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Is it too early to start organizing a boycott of Florida vacation spots?

Started by suzifrommd, March 17, 2015, 04:42:13 PM

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With the bathroom bill in Florida that it makes it a crime for transgender people to use the restroom seeming to have a smooth route to passage, I wonder if it's too early to start organizing a boycott of Florida vacation spots.

The advantages of a boycott:
* Would create real economic consequences
* Would draw attention to our cause from sleepy Floridians
* Would put other states on notice that we are a force to be reckoned with.

Here's what it would involve:
* Encourage LGBT people and their allies to put off making reservations for planned vacations to Florida.
* Cancel existing reservations if it can be done without a penalty.
* For vacations in the planning stage, choose an alternate destination.

We would need to put the word out through facebook, email, and word of mouth. If we do it before it goes to the whole legislature, it might go further to change minds.

Have you read my short story The Eve of Triumph?


My thoughts? Were it to be successful I would be financially ruined.

Jill F

Florida is already on my short list of no-go zones.   Anywhere that is outwardly hostile to LGBT people, or any other kind of minority doesn't get my money.  Plus, I find it sorta triggering because on the map it kinda looks like America's flaccid junk.

Come to California instead, the most trans* friendly state in the US!

We have beaches, mountains, deserts, forests, fine dining, amusement parks, wineries, casinos, concert venues, sports, resorts and nobody gives a flying squirrel about what bathroom you use.  Just bring a lot of cash, and remember to leave it all here in the Golden State before you leave.

This has been a public service announcement.


The thing about Florida is from Palm Beach County and South on the East Coast of Florida, it's very LGBT friendly. It's the lawmakers in Tallahassee that's the problems (except that the state representative who wrote this piece of garbage of a bill is from Miami/Dade County.)

I'm going to be in South Florida in 3 weeks, for a week. So we'll see if anything changes since the last time I was there nearly a year ago when I had only been going full time for only 2 weeks, and I didn't have any issues at all.

Born - 1970
Came Out To Self/Wife - Sept-21-2013
Started therapy - Oct-15-2013
Laser and Electrolysis - Oct-24-2013
HRT - Dec-12-2013
Full time - Mar-15-2014
Name change  - June-23-2014
GCS - Nov-2-2017 (Dr Rachel Bluebond-Langner)



Quote from: pollypagan on March 17, 2015, 04:50:22 PM
My thoughts? Were it to be successful I would be financially ruined.
I would expect that if the boycott were successful, this policy would be reversed long before economic ruin took hold. I would imagine any noticeable drop in tourism would trigger a mass rethinking.
Quote from: Sydney_NYC on March 17, 2015, 11:07:04 PM
The thing about Florida is from Palm Beach County and South on the East Coast of Florida, it's very LGBT friendly. It's the lawmakers in Tallahassee that's the problems (except that the state representative who wrote this piece of garbage of a bill is from Miami/Dade County.)
But legislators are very responsive to economic issues in their states. If this is demonstrated to have a negative impact, they will rethink it quickly.
Have you read my short story The Eve of Triumph?

Jill F

Quote from: suzifrommd on March 18, 2015, 10:30:58 AM
I would expect that if the boycott were successful, this policy would be reversed long before economic ruin took hold. I would imagine any noticeable drop in tourism would trigger a mass rethinking.But legislators are very responsive to economic issues in their states. If this is demonstrated to have a negative impact, they will rethink it quickly.

Never underestimate the power of stupid.  These people did get elected in the first place after all.

Cindi Jones

I have been very vocal against Florida on Facebook. Yes, put out the word! Most of my friends do not know I am trans. But they are very strong supporters of equal rights for everyone. I share stuff with them and they do the same back. And we are legion.

Author of Squirrel Cage


Whilst it wasn't the only reason, this bill has already had a significant input into my travel plans.  its entirely possible that if this carry's on there will be two beachfront condo owners wondering why they are a months each short on rent this year.


We could always boycott Outback and blooming brands, I'm sure they must have some pull in Tallahassee and everyone all over the country could get involved providing blooming brands know why they are being targeted.

lol i think they are reading Susans, not 2 mins after posting i got an email for a free blooming onion!

marsh monster

When in Florida, do like the crazy killer astronauts do and just wear a diaper.

Jill F

Quote from: marsh monster on March 18, 2015, 03:29:35 PM
When in Florida, do like the crazy killer astronauts do and just wear a diaper.

Better yet, we know which legislators to send the used ones to.


or on a kind alternate approach hows about we all go to Florida and visit the state caitol and use the restroom of our gender, seems as though the folks living there could use a few thousand supporters rather than more folks whom dont to visit

just a thought... lol

one day, one step, with grace it will be forward today

Jill F

Quote from: Jerri on March 18, 2015, 04:25:40 PM
or on a kind alternate approach hows about we all go to Florida and visit the state caitol and use the restroom of our gender, seems as though the folks living there could use a few thousand supporters rather than more folks whom dont to visit

just a thought... lol


Hmm... an old fashioned pee-in type protest.


To be successful you would need to get the boycott to go WAY past just transgender people. You would need massive support. We are what? about 1% of the population? If we stopped going (I've never gone) then they probably wouldn't even notice. If you were to get the entire LGBT+ community in on it, it would be more effective. I hope it works out, but I can't see a boycott working at this point.

Cindi Jones

I'd be truly surprised if we are 1 percent of the population. I've heard that number before but it sure sounds high to me. But you are very correct awilliams. Women did not get the vote without the blacks. The blacks didn't get the equal rights bill passed without help from some very brave white people. Gays and lesbians are getting the right to marry with the help from massive numbers of straight people.

Thank <whichever form of deity you choose to insert here> that the gay community has included US in their fights for equal rights. Do you know where we would be without them? NOWHERE. Now that they have a voice and stand with us we are making some progress. The other problem we have is that we truly don't want to be out in front of a camera or have our pictures in the papers. WE DON'T do this to be known as trans people. We have our own agenda and that is to transition and lead a normal quiet life. I am truly astounded and amazed by the trans activists I see on the tube from time to time. They are laying down their very lives on the line there. Not only are they potentially knocking out any possibility for a love mate but they are painting a target on their own backs. Believe me, they are so brave to do what they are doing for us. I start crying overtime I see someone do that for ME.

Author of Squirrel Cage


Quote from: awilliams1701 on March 18, 2015, 05:27:13 PM
To be successful you would need to get the boycott to go WAY past just transgender people. You would need massive support. We are what? about 1% of the population? If we stopped going (I've never gone) then they probably wouldn't even notice. If you were to get the entire LGBT+ community in on it, it would be more effective. I hope it works out, but I can't see a boycott working at this point.

I agree. We'd have to mobilize the entire LGBT community and allies.
Have you read my short story The Eve of Triumph?


Quote from: Cindi Jones on March 18, 2015, 05:57:41 PM
I'd be truly surprised if we are 1 percent of the population. I've heard that number before but it sure sounds high to me. But you are very correct awilliams. Women did not get the vote without the blacks. The blacks didn't get the equal rights bill passed without help from some very brave white people. Gays and lesbians are getting the right to marry with the help from massive numbers of straight people.

Thank <whichever form of deity you choose to insert here> that the gay community has included US in their fights for equal rights. Do you know where we would be without them? NOWHERE. Now that they have a voice and stand with us we are making some progress. The other problem we have is that we truly don't want to be out in front of a camera or have our pictures in the papers. WE DON'T do this to be known as trans people. We have our own agenda and that is to transition and lead a normal quiet life. I am truly astounded and amazed by the trans activists I see on the tube from time to time. They are laying down their very lives on the line there. Not only are they potentially knocking out any possibility for a love mate but they are painting a target on their own backs. Believe me, they are so brave to do what they are doing for us. I start crying overtime I see someone do that for ME.


I understand transgender people are five percent of the population. There's lots of transgender folk out there.

Hugs, Devlyn


I thought LGBT+ was 10% of the population and we were 10% of that. That's 1%. That's just what I heard. I have absolutely no idea at all.


Should a boycott ever prove to be effective please share a thought for me when I am declared bankrupt. I wouldn't need to concern myself about going to Florida as I would scarcely be able to afford to go out the front door.


Ok, I'll bite, what do you do Polly? How do we avoid hurting one of our own?

If the boycott included the big memorial day weekend throw down on Pensacola beach, that would have some real local impact. Oh wait, they all just use the ocean... the great pan-gender toilet