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An Open Letter to Zoey Tur

Started by Eveline, March 16, 2015, 01:38:41 AM

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Zoey, I watched your recent interview with Dr. Drew on the topic of the Planet Fitness membership controversy, and I must say I was shocked and disappointed at how you represented the transgender community.

Let's ignore for a moment the "blame the victim" tone of the interview, and just focus on terminology.

For example, the term transgender. Contrary to your statement in the interview, the definition of transgender does indeed include cross dressers. In fact, transgender is an umbrella term which includes anyone whose gender identity or gender expression is different from that usually associated with the sex they were assigned at birth.

You also had trouble with the meaning of cross dresser. First, cross dressing is considered a form of gender expression, and does not imply anything about sexual preference or fetishes. Second, contrary to what you said, cross dressers may indeed identify as transsexuals at some point in their gender experience. And finally, you used the outmoded term transvestite, which has been replaced by cross dresser in the modern lexicon, thus further confusing the issue and the audience. Check out the GLAAD Media Reference Guide - it does a good job of clarifying terms.

But the worst problem with the interview, really, is that by creating false divisions between people in the transgender community, your comments simply added to the confusion and fear around the "bathroom issue". That was a real missed opportunity. Right now, we need to help people understand that transgender people do not present a threat in bathrooms and locker rooms. In fact, if forced to use facilities that don't match their gender expression, transgender people are the ones threatened.

Zoey, as a transgender person with media access, you are in a unique position of both visibility and responsibility. All of us under the transgender umbrella are affected by what you say, and how you say it. Please help by becoming a force for unity at this critical juncture in trans history.

Twitter: @evelineacarr
Facebook: eveline.a.carr
LinkedIn: evelinecarr


mrs izzy

Zoe,  Zoe,  Zoe.  What can I say maybe you need a huge education on being transgender.  She is spouting off the old misguided bigots blah,  blah,  blah. Sigh!

I just wish those in the spotlight would at least remove the knife.  I just have a hard time reaching my back.

Well it's been this way the whole time I walked this path.  Society takes 1 step forward and 2 steps back. 

Everyone hang in,  we will win!
Mrs. Izzy
Trans lifeline US 877-565-8860 CAD 877-330-6366
"Those who matter will never judge, this is my given path to walk in life and you have no right to judge"

I used to be grounded but now I can fly.


Sigh, this is just an icky situation all around. Clearly, Zoey's appearance was super problematic.  But on the other side, I really wish the person at the center of this would just delete their facebook or at least stop making it public. The profile is full of fetishizing their gender expression and they identify as a "male ****-in-training." It plays right into the trans bathroom panic people's narrative and is coming at the worst possible time.
"Choosing to be true to one's self — despite challenges that may come with the journey — is an integral part of realizing not just one's own potential, but of realizing the true nature of our collective human spirit. This spirit is what makes us who we are, and by following that spirit as it manifests outwardly, and inwardly, you are benefiting us all." -Andrew WK


It's unfortunate that media tends to choose spokespersons for the trans* community rather than allowing trans* people to do so for themselves.  The result tends to be spokespeople who do not represent the trans* community and who create further ignorance and lack of understanding than resolving it.

On the other hand, it is also true that most trans* people will refuse to be heard if given the chance.  That is not unique to trans* people.  But it is problematic for trans* people given the scarcity of representatives.  It makes it hard to find anyone other than Zoey or whatever other person might be willing that least speak up. 

Jill F

What is the trans* equivalent of "Uncle Tom"?  (Aunt Zoey?)

Yay, we get a token transgender woman on TV that continues to perpetuate stereotypes and does nothing to advance the ball for the community.   Instead we get a false mouthpiece that the media just keeps on a short leash. 

Oh, well, Zoey, at least you're working again. *eyeroll*

marsh monster

Wasn't she a member here at one time?  I think I recall her posting about her story.

Edit: just found an old post by her, apparently she deleted her account. Disassociation maybe, who knows.


Yeah, she was a member, and when she struggled, this crossdresser was there to wipe her nose and get her going again. Nice payback.