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Pronoun Adjusting

Started by jjheipz24, July 27, 2015, 12:45:34 AM

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I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this and what they did. I pass really well pre-T and strangers almost always see me as male and refer to me as such. My friends have been spectacular and have been using male pronouns when referring to me. The thing is, when I see them using them or calling me He/Him, it feels weird to me at first like it takes me a moment to realize they're talking about me. I've been noticing I keep internally misgendering myself. It's definitely out of habit because I know I'm not a girl. But I don't know how to stop misgendering myself and stop feeling weird when people use male pronouns. If any of you have been through misgendering yourself, what did you do to stop?


You simply repeat the thought with the right pronouns. It takes a while since it is habit and you have to break that habit.


I've been living full-time as a woman for more than two years, and I still misgender myself. When someone refers to me as "she", I still look around and try to figure out who they're talking about (followed by a moment of amazing euphoria when I realize they mean me).

I've gotten used to it.
Have you read my short story The Eve of Triumph?


Hey there! I've been out as genderqueer for almost a year now and it has taken me about this long to stop misgendering myself.  When ppl used they/them for me like I asked at first it felt really weird and stuff, I wouldn't always realize I was being talked to and stuff but now I'm super comfortable with it. I still on occasion will slip up and think of myself with my old pronouns or even say them when referring to myself, but I'm getting good at not messing them up anymore haha.  And I've heard it's very normal to misgender yourself for a time, so fear not! It will stop eventually :)