I know this post hasn't been posted on in a while, but I wanted to say my experiences in this area. im one of 2 mtf people in my town, and of the two of us, only she gets hate, and not me. I think it all has to do with how we act. she is of the dolls and acts like a little girl a lot. but then with me it seems like im not bullied because while im obviously presenting as female, I am also scary to many men because im known to fight back and not roll over. my track record of fighting is both verbal and physical and I wont instigate, but I ALWAYS finish what others start, I guess that while im a nerdy gamer girl, im also a spitfire of a girl and talented at using my size to my advantage, so it isn't just what you are, its also how you act I guess if that makes any sense, but don't get me wrong, I LOVE shopping and jewelry and makeup(despite not being able to wear it often), but I don't roll over when I get bullied and discriminated against.