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best way to remove hair for the poor girl

Started by Releca, March 31, 2015, 01:50:10 AM

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I don't really have any spare money each month to spendon myself but want to be smooth. I've plucked some hairs from my hands and arms and beard hairs when I can get them but they always grow back within a month or two. The longest I was able to keep hairs off by pulling them out was 6 months before it looked like nothing had happened and left red bumps for about half that time. Either that or the hairs broke when pulling causing more issues than before. I'm quite prone to ingrown hairs as well plus I'm trying to partially hide it for now. I cut my body hair as short as I can with scissors even in the risky spots but would prefer silky smooth that lasted 6+ months to permanent if possible with low cost methods.
I am a caterpillar creeping along a leaf.

Ms Grace

Sorry, hair removal is anything but cheap. Shaving and plucking are the cheapest methods but as you've found not all that effective in the long term. You could always try buying an epilator which is like plucking en masse. Waxing is the next up the list - more expensive but also more effective. You could DIY waxing but that can get really messy and may result in a lot of ingrowns, a salon will give you the best results but expect regrowth in 6 weeks. Laser and electro at the top of the list - very expensive but ultimately permanent in most cases.
Transition 1.0 (Julie): HRT 1989-91
Self-denial: 1991-2013
Transition 2.0 (Grace): HRT June 24 2013
Full-time: March 24, 2014 :D


Beard is pretty hard without laser, DON'T use cream removers on your face BTW.

I found waxing the cheapest for body hair (when I had it) you can buy waxing kits from the local store if you cannot afford a salon. Should last 4-6 weeks?

Lots of girls use epilators, I tried one for about 3 seconds :'( hurt like hell.

A trick for beard shadow I was shown when I had one, was to use green lipstick as an underlayer to your foundation, it reduces the colour of the beard shadow.

Ahh what ^^^ she said :laugh:

Lady Smith

Before I had electrolyis I used home waxing kits on my face, but the problem with that is most facial hair is deeply rooted so you need a good length on the hair before trying to remove it.  The problem with that though is becoming a hermit until the hair is long enough to wax.  I had very good results once I learned the proper technique for doing the necessary swift pull on the cloth strips and I didn't have problems with ingrowns either.  After care on any waxed area is important and I used to wipe antiseptic cream onto the freshly cleared off skin afterwards to avoid infection and the dreaded red bumps.
I guess I would get 6-8 weeks after waxing before regrowth became a problem, but if you're taking spiro the regrowth hair will be much lighter in colour and over time it becomes a lot more fine.

I purchased an epilator and then hardly ever used it because it was like slow torture and they break off hairs too and cause problems.  I don't know how other folk manage to look after their epilators, but it always seemed to me as if they were just about impossible to keep clean which looked like a great way to give yourself an infection.


Ya waxing sounds like my best option then.

The epilator scares me too just looking at it.

Would you be able to suggest any body creams that would work like Nair or something as a possibility?
I am a caterpillar creeping along a leaf.


Most of the creams work well on legs, arms etc. Don't use them on the genitals or face! They are caustic and will be agony on the genitals and can blind you if they get in the eyes.

Also do a test spot to make sure you don't have a reaction to them.

kira21 ♡♡♡

Do what I did, find the company that makes the laser machines, contact them and ask if they need 'models' for training people to operate them.

I have had my face, legs, bikini and arm-pits lasered for free, as well as thread veins and skin rejuvenation done. I would hate to think about how much it would have cost me. Thousands, for sure. 

Dee Marshall

Also check Groupon. I saw laser, 12 sessions at 95% off, yesterday only and I didn't have the cash, unfortunately. Be sure to do a review check of the place on line before giving them money. Bad lazer costs more in the long run, or so I'm told.
April 22, 2015, the day of my first face to face pass in gender neutral clothes and no makeup. It may be months to the next one, but I'm good with that!

Being transgender is just a phase. It hardly ever starts before conception and always ends promptly at death.

They say the light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train. I say, climb aboard!


I've been at it for 3 years, and still not done.

My advise would be: sell/pawn every luxury item you own (and can do without) and get the best electrologist you can find.

I've worked many extra hours in order to pay for it, and it was money well spent, despite the fact that I still get regrowth. But I am glad I started very early, as it can take years for some.

1977: Born.
2009: HRT
2012: RLE
2014: SRS
2016: FFS
2017: rejoicing

focus on the positive, focus on solutions.


What i've been doing is jsut going for small half hour sessions for electrolysis, costs $40 for me each time i got and generally only get there once a month.

Process is slow going but it does still work at getting the hair out of there, in fact I'm getting close to having full face finished in that session.


Thanks girl. I appreciate the advice a lot. For selling my valuables all I have is old computer and my crochet and cross stick supplies and a few stuffed animals so I don't think that would get me very far.

I am a caterpillar creeping along a leaf.

Jill F



I'd suggest being careful with tweezing or waxing facial hair. An electrologist warned me that follicle damage can result and make electrolysis more difficult if you go that route later.
-=< Jennifer >=-


Jill F

Quote from: jeni on April 01, 2015, 07:53:54 PM
I'd suggest being careful with tweezing or waxing facial hair. An electrologist warned me that follicle damage can result and make electrolysis more difficult if you go that route later.

Yes, anything that encourages ingrown hairs on your beautiful face is bad.