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Dr Who fan fiction

Started by Jayne, March 15, 2015, 03:33:13 PM

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I'm working on some Dr Who fan fiction & would welcome any & all input/ideas, here is the beggining......

"I am Joe, my surname isn't important, i'm just an average looking person who fades into the background of the herd. I carry a secret that I can never tell, at least that's what I thought until one day I met a man with a bigger secret than mine"

May in Bristol is a lovelly time of year, the trees are full of life & so are the people, they gather by the dockside to feel the cool breeze being carried in from the water, lovers love, skaters skate, shoppers shop & artists do arty things whilst everyone else goes about their lives enjoying being part of the world. as for me, I simply exist, one day follows another in the correct order whilst I live in my bubble of isolation & solitude.

As I walked through the city center I noticed something strange in the wide, shallow fountains. Of all things it's a blue police box just sitting there with the water lapping around its base. This should have been strange enough at the best of times but one thing elevates it from strange to surreal, no-one, not a single person looks at it. They don't give it a second glance, hell they aren't even giving it a first glance.
As i stand & stare at this anomoly the door opens & out walks a man, oh what a man. He is fifty something going on for nine hundred, he carries an air of eternal wisdom, I try to pull my stare away from him but I can't, i'm like a moth drawn to a flame, I can see he'll burn me but i'm drawn to him.
I stand transfixed by his aura, his presence, his eyes, oh those eyes they're looking right at me. He spins ont he spot looking behind him & then back at me "Are you looking at me?" he asks in a strong Scottish accent.
"Um, Yes, Sorry" my feel shuffle nervously at such a lame response
"Well if you're going to stare at me can I at least have your name?" There is a slightly rude edge to his question but I decide not to bite, yet
"I'm Joe, who are you?"
With an air of unlimate self importance he responds "I am the Dr"
"Dr who? Do you have a last name?"
"I have many names but just Dr will suffice, and do you have a last name?"
"I, I, i'm Joe. . . . Joe Public"
He thinks for a second before replying "Ah a made up last name, in that case you may call me Dr Who but simply the Dr will be acceptable, I find short names are so much easier to use when you're running"
I mull this over for a second or two constantly replaying one particular word
"Running from what?"
This question seems to please this strange man, he suddenly breaks into a smile that warms my heart & responds with a line that freezes my heart just as quickly
"Great question, follow me if you want the answer"



If anyone has any suggestions then feel free to post them or pm me, i'll accept any ideas or critisisms (be as harsh as you feel you need to be)
I need ideas about villians & aliens, why is the Dr here? what is he about to uncover?

I'd like this to be a communial effort from the trans community, if anyone wants to add a section to the story then help yourself & post below.

All I will give away about my eventual plan is that as you may have guessed the main character Joe is trans but has not even come to terms with this fact yet.
Should I ever finish this project then I will send it to the BBC in the hope of inspiring a trans assistant, the Dr touches the hearts & minds of millions around the world & with is time travelling ability he is the perfect being to tell the story of transitioning, all the heartbreak, struggles & triumphs.



As we walked through the glas doors of the Bristol museum the Dr stopped in his tracks his tongue darting out like a lizard tasting the air, he looked to me with a quizzical expression "Can you taste that?"
"No, who on earth can taste the air?"
With a sigh of exasperation and a roll of his eyes he locked that mesmerizing gaze on me "Of course you can taste the air, you just limit yourself to using your nose when the tongue could do the job so much better, I must remember that you humans only use five of your senses & you don't even use them to their fullest abilities"
I felt my mind struggling to keep up "Um, we only have five senses"
"you keep telling yourself that" It would appear that the Dr was capable of giving a response so dry it would make the Sahara seem like an ocean by comparison.
As we walked on through the exhibits something kept niggling away at the back of my mind, what did he mean by you humans, what kind of madman was I bindly following & why did I trust him? Before I could formulate an appropriate question I found myself being grabbed by the arm & dragged into the nearest ladies toilets & bundled into a cubicle.
"We shouldn't be in here" I whispered "this is the ladies loo's"
The Dr merely cocked his head to one side & raised an eyebrow, my mind was screaming at me that he knew but that was impossible, no-one knew & yet I felt he was looking through me into my soul. I felt suitably reprimanded & kept my mouth firmly shut.
After the silence had dragged out for a few econds the Dr reached into his pocket & produced a strange silver cylinder slightly bigger than a pen, it had a green light on one end. He must have seen me staring.
"It's a sonic screwdriver" he stated this as if it answered everything when all it did was raise more questions, he pressed a button on the screwdriver & it emitted a warbling, whistling sound & then he stared at it briefly "It's in here somewhere, i've got a good scan of the signal"
"What's in here? Do you mean what you're looking for is in the ladies toilet?" I thought the question had merit but the Dr disagreed.
"No dummy, it's in the museum, somewhere directly below us"
I decided to try a different approach "May I ask what IT is or would that be another dummy question?"
This time the expression he aimed at me had a hint of grudging respect, or did I just want it to. Why did I want respect from this strange man?
He took a deep breath & so began the most mind blowing explanation i'd heard up to that point in my life
"Well it's something like this, I was up in orbit deciding where or when to go next when the TARDIS picked up a cloaked ship in geosyncronous orbit directly above this museum, it's locked onto something in here & whatever it is I know two things for sure, one it's not from Earth & two it spell trouble, any questions so far?"
I flapped my mouth a few times like a fish out of water as my mind raced to catch up "I understood every word except TARDIS, what the hell is that?"
"Oh do please keep up, TARDIS stands for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space, it's the name of my spaceship"
"You're talking about the police box aren't you?" I felt as if  was trying to doggy paddle in quicksand but refused to let on.
The answering look he gave me spoke volumes, it was part "well duh" and part "well this one has potential" however the words that came out of his mouth were "well we're not going to solve this mystery huddled in a cubicle"
With this he fliung the door open and strode out straight into a very prim & proper looking woman who exclaimed "well I never", he didn't even wait a heartbeat before responding "Don't worry we've only just met & didn't have time to find somewhere else to go"
I barely suppressed the s>-bleeped-< at her shocked expresion as we headed for the exit.
Once out in the sunshine again I turned to the Dr "Well Dr where to now"
"you go home, i've got to do an analysis of this signal, i'll be in touch"
It was obvious i'd been dismissed but after this whirlwind called the Dr had spun my world onto its head I was in no mood to take this order, I felt my patience evaprating "You picked me up from the street, dragged me in here & niow i'm supposed to just go home?"
The Dr quelled my anger with one word spoken softly but with the utmost authority "Yes"
I lowered my gaze & meekly walked away, how did this man have so much control over me?




Throughout the next few days I pondered the strange events until they faded into the background, I gradually shrugged off my curiosity about this strange man and his tales of spaceships, orbits & strange signals.
My life returned to normal, the humdrum routine of daily life took over once more, the endless tedium of working to pay the bills, the only blight on my life was the fear that secret I kept locked away would one day be revealed by a sip of the tongue or a simple gesture.
Then one evening the chaos returned in the form of the Dr, it was a Friday evening & I had two days of no work, two days when I did not have to venture outside, two days where the real me could be free & happy.
As per my normal routine I started with a bubble bath & then sat in my bedroom & prepared to eradicate the lie that was Joe, as always I started by putting on the jewelery that always made me feel so happy, then came the make-up. This evening I chose one of my favourite flowing dresses & sat infront of the mirror to style my mop into a hairdo, after an hour the transformation was complete, Joe was gone & the real me sat in his place. Joanne looked back at me from the mirror as the familiar feeling of peace & tranquility flowed through me.

Before I was able to get up & leave the mirror I heard a very strange noise, i'd never heard anything like it in my life, it was a kind of wheezing, rasping sound, I turned to try & figure out where this noise was coming from & felt a breeze ruffle my hair, I rose from my seat to find which window i'd left open & froze as I walked into my front room, there it stood in the corner, the blue police box called the TARDIS.
I wanted to run & hide, how could he be here, in my home? No-one could ever see me like this, I tried to run but my legs refused to move, the door swung open & there he stood, the Dr!
I felt like I was going to pass out, my head was spinning yet there he stood not batting an eyelid.
"well come on, get in i've traced the signal but we've got to leave now"
I felt the anger rising, how dare he enter my home without permission "Dr! You can't come into my home without knocking first"
The Dr just shrugged & stepped back into his TARDIS, after a few seconds there was a knocking sound, I was too stunned to say anything but "come in"
He once more stepped out of his ship & into my front room "you know" he said "I didn't come in, I came out as my TARDIS is "in" and that means your room is "out" to me, now lets go as we don't have much time"
I looked down at my clothes then back at the Dr "What about my clothes?"
He looked me up & down for a second "Yes, very nice, burgandy suits you, to think Clara always moaned that I didn't notice this kind of thing"
Exasperated I plunged on "What I mean is that I can't go out like this"
He beamed at me "If that's what you're bothered about then don't worry we're going up not out, i've worn more than one face so that doesn't bother me"
I felt like I was doggy paddling in quicksand, I wanted to get to the surface for air but the Dr had this ability to pull me whichever way he wanted, I tried one last gambit "Just give me five minutes to change & i'll join you"
Once again I saw his eyes roll "Oh very well, what's the point in owning a time machine if you can't wait five minutes"