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Did I make a mistake as to what I studied or should I just wait?

Started by Katelyn, March 21, 2015, 10:53:52 PM

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I studied Business Administration when I went to college and graduated with a Bachelors Degree in it (Marketing concentration), but I studied it back when transitioning / being out and free of myself wasn't in my plans.  After I graduated, was when I had an experience that led me to starting to androgynize my looks and refusing to keep my hair short just to work in business.  Even though nowadays I make my money other ways, I still don't make as much money compared to if I went into the business world.  When I look back, I feel like I made a big mistake studying business administration (even though I really liked business, particularly marketing.)  Was it a mistake or should I just wait, hoping that trans people will make inroads into the Business World?

For Transgender Students, Business Schools Are a Transition


Knowing about business is never a bad thing. I minored in business, and don't regret it. If nothing else, use your business knowledge to make good investments...

Marketing interviews, are the easiest to get, in my opinion...I never got that type of job, but got tons of interviews, when my major wasn't panning out awhile back. Sales experience helps immensely. It doesn't matter what you are selling, have you considered first trying to find a sales job that sells mostly to women? Use your marketing education to be good at sales. You also could very well make just as much doing that as you would in a traditional marketing job that requires you to have short hair.


I'd stop looking back and asking if its a mistake or not. Look at where you are now and what you can do going forward. Are you locked into a particular view of your business future? Perhaps you need to step back and think about all the different things you could do.

I think the biggest factor in success is yourself. I'd be looking to take advantage of whatever it is you have. Change companies, fields, extra education, whatever it takes to maximize your advantages and minimize disadvantages. If you have some other skills or interests maybe combine them and see where that might lead. Start your own company even, you could end up far more successful if you do that.

I'd definitely not wait for anything. Its going to be a long wait for one, and by the time it happens it does't necessarily mean you'll be able to take advantage of it.

If you choose to not live the life you want you may not succeed at anything either; it does tend to eat away at you over the years.


Quote from: Katelyn on March 21, 2015, 10:53:52 PM
I studied Business Administration when I went to college and graduated with a Bachelors Degree....  Was it a mistake or should I just wait, hoping that trans people will make inroads into the Business World?

Hey Katelyn, why wait for others to make the inroads?  I firmly believe that the onus is on us to develop a consciousness and demonstrate that trans people are as capable and competent as anyone else.  And why would we not be? 

It is my feeling that any degree is a good place to start.  While specialised knowledge is often necessary, you learn this while you are doing business.  You learn business while doing business.  Much more important than the type of degree is your interest in how you want to operate professionally and in which type of company you want to do it.  Your opportunities for growth and experience are very different if you're in a multinational or a small startup, and both are valid experiences.  I see people who are great at working the corporate angle but are useless at working the agility that you find in a small company, and vice vera.



Quote from: AnonyMs on March 22, 2015, 04:46:51 AMIf you choose to not live the life you want you may not succeed at anything either; it does tend to eat away at you over the years.

Very true.