mar-15-2014
Name change  - June-23-2014
GCS - Nov-2-2017 (Dr Rachel Bluebond-Langner)



I showed up late and only got to attend one workshop. Everybody in attendance just HAD to say something, and nothing was really accomplished at said workshop. I think I was feeling particularly ornery, because as I skated down Arch Street to the conference, I took a really dumb slam in front of a lot of people.

It was a lot of... I don't know. I guess I'll go again. A few people frantically asking if I was okay and if I'd found a place to live, which I did. That was sweet. But the idea with wearing a nametag with preferred pronouns seems... I don't know. Can't we just get to know one another like human beings? Do we really need a sign on our clothes?

Maybe if I'd attended more than one workshop, I'd have a different opinion.


I will be there (3rd year). Hopefully our group (which meets at Mazzoni Center, the PTHC sponsor) will be selected for the workshop we presented. I volunteered to be on the trans-feminine workshop selection committee. I want to volunteer to work the conference too but I also volunteered to work a vendor table (for  where I work). The table will most likely be in the professional accreditation area.

There are 3000 trans there at any time. Going to the Reading Terminal Market for lunch with so many trans is an unbelievable feeling.

Go on-line when the workshops are selected and plan your day.

Last year the opening speaker was Janet Mock, it was so empowering. There must have been 5000 in the room. There were some awesome workshops. A Dr from Cigna was there, she handles the NFL account, with her benefits and HR representatives. They went over here transition at work in detail with what went well and not so well and why. This was a very cool workshop. Cathy Perez was there and she went over her voice programs. There was a workshop about physical and sexual abuse and it was great, needless to say it was packed. The book you receive has a wealth of providers and you can use it for when you leave. Oh, there are doctors there who do procedures so it is great to have a few the see and listen too at one location.
HRT  5-28-2013
FT   11-13-2015
FFS   9-16-2016 -Spiegel
GCS 11-15-2016 - McGinn
Hair Grafts 3-20-2017 - Cooley
Voice therapy start 3-2017 - Reene Blaker
Labiaplasty 5-15-2017 - McGinn
BA 7-12-2017 - McGinn
Hair grafts 9-25-2017 Dr.Cooley
Sataloff Cricothyroid subluxation and trachea shave12-11-2017
Dr. McGinn labiaplasty, hood repair, scar removal, graph repair and bottom of  vagina finished. urethra repositioned. 4-4-2018
Dr. Sataloff Glottoplasty 5-14-2018
Dr. McGinn vaginal in office procedure 10-22-2018
Dr. McGinn vaginal revision 2 4-3-2019 Bottom of vagina closed off, fat injected into the labia and urethra repositioned.
Dr. Thomas in 2020 FEMLAR
  • skype:Rachel?call

mrs izzy

This year is the 14th year.

I was there the 4 and 5 th year.

Little far now.

Well worth the trip is anyone can go.

Mrs. Izzy
Trans lifeline US 877-565-8860 CAD 877-330-6366
"Those who matter will never judge, this is my given path to walk in life and you have no right to judge"

I used to be grounded but now I can fly.


I am very excited to go. Plus i get to go home to philadelphia for a week. I hope to see everyone there!


I attended in 2013.  By "attended" I mean that I wandered around Center City, checked out Valley Forge, and generally avoided the actual conference for most of the time I was there.  I briefly lived in Philadelphia so it was neat to revisit my own stomping grounds. 

A lot of my interactions when I was actually at the conference were a bit strange.  I had to stand up and intervene with an angry trans* audience on behalf of a speaker at one point.  I got mistaken for a doctor or a nurse repeatedly.  It was a bit strange.

A lot of the conference tended to be about core stuff that I call "how to transition"--surgery, hormones, etc.  I tend to be interested in social issues, law and policy, etc.  The "how to transition" topics don't generally interest me, so I felt like I did not miss much by being absent.  People with more interest in those core "how to transition" topics may find more to interest them there.  And I'm not really a trans* conference person.  So unless someone asks me to present on something--and I hope they won't--I doubt that I would go back again. 

BUT I bet it would be a fabulous place for a get together of people from this site.  You might meet tons of other users.

I totally agree with others who suggested getting lunch at Reading Terminal Market.  I actually used to do most of my grocery shopping there as well as getting sandwiches, chocolate, and all kinds of other things.  If you feel up to getting further away from the convention center, lunch or dinner at a restaurant on Rittenhouse Square is a great thing to do.  Center City is a neat place to explore.  It's like New York lite.


If only I had the money. Been dying to meet Skylar in person as well as Jason.


Can I get away with one more complaint?

No? But it doesn't have to do with the conference itself, per se.

Great! Thank you! Okay. These workshops are on a timed basis, meaning we have what, an hour to get through everything? There was this guy, and old gentleman, who was calling himself "trans age." Meaning... you already know. And being how delicate of a topic transgenderism is, and how the conference is designed to be as inclusive as possible, nobody's going to say anything. That's all fine, but this guy WOULD NOT STOP TALKING. He just wanted to hear himself talk, and he wanted everybody else to hear him talk. Basically, the workshop was a dud, because this dude had verbal diarrhea.

Really? "Trans age?" Really? REALLY?

Cis men just HAVE to talk above us at all times, I guess.


I'm going. (Also went the last couple years.) I may be presenting. I mean I put out a proposal re: FTM late transitions. But I haven't heard anything yet, but whether I present or not I'll go.

I get really nice and overstimmed by the whole thing.

BTW, Dragon, Sky and I are friends IRL. He's as nice in person as he seems to be (also uppercase chase, who is not quite as zany. :)  )



Quote from: aleon515 on February 20, 2015, 10:21:32 PM
I'm going. (Also went the last couple years.) I may be presenting. I mean I put out a proposal re: FTM late transitions. But I haven't heard anything yet, but whether I present or not I'll go.

I get really nice and overstimmed by the whole thing.

BTW, Dragon, Sky and I are friends IRL. He's as nice in person as he seems to be (also uppercase chase, who is not quite as zany. :)  )


Yeah, Skylar is very nice. We're friends and we chat on Twitter occasionally. Would be awesome to meet him in person. Not a fan of Chase Ross though.


I think we all need to make sure to meet up there at some point.

Born - 1970
Came Out To Self/Wife - Sept-21-2013
Started therapy - Oct-15-2013
Laser and Electrolysis - Oct-24-2013
HRT - Dec-12-2013
Full time - Mar-15-2014
Name change  - June-23-2014
GCS - Nov-2-2017 (Dr Rachel Bluebond-Langner)



I've been the past 2 years, but won't be able to this year (SRS recovery). Also presented a few times last year, once with my mother, Jazz, Jeanette about parents/daughters stories of youth/teens, media work, etc. and the other with a FTM teen named Chris about our teen transitions (going by Jessica, my first name only, if you look at the 2014 handbook). It's awesome, we got like 300+ people, overflowing crowd, out the door, for the first one, and the second one still got hundreds. People are so nice after, talking with you, and really sharing themselves. Finding out how much you've helped someone else out is the best experience there is. :)

I'm not the best judge of what goes on there, but some people really drone ON and ON in the audience about themselves, unrelated to the topic. I'm usually a part of a small subset of youth transitioners that goes there yearly, who are really tight knit, warm, accepting, but not that large. So while that's true, and it's awesome to have that, that's not the experience for most, since we make up like 2% of the conference.

Given it's free, it's well worth it. If there's any questions you have from any aspect of this, please, let me know.
You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world. -Woodrow Wilson

With Dr. Marci Bowers in San Mateo


Will try not to drone on and on if I get to present (not at all certain at this point). LOL.  (Though this would be a panel discussion so the fellow panelists wouldn't like it).

I meet a LOT of people, kind of gets to be a lot but I still do enjoy it.



There's a good chance that I'll go this year for the first time. Been wanting to go for a long time. A friend of mine went last year and said that she really enjoyed it.

Be who you are.
Make a difference by being a difference.   :)



I am presenting in Philly. Just heard the other day! (Thursday at 2ish on Late Transitions, a panel discussion).
