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Banned Victoria N

Started by Susan, April 06, 2015, 06:18:20 PM

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We received this message from the member today:

Quote from: victoria n on April 06, 2015, 01:19:18 PM
I am requesting my negative reputation be appealed and  erased . did I receive this because I violated a rule. No.   

It is prejudicial to me as a person and a poster to give me a negative reputation  because someone did not like what I said.   I would submit it is libelous. they have destroyed  my reputation.

Any post I made was a response to a question asked. If the posters want only positive responses they should state this.

The question on sept 2014 was what was good about being post op.  I stated nothing. and in my case,  it was the truth. I was not being sarcastic. My response  has been since removed as far as I know. 

I AM NOT A TROLL.  my experience being TS has not been all that positive.     

Trans people are always complaining about intolerance. how about trans people and their promoters being tolerant of others with differing points of view. for example being tolerant of detransitioners, people who don't share their point of view. and don't tow the party line, or  someone who is trans and does not want to transition.

Intolerance of dissenting points of view is the definition of a cult. as Andrea James has stated.
If people from Susan's want  me to stop posting I will.  but do not remove my responses, this is equvilent to squashing dissent.

In the past I have posted positive advise to people who were despondent and seemed suicidal telling them words  to the effect  not to give up when everything seemed hopeless.
now with the negative reputation it undermines any post and response I make or have made on Susans. It has basically destroyed all my post on Susan's.

If my neg. reputation stands I will have to stop posting soon, anything I post would be looked through a jaundiced eye.

I will want my request sent up the chain of command 

Mrs Izzy sent it up the chain of command as requested, and I have banned her. This was the ban reason:

QuoteNot welcome on this site. Making quasi legal threats. Reputation is member feedback nothing more. The fact that someone did not like your posts especially that one, is indeed grounds for a smite.

This message was a prime example of how not to ask for an appeal.

These are the smites in question.

QuoteNicole (+35/-0)    victoria n (+0/-3)       what rubbish   In topic    September 08, 2014, 02:44:02 am    
michelle666 (+5/-0)    victoria n (+0/-3)       not ever posting anything positive   In topic    September 07, 2014, 11:19:39 am

This is the post they were for....

Quote from: victoria n on September 07, 2014, 10:59:21 AM
being post op is like living in a nightmare. it literally makes me sick to my stomach.  so I don't see the humor in this question sorry. :)
There is no right or wrong reason for getting SRS.
If you are not happy or have regret after SRS it's not because you did it for the
wrong reason.
some post op transwomen are happy good for them. doesn't make this good for all.
pushing people to get SRS. that is what is wrong.

This is the reputation rules...

QuoteReputation should only be given to reward exceptional posts, and I mean posts which are really above and beyond the fold. Smites should not be used unless a post clearly violates the rules, policies of the site, or the spirit of the community at Susan's Place. Being awarded reputation should be a relatively rare event, and something to treasure. All reputation is reviewed, and any reputation that was given for inappropriate reasons will be removed. Inappropriate smites will result in warnings and other penalties being given.

There was a big discussion at the time this was my contribution

Quote from: Susan on September 12, 2014, 11:31:30 PM

Victoria, SRS is not for everyone, and generally people who are out get SRS at any cost could end up regretting doing so. These are people who lie to their therapist and doctors to get what they want. But for people who follow the process, and go through the hated gate keepers, they don't seem to have these types of problem afterwards.

Only one person ends up making the decision to get SRS or not, you! And if you made the wrong choice, put on your big girl panties and deal with it. Don't come here and attempt to convince people that SRS is wrong for them, simply because it was wrong for you.

I don't want anyone pushing anyone in any direction. We are here to provide information and not to tell others what they need to do in and with their lives. We are each responsible for making our own choices in life, so make good ones.

and this to someone else who felt that Victoria had been unfairly moderated...

QuoteI smited you for the above post. My post to her was not based solely off of that message but her intent and what she stated in that post and in many others.

"Your parents understand more than you think,"  "no trans person is born wrong. the problem is not physical unless born intersex," "TS traits are generated in the mind," "The problem is SRS is dysfunctional," "POR= post op regret," "physically impossible for a MTF TG to have a female brain unless born intersex," "Or you could just miss being a guy," "You are still very young,  do some living first," "Being a male is part of our lives and going away from that is not easy,"  "Don't listen to the defenders of GRS . they don't want any  stuff to come out about the negatives of GRS. And there are plenty of negatives," "SRS is not a panacea. I'd say slow down. srs is a very drastic step. some people are happy and some are not post op. SRS is not all bunnies and rainbows. I know some people who have had many problems post op," "being born male and being mtf is not a genetic disease," "so before anyone starts to transition proceed with caution. some people do great and some not so much," "I hate how it ruins people's lives," "Transitioning is a controversial treatment. HRT carries risks. SRS is an extreme surgery. IMHO a poor substitute for being a genetic female," "IMHO a holistic approach to dealing w/ our issues is a great way to go," "IMO SRS is not medically necessary unless your genitals are deformed,"  "since I am not a women I don't know what is like to be one," "Trans means as mtf  a person was born  with male DNA and a male brain. Not a female brain"

The mods have been instructed "Remove gibberish posts from this member"; and after the post I made to her in this thread "So if you see her doing so (pushing people not to have SRS) delete it and moderate her posts" As I said, "I don't want anyone pushing anyone in any direction. We are here to provide information and not to tell others what they need to do in and with their lives."

After repeated hijacking of other people's threads with their personal regret theme, I ended up having to ban several users including Victoria N from talking about this topic on the site. Which I will admit they did pretty well. 

We don't quash discussion of post-op regret; a google search shows about 1,230 results for the topic on the site.

What we block is when people take it too far and end up hijacking other people's non-regret threads.

I also have serious issues when someone doesn't take even partial responsibility for their decisions. No one gets gender reassignment surgery without repeatedly saying, "This is what I want."

As I said in my response at the time, "I don't want anyone pushing anyone in any direction. We are here to provide information and not to tell others what they need to do in and with their lives. We are each responsible for making our own choices in life, so make good ones."

I also did not look kindly at the insinuation that the members of this site constitute even remotely a cult.

Again if you make what I perceive to be a legal threat against this site, serious or not, I will remove your access to it without hesitation.
Susan Larson
Susan's Place Transgender Resources

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