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Selective service.

Started by Equestriaghoul, February 18, 2015, 06:35:21 PM

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I just think it needs to end, for good this time, I am pretty annoyed that it still treats transwomen as men and transmen as women, but personally, I don't think that women(trans or cis) should be exempt when men can be forced to join the military and most likely die, just for having a penis, personally I don't think anyone should be FORCED to join the military, and we have plenty of people who join WILLINGLY alrady, not to mention trans people who would join if they were allowed to, I'm sorry if this thread is a little bit messy, I just thought that this issue deserves more attention than it's getting, I don't want to be exempt if I transition and get the gender on my birth certificate changed, not if men are still required to register, one good thing my gender issues have done is make me see how sexist our society is towards men, and the only reason people are required to register now anyway was so the Jimmy Carter could look good.

I was thinking of starting a petition to end the requirement to register(for trans women AND cis men), I'll make another post if I do it, but what are your views on this subject?

Again I'm sorry if this thread is a bit messy.


The all volunteer force has proven itself to do a better job. I don't think there's any chance of a draft being used again.

War isn't restricted to men, plenty of women are laying down their lives, too.

Hugs, Devlyn


I agree with Devlyn, I don't see a draft being enforced anytime soon.

Also, I think trans women (who are transitioning) aren't eligible anyways b/c of medical reasons. I may be wrong though.

Yes, it should be both men and women (and those between) who need to register for the draft. They do in Israel and other countries with a mandatory service and it works fine there.

Quotemake me see how sexist our society is towards men

While there is a lot of sexism towards men, America is also just as sexist towards women. I wanted to join the military but then found out that all the areas I wanted to work in were reserved only for cis-men. As someone who's FAAB, I would not be allowed to even try to get into the positions I wanted to work in.
ਮਨਿ ਜੀਤੈ ਜਗੁ ਜੀਤੁ


Having to register with the military is also age dependent. As soon as I transitioned, I started getting letters twice a year asking me to register. I called and told them my situation, (I'd never pass the physical or psych eval. once they knew I was a transgender), and they never got it through their heads. I would write in or call, get a second letter stating that I didn't qualify and wasn't required to register, only to get another request to register the following semester. Once I hit my thirties, the letters stopped.

Both men and women serve our country, and there are women I would far rather be in a foxhole with than some men. At this point in time, I think a transgender would be face far more prejudice than a woman would in the military. Both because we have special physical needs (hormones etc.), and transgenders are still considered mentally ill.



Trans women, although they have to register, don't have to serve should there be a draft (see the relevant FAQ). It's the same as if you had a disability that disqualifies you from military service - you must register but ultimately you'd be exempt.

As a side-note, IIRC I think the rule on how transpeople are treated with the registration requirement is SSS policy and not a legal precedent. Unless someone wants to challenge the sexist requirement to begin with (a possibility if women are allowed to serve in combat as that's why the all-male rule was upheld to begin with) it's unlikely there would be a transwoman with standing to sue unless it becomes common to have SRS before age 18, since in other ways if you were considered required to register anytime between 18-25 then you must be registered even if your circumstances change (for example if you were in the U.S. on a visa that required you to register when you were 18 but then move out of the country before 26 then you are still considered to be required to register even though you are no longer subject to actual conscription).


The selective service system ended in 1978. Unless there's a direct threat to America, I don't see a draft being crafted anytime soon. No politician is going to go there.

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