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Society's reaction: MTF vs. FTM

Started by CarrotInsanity, March 21, 2015, 12:56:53 AM

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See I just got into an argument with a transgender support group claiming I'm wrong ugh

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Lilly G

I know this post hasn't been posted on in a while, but I wanted to say my experiences in this area. im one of 2 mtf people in my town, and of the two of us, only she gets hate, and not me. I think it all has to do with how we act. she is of the dolls and acts like a little girl a lot. but then with me it seems like im not bullied because while im obviously presenting as female, I am also scary to many men because im known to fight back and not roll over. my track record of fighting is both verbal and physical and I wont instigate, but I ALWAYS finish what others start, I guess that while im a nerdy gamer girl, im also a spitfire of a girl and talented at using my size to my advantage, so it isn't just what you are, its also how you act I guess if that makes any sense, but don't get me wrong, I LOVE shopping and jewelry and makeup(despite not being able to wear it often), but I don't roll over when I get bullied and discriminated against.
Lilly, Lady of the Strawberries"Hope is like the sun, if you believe only when you can see you will never make it through the night" -Leia Organa


 At my work I actually overheard someone when they found out about me transitioning say that at least it wasn't a "dude" going to a "chick"

Lilly G

Quote from: Sleepydf on July 13, 2018, 11:18:27 PM
At my work I actually overheard someone when they found out about me transitioning say that at least it wasn't a "dude" going to a "chick"
wow that is so uncalled for.
Lilly, Lady of the Strawberries"Hope is like the sun, if you believe only when you can see you will never make it through the night" -Leia Organa


 It was. I was not happy with them.


It seems like a silly comparison in my opinion.  Its not an apples to apples comparison, its apples to oranges.  Its like people with ptsd trying to compare traumas.

MtF and FtM are both pretty seriously discriminated against, but very often in such drastically different ways.  In my experience transmen have a serious lack of visibility and even when the visibility is there they are rarely taken seriously by the majority of people.

Transwomen in my experience have an easier time with visibility....and an easier time being taken seriously at least SOME of the time.  In my experience being taken seriously as a transwoman is dependent more on being considered attractive than being actually passing.

I dont know if im really being clear here, but each group has distinctly different challanges and forms of discrimination.  And for both FtM and MtF some people will face drastically more or less discrimination due to a myriad of factors.

I think that transwomen experience lot more violence and transmem experience a higher rate of suicide or suicide attempts.

At the end of the day both groups have a lot of BS to deal with.  For me at least, it makes more sense to focus on the fact that both groups are discriminated heavily but in different ways than to entertain the idea that one group or other faces more or less discrimination.

Just my two cents.  Feel free to disregard.  This is the internet after all.....

Lilly G

Quote from: IdontEven on September 23, 2015, 10:35:33 AM
I think there are two things going on. The first occurs when someone applies the current level of societal sexism to someone with basically no knowledge of what trans people are about. For them mtf's are basically wolves in sheep's clothing, and ftm's are sheep in wolves' clothing. One is a threat and trying to be sneaky about it, the other is trying to make themselves look like a threat but there's no way they ever could be.

Then there is the ever so slightly more evolved thing going on, where they do have some understanding of trans issues but the sexism thing is still big. "Aww you poor little mtf, do you need a hug and a tissue and maybe some aroma therapy candles?" Contrasted with "Ftm huh...well that sucks*. Rub some dirt in it and walk it off, bro."

* - referring to whatever grievance is being aired

That sort of sexism runs deep and I don't see it changing any time soon. Trans acceptance and protection will happen way before women and men are seen or treated as equals I think.
Do you have the candles? because I would love the candles. I have actually seen a lot of the sexism around me, but its the opposite way around in my area. its "aww you poor confused ftm, go play with your dolls and stop pretending." or what I get which is "mtf? what the ->-bleeped-<- are you doing you creep, stop trying to get near my family pervert." like, what is the point of insulting someone for being themselves? and what kind of twisted mind would one have to have to use transgender as a way to be a pervert?
Lilly, Lady of the Strawberries"Hope is like the sun, if you believe only when you can see you will never make it through the night" -Leia Organa


Well people tend to be more excepting of girls acting like men as they tend to see the as hot and badass because they're tough rather than a boy behaving girly as they see that as low and a lack of toughness. They also tend to see them as 'gay.'
Honestly though, society needs to get the frick over it and let people be themselves. 😑😒


@Lilly G
I love your profile pic.💟