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Does it make sense to be trans and muslim?

Started by perrystephens, March 18, 2015, 04:03:21 AM

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I guess it doesn't matter either way, because I kind of feel like it would be easier to just force myself to think of gender and sexuality as a black and white thing and just convince myself I'm a straight female, but I still enjoy being a part of the trans community and I would never want to believe that other trans people are committing haram just by existing.

Islam is the only religion I feel is at all right for me, and I'm at a point in my life when I feel like I really need religion. I just don't know how to justify who I am and what I believe in the context of being muslim.


There's many trans Muslims out there. Some out and open, others stealth. Just like with any community, they are there.
ਮਨਿ ਜੀਤੈ ਜਗੁ ਜੀਤੁ


Your faith is between you and Allah (I hope I got that respectful enough) not dictated by anyone else. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't be Trans and Muslim at the same time. It is your faith not anyone else.
Formally known as White Rabbit


Salam Alaikum, I am muslim and trans, and you know in countries like Iran trans people can transition, because it is considered to be fine, the Quran doesn't say anything about trans people, and we change Allah's creation every day, by turning wheat into bread. Your faith is only between you and Allah, and you should disregard people saying that you can not be muslim and trans at the same time, they have no knowledge of that, and it would be like trying to play God's role for them, which is a sin.


Does it makes sense to be trans and X? The answer is always yes. If you're trans, you're trans. In the end you will only be happier by fully embracing it.


Well interestingly it is fairly common in Iran compared with the rest of the Muslim world. I believe it has to to something with the Shia Islam which is practiced there. Homosexuality in Iran is considered harram, and to combat this they force men and women who are homosexuals to fully transition so that everyone is straight. This is is extremely detrimental to the health of homosexuals, however, because once post op they experience the same dysphoria which is present in transgender people. They also face shunning and scrutiny. However it's not death and I'm fairly sure that transgender people are allowed this surgery as well.   

Basically, transgender can be seen as acceptable in Islam.
Trying to take it one day at a time :)


Well, I'm Catholic and trans. I'm not even supposed to eat Girl Scout cookies anymore , even those evil Dark Chocolate mints ones.


no, not at all. bein a muslim never makes sense !

Mod Edit:Bashing


It's said in the Qu'ran that making Dua and living a proper Muslim life is all you need to be Muslim. I guess, if it's done it's done - you can't change what you are and what you've done. You could always transition and then start living how you want once it's done - not like they can make you turn back, can they?

  Yes, it's accepted in Iran, but not as openly in most of the Islamic world. It really depends the country and the faith they have. I looked this up and it was pretty fair - most of the people replying were accepting, but the odd person said it broke the rule of unnecessary surgery, though some of their minds were changed after some debating. I'd say you should be fine. Anyone in a mosque in the first place is there to worship Allah, not judge a fellow Muslim for their background.